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Pregnant Wifes ER Visit for Husband With “Man Flu” Has the Internet CRY-Laughing!!


I’m sitting upstairs right now and both toddlers are downstairs with my husband and bad coldness. You know what that means? The follower flu season is coming. It might not even be the flu, it could just be a coldnes, but he’ll treat it like the affliction because it happens each year like clockwork. Just as sure as the sunbathe rises and sets, I can count on him to be completely useless for a solid week if he so much as sneezes.

Throw it back to 2014. I was about nine weeks pregnant with Cora and Sadie was 6 months age-old. From the moment I woke up, I was violently puking the working day. In the car. Out of the window. During our errands. I was sad and nauseated but operated through it because #MOMLIFE. I frankly remembered I had killer morning sickness or perhaps a gut bug so I moved with it. Then 6 p. m. rollers around … it was clearly not morning sickness because I watched my husband transform title before my noses, stumbling around saying he’s going to puke. Grreeeeeat. The moment he says he’s feeling sick, my sees automatically roll into the back of my pate and touch my prickle. Instantaneous dread.

Stage 1: Grant this serviceman a chance. Try the sugared coming . strong>

‘Ok babe. You’re going to be fine. Just go to the bathroom and try to relax.’

Did he take my opinion? Nope. First stop is our kitchen subside. He retches all over a week’s worth of dirty dishes. He’s obnoxiously thunderous when he’s barfing to make sure I know this is the real spate. The neighbors know it’s the real consider. The next town over knows very. Cue me detesting my life.

Stage 2: This is the actual worst and I’m going to kill him . strong>

‘Seriously Ty ?! Go into the lavatory !! Why would you do that ?! It’s like 5 feet down and the garbage can is RIGHT HERE.’

He starts staggering to the shower and I breathe a sorrow of succor. Thank God he’s in there, perhaps he’ll pulling it together. PSYCH. He’s being so noisy and drastic with his throbbing that I have no choice but to check on him and profess I don’t want to slaying him. I walk in and encounter puking. Everywhere. But not in the toilet folks, nawwwww. In the bathtub. The freaking bathtub. BUT. WHY.

Stage 3: There’s no turning back, he’s committed . strong>

He disposes on the storey with his eyes closed and starts lamenting’ Syd. Syyydd. I can’t. I can’t see…’

Brain: Oh, so now he can’t learn? Is this a joke. He has a flu symptom that doesn’t even exist. Actually, I can’t. I should probably leave. Where is this dude’s mom.

‘What are you even talking about ?! That’s not real life !! Open your freaking eyes. We don’t have age for this. GET UP. NOW. RIGHT NOW.’

My voice was really serious at this pitch. He knew he poked the bear direction more hard, or so I reflected. He made the alternative roadway and decided to become lethargic. Yes. Literally. He represented dead like a possum. I’m standing over him about to puke myself and he starts moaning TAGEND

‘Syd…Call 911. Syd. I’m succumbing … bellow 911. Bawl 9….1…..1…… ’

Stage 4: This dude just told me to call 911.

Hold the phone: You want me to dial 9-1-1 and say what? My grown husband has an upset stomach? He stops responding to me AGAIN and sighs incoherently. He’s wheeling around like a swine in his own turd but in his own barf that’s everywhere but the bathroom. I[ chose] “ve been trying to” call his bluff.

‘Do you need me to call 911 ??? We exactly have the tummy influenza and I’M PREGNANT. I’m tired. You’re telling me I am going to pick up the phone and say this is an emergency. You know they’re going to actually came by RIGHT? Right? I’m gonna do it. I’m dead serious.’

He was sick for maybe an hour surpass at this site. He’s a first responder. He’s the parent of their own children. He’s my best friend. He’s a engagement vet. He’s a devil dog. He’s a biiiiigg child. And then I saw the dreaded call.

Dispatch: 911 what’s your disaster?

Me: Ugh. Hi. How are you? Ughhhh. It’s my husband. He’s … I don’t know, he’s umm. He’s throwing up.

Dispatch: … Ok? Are there any other manifestations?

Me: He can’t find. Or talk. Or move. He’s basically unresponsive.

Dispatch: Any chest pain or shortness of breath, ma’am?

Me:( whispering into the phone) Oh gosh no … he has* the influenza*

Now I’m chastened because I exactly announced 911 for “the mens” influenza. I tell him help is on the way. He amply grasps what I’ve done and says,’ No Syd, wait … dangerously wait. I review I pooped my pants.’

‘Scuse me?

Stage 5: I only called 911, person pooped themselves, the countdown begins . strong>

I morph into Bambi’s father.

‘Get up Ty. GET UP! You MUST GET UP! Dude the paramedics are on their room and you pooped your heaves ?! You’re NEXT TO THE TOILET ?! Why wouldn’t you poop on the lavatory ?! Why are you doing this to me ?! ’

I’m panicking because I know I’m about to be flustered. I start trying to pull down his breathes while he lays like a corpse. No prosperity. Then a lightbulb clicks in his head … He recognizes there’s a really good chance he’ll know one of these paramedics and he miraculously experienced the strength to drag his butt to our apartment to change. The paramedics get to our house and I’m standing there with the worst of resting[ w] itch face. EVER. They ask him what his manifestations are and I’m dying to call him out.

Guys, it’s like an angel came down from heaven and healed him right there on the spot. All of a sudden he could talk again. He could walk again. He could even assure again like a Christmas miracle. They proceed to tell me I need to follow behind them to the hospital because he was going via ambulance. For the influenza. That I gave him. I drive my pregnant backside alone to the hospital while retching in a plastic handbag with my husband in front of me on a stretcher being doted on. It’s the first and last go I’ve ever considered divorce.

Stage 6: Nurses are the bombard

I eventually find his room and I’m throwing up while answering questions for him because he’s back at it again playing possum. He isn’t answering anyone and the nanny distinguished that somebody flu crap from a couple miles out. We prepared nose contact and nodded. Solidarity. She’s all,’ SIR. GET IT TOGETHER. YOU Necessitate TO GET IT TOGETHER. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME? ’ And I’m all,’ THANK YOU JESUS, SING IT SISTER.’ They find out I’m with child and decide to admit me as well because apparently, the influenza is typically exclusively dangerous for pregnant women, elderly and newborns. Now I’m livid. We get our IVs. The wet-nurses keep coming in to give me the’ I’m so sorry’ review. The nod all women know. When someone says their humankind is sick we take a moment of stillnes for each other. United we stand.

We are eventually sent home and he’s trying to chat it up in the car like nothing happened. Good-for-nothing to see here kinfolks. That odious deed of repugnance wasn’t real. But it was. I have to go get the babe from my parents’ the following morning because he’s extremely sick( I’m still sick with what I made him ). I was up all night and I come home to what?

Stage 7: A whole lotta HECKKK NO . strong>

A fresh quantity of puke that ain’t in the toilet. I was positive the dog likewise pooped in the house. Sure didn’t. That would be my husband. Again. Just to remind me how sick he was, he re-offended the members of this house while I was proceed. I obliged him wear one of those bird flu cover-ups and didn’t talk to him for a solid three days. I locked myself in our bedroom until he was ready to come back to ground. To this day it’s still a testy topic in our room. Sometimes we roar. Sometimes we grovel. But I told him one day I would share this story, maybe to help another family in need. So maids won’t feel alone. If you think your centre is the worst when they get sick, come and read this again for a reminder. Beware … “the mens” freezing and flu season is near. This is likely to be you.

** This narrative was written by to Sydney W of Strollin With My Homies and primarily appeared on Love What Matters. Use with permission.

Be sure to SHARE this humorous storey on Facebook to give other wives fighting the’ subject flu’ a good giggle!

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Pregnant Wifes ER Visit for Husband With “Man Flu” Has the Internet CRY-Laughing!!


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