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Monday Quotes – Funny Monday Quotes | Monday Morning Quotes

Monday Quotes – Funny Monday Quotes | Monday Morning Quotes

Monday Quotes

Well, It says that No one Likes The First day of New Week Because of We just have a very Happy Weekend and Holiday and then Suddenly We have to get Ready for the Work Load of Daily Life on MONDAY. We Understand the Pain but Just Take it Positively and Start your Every day with Full Energy and Enthusiasm.

“If you meet people who make you happy during Mondays, then it won’t be as hard.”

“Monday is great if I can spend it in bed. I’m a man of simple pleasures, really.”

“I can see smoke on the horizon. God, I hope it’s rest of Monday burning to the ground.”

positive Monday quotes

Positive Monday Quotes

“Monday is the perfect day to correct last week’s mistakes.”

Always believe something wonderful is about to happen.”

To be successful, the first thing to do is fall in love with your work.”

“Be so happy that when others look at you, they become happy too.”

Monday morning quotes

Funny Monday Quotes

“Tuesday is Monday’s Ugly Sister.”

“On Monday, when the sun is hot, I wonder to myself a lot. Now is it true, or is it not, that what is which and which is what ?”

“Monday is like a kid having sex for the first time…it came too soon.”

“Turning your passion into your job is easier than finding a job that matches your passion.”

Monday Quotes

“On Monday mornings I am dedicated to the proposition that all men have created jerks.” – Allen Smith

“It’s Monday but keep smiling.”

“May your Monday be as swift and merciful as an execution.”

Monday Quotes

“Monday is a Basic BITCH.”

“People can be great competitors on Sunday and mates on Monday.”

“Dear Monday, I want to break up. I’m seeing Tuesday and dreaming about Friday. Sincerely, it’s not me, it’s you.”

“After Monday, Tuesday even the calendar says W.T.F.”

Monday morning quotes

Monday Morning Quotes

“Monday morning coffee is just as important as Friday night liquor….almost.”

“Don’t let the word Monday scare you,do something awesome.”

“Don’t forget to be AWESOME.”

Monday Quotes

“Wishing you a happy Monday and a beautiful week!”

“I really need a day in between Sunday and Monday.”

“Make your Coffee Be strong and Your Monday Be Short.” 

positive Monday quotes

Quotes About Monday

“Employers are at their happiest on Mondays. Employees are at their happiest on Fridays.”

Spend life with who makes you happy, not who you have to impress.”

“The toughest activity of a week starts right from Monday morning….it is called “Waking Up”.

Monday morning quotes

“Monday is Shortest Horror Story.”

“There’s no more difficult transition than Sunday to Monday…”

“Monday is one of my favorite days of the week. My 7th favorite.”

happy Monday quotes

“Its Monday,perfect time to reboot your mind and have a fresh start.”

“Monday Again……………………….”

“Monday is great for becoming too busy to die.”

Monday Images

Monday Quotes

“I don’t Think there will be Enough Coffee or Middle Fingers for This Monday.”

Oh, come on. It’s Monday, not doomsday, Make it a Good one.”

“Alright, Monday what kind of bullshit you got for me this time.”

Monday Quotes

Good Morning Quotes

“Monday you BASTARD.”

“Just reminding everyone that it’s Monday, just in case any of you were feeling overly optimistic.”

“I work out Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, take Thursday off, then I work out Friday and Saturday. So sometimes I’ll eat whatever I want on Thursday, like a big breakfast of pancakes and bacon and eggs and stuff. You can eat a big, hearty breakfast because you’re going to burn off most of it during the day anyway.” – Mark Wahlberg

Monday morning quotes

“Everybody has their Favourite Villain and MONDAY IS MINE.” 

“Find a job you like and you will add five days to every week.”

“With enough coffee, even Monday looks good.”

Monday Quotes

Daily Quotes

“Success is to wake up each morning and consciously decide that today will be the best day of your life.”

“All men tend to become angry and irritated at the start of the week. It is the start of the week but is the end of all fun and happiness in life.”

“the dog doesn’t know the difference between Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, so I have to walk the dog early those days too.”

happy Monday quotes

“If each day is a gift I would like to know where I can return Mondays.”

“I need something that’s more than coffee but less than cocaine.”

“Imagine having Mondays as a holiday and then it’s word is the best thing. Will someone please assist me in making it an official holiday and solve all our Monday blues.”

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Monday Quotes – Funny Monday Quotes | Monday Morning Quotes
