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For April 25, a beautiful, huge collection, Amazing, Funny, Weird, Insane, Bizarre, Cruel Serious, Issues for you… ;)


On Friday our beautiful new postings for the weekend for you…to push the vitality of your brain ;) more than enough to read, listen and view for you too…Yes here is our Linkbox24 again. Today again with a very big collection of new links, with some beautiful clips…a few news issues, of which I hope you’ll appreciate them too… ;)

Clinton sings
Clinton Sings by Primary Shorts Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton sings about her selling points on American Idol…view and listen to Obama too…

Obama sings Obama Sings (by Primary Shorts too) Presidential candidate Barack Obama sings about his selling points on American Idol…and now we’re still waiting for the Idol McCain…

Difficult decisions for women: Caring for the baby or the great job…what says your heart…

Linkbox24 is the place to visit for anyone, send our link to your friends ;) It is a place to advertise too. But not with annoying pop-ups or articles no one should want to buy: Only the best firms and products, the new creative inventions or services could have a banner or a posting here. Either if you want to expose and sell some art or antiques, write me if you’ll like that ;) Or search through our huge archives for more beautiful and Amazing, Funny, weird, some Insane, Bizarre or Cruel and some Serious Issues. In that goldmine of links must be something very special and precious for you too… ;)

Paint Cans Miss Their Target
Some little girl almost gets seriously hurt when a couple of full paint buckets drop from the top shelf of a home improvement store…

Sony Rolly in Motion
The Sony Rolly looks like a funny toy and would be an excellent conversation piece at a party. But I can't imagine anyone being alone with this thing and actually turning it on - talk about annoying…

Cat Vs. Cake Box
This has to be the saddest, most frustrated cat in the universe…

Dog vs. Slide
This dog is determined to get to the top of the slide and even tries jumping half way up. Unfortunately, he never makes it…

Baby Chick Fighting Sleep
This baby chick appears to be crumbling under the weight of its own cuteness. Actually, this chick is just trying to stay awake. Reminds me of myself (not the cuteness) when I'm attending meetings and then having to snap back to attention and hoping nobody noticed…

Stand-up comedian Mitch Benn
Mitch Benn Size Zero - Fashion Week Song Comedy clip from Mitch Benn called 'Size zero- fashion week song' where he sings a song inspired by Fashion Week…

Medieval Times Birthday
When you can't actually go to Medieval Times on your birthday, you have to bring Medieval Times home…

Los Angeles is a Third World city
Los Angeles 'is a Third World city' Los Angeles is becoming a "Third World city" with immigrants making up half its workforce, says a new study. Development threat to iconic Hollywood sign A third of immigrants have not graduated from high school and 60 per cent do not speak English fluently, the Migration Policy Institute found. It said this left immigrants ill-equipped to fill California's fastest-growing occupations, such as computer software engineering and nursing. The organisation added that as the so-called baby boomers reach retirement age, a similar pattern will spread across the US. Ernesto Cortes Jr, of the Industrial Areas Foundation, a think-tank that specialises on social change, claimed Los Angeles was at a crossroads. "The question is are we going to be a 21st century city with shared prosperity, or a Third World city with an elite group on top and most on near poverty wages?" he said. The US Census Bureau last year predicted that by 2050, minorities will account for half of all residents across America…

Extreme Air Racing
NASCAR isn't a motorsport. THIS is a motorsport…

Don't Drive Tanks While Drunk
If you're a real friend, you won't let your buddy get behind the wheel of a tank while he's had too much to drink. The facts: Moscow - An apparently drunk Russian tank driver rammed his 25-ton fighting machine into a remote village cottage while on a vodka run, footage aired on Friday on state television showed. The soldier was filmed driving the tank, armed with an anti-aircraft gun, through a tiny street in Oktyabrskaya, in the Ural mountains' Sverdlovsk region. He clambered unsteadily into his vehicle with two freshly purchased bottles, then rammed a fence and a house while attempting to leave. "He was drunk," a villager said on Channel One television. An assistant at the local shop said the soldier had purchased two bottles of vodka. Army spokesperson Konstantin Lazutkin promised the military would pay for repairs…

Cute Kittens Bop Their Head
A bunch of really cute kitties bopping their cute heads to the beat…

Feeling Good Animation
This is a soulful animation created by a college student in an SVA MFA Design program. The assignment was to create a music video using just type and typographic elements in black and white…

Comedy clip by Twobob
Twobob Spitting Deans Comedy clip by Twobob called 'Spitting deans' about trouble breaking out at the rec…

Deadly mountain pass
Again that deadly Mountain Pass…Lets go for a walk on the narrowest, highest, potentially most deadly mountain pass ever! Take the kids!

Al Qaeda is apparently irritated by 9/11 conspiracy cranks too
Here's one of the more amusing news stories I've seen. Apparently Al Qaeda is irritated with Ahmadinejad's 9/11 conspiracy theories. It turns out the people who committed the atrocity are quite proud of it, and don't want people to forget it. Al-Qaida's No. 2 leader issued a new audiotape Tuesday accusing Shiite Iran of spreading a conspiracy theory about who carried out the Sept. 11 attacks to discredit the power of the Sunni terrorist network. Ayman al-Zawahri, Osama bin Laden's deputy, has stepped up his denunciations of Iran in recent messages in part to depict al-Qaida as the Arabs' top defense against the Persian nation's rising power in the Middle East. The increasing enmity toward Iran is a notable change of rhetoric from al-Zawahri, who in the past rarely mentioned the country -- apparently in a hopes he would be able to forge some sort of understanding with Tehran based on their common rivalry with the United States. Iran has long sought to distance itself from al-Qaida…

Stand-up comedian Ed Byrne
Nicknames and religion Ed Byrne talks about nicknames, arguing with his girlfriend, farting and religion… if you like this one, try the other clips too: Drinking Talking in Bed & Sex Rudeness, Arguments & Fighting its worth it…

Full-earth Rise/set
The Japanese Kaguya probe captures some amazing footage of Earth rising and setting behind the moon…

Stand-up comedian Frankie Boyle
Frankie Boyle Scientists have a lot of time Frankie Boyle talks about how scientists have got too much time on their hands…

Why Call Him God?
This is the 'Riddle of Epicurus'. Epicurus (341 BC, Samos – 270 BC, Athens) was an ancient Greek philosopher and the founder of Epicureanism. Only a few fragments and letters remain of Epicurus's 300 written works. The Riddle of Epicurus or Epicurean paradox is the earliest known description of the problem of evil, and is a famous argument against the existence of an all-powerful and providential God or gods. As translated by David Hume in the Dialogues concerning Natural Religion: If God is willing to prevent evil, but is not able toThen He is not omnipotent. If He is able, but not willing Then He is malevolent. If He is both able and willing Then whence cometh evil? If He is neither able nor willing Then why call Him God?

The Rising Milky Way
The is a time lapse video of the summer Milky Way rising over the Spacewatch 1.8-meter telescope. The Milky Way is one of billions of galaxies in the observable universe, but this one has special significance to humanity as it is the home galaxy of the planet Earth…

Comedy clip by Joel Veitch
Joel Veitch Brown Tap Comedy clip from Joel Veitch called 'Brown Tap' where the Queen does a poor job at fixing someone’s plumbing…

Para-sailing Accident
This couple is on vacation in Turks & Caicos and get pulled down too hard crashing into the side of the boat...

Soccer Flops
These are some pretty bad acting performances by soccer players and some are borderline ridiculous. But in some sports, this is considered an art form. NBA Basketball may be one of the few sports where flopping is considered a skill and a necessary part of the game…

Bungee cord snaps
Sorry Sir, we don't do refunds but you can go again for free…

Mother Duck Needs Some Help
Commuters in Salt Lake City stopped their vehicles on Highland Drive -- not for traffic, but for a mother duck who lost her babies in a storm drain. A commuter saw the mother duck hysterically walking across the street, and decided to stop and help. Another passerby soon joined and the two spotted several baby ducks stuck in a nearby storm drain -- located near 5800 South Highland Drive. The commuters stayed with the birds until animal services officials arrived. Rescuers pulled the baby ducks up from the storm drain, but catching the hysterical mother was a bit tougher because it kept running out into the street -- where cars passed. The mother duck was eventually captured and reunited with her ducklings. The birds were later taken to a pond -- far from the dangers of rush-hour traffic…

Liquid Nitrogen Poof
A science major from the University of Texas pulls off an awesome liquid nitrogen experiment. That's one of the few days I'd actually want to go to class…

Antarctica - weather condition
Filmed at McMurdo Station. You wouldn't want to go outside...

Man Down
We've seen people pass out before but whenever it happens in the army, it doesn't seem to stop whatever drill or ceremony is happening at the time; in this case they just get dragged by the arm to the last row. Now what if somebody was going into cardiac arrest? I wonder what the signal is to get help before you drop dead…

Stupid Jackass Stunt Doesn’t Go As Planned
It's only funny until someone breaks their neck. Then it's still funny except one person's in a neck brace…

Man Falls Off Balcony At Baseball Fight
Looks like he was winning too, until he decided to fall backwards off the balcony and knock himself out…

Kid Stuck in a Claw Machine
Hey, this claw machine is offering an interesting prize - little boys. This kid is trapped inside and can't get out. Too bad we couldn't see how he actually got inside the dip machine…

Nicest Man Alive Helps a Deer Stuck in a Fence
Dinner for the next month basically hands itself to him, and he has to be all PETA about it. I hope he starves…

Pimp My Ride
This guy takes the whole 'Pimp My Ride' thing way too far. All it needs is some flames…

Dude on a Bike Breaks his Jaw Attempting a Jump
The real loser in all this is his boyfriend. Just saying…

Storage tank implosion
That's one hell of a vacuum!

Rampaging Elephant Tramples and Kills a Man in India
It's a terrible tragedy, but India does have 2 billion other people. So it's okay…

Yankee Fan Beats Red Sox Fan
The best part of this clip is in the beginning. The Red Sox fan was actually winning the fight early on when he backed up against the railing and got pushed over it…

Human snake
Pretty clever stop motion video. How long must that have taken?

Rock Out Like Peter Griffin
Is there anything to do on Guitar Hero than play Peter's rendition of Rock Lobster?

Wicked spider man tattoo...
This is a wicked Spider-Man inspired tattoo that somebody got. It was made to look like the guy's skin is ripped and he's really Spider-Man underneath.

Wake-up prank
Booo! Whaaaaaa... That's about it but it's funny...

Top Ten NBA Plays On Earth Day
Earth day turned out to be a particularly good days for plays in the NBA. This video is a compilation of our Top 10 for the day…

SUV ends up in family pool, driver arrested in DUI
SUV ends up in family pool; driver arrested in DUI. The sudden, thunderous, splashing crash outside their bedroom sent Bill and Laura Haggerty from deep sleep to instant fright. Bill Haggerty rushed outside to see what had happened while his wife called 911. He found a maroon sport utility vehicle with its back end submerged in his swimming pool. The driver, who appeared unharmed, opened her door and promptly fell into the water. It was about 11:30 Wednesday night. Haggerty helped the woman out and asked if she was okay. She stank of alcohol, he said, and had a glazed look in her eyes. And after just a moment, she said she wanted to leave. "I said, 'Ma'am, you can't leave, your truck is in my pool,'" Haggerty, 39, said. "She said, 'I can get it out!'"

Mammoth Beast of a Girl Makes Short Work of Some Chick
It looks like an entire herd of fat chicks combined to become one ultimate fat chick...and it's taking no prisoners…

Drive through
Truck loses control and smashes straight through the shop…

Meet an Amazing Three Headed Frog That Baffles Scientists
When the superglue finally wears off, there's gonna to be some embarrassed scientists…

Forklift Sandwich
Some unlucky dude gets pinned between too forklifts…

Biker Fails At Double Backflip Attempt
This guy attempts to do the difficult double backflip but over rotates and crashes hard on his landing…

Two dogs rescued by firefighters
Firefighters rescue dogs from burning house. Two dogs were rescued Thursday after a fire erupted at a home west of Glendale Community College, destroying the house and part of an adjoining property, firefighters said. Later, a distraught woman, believed to be one of the home dwellers, showed up inquiring about the welfare of the dogs. She expressed relief after being advised by Glendale officials that the animals had been safely pulled from the home in the 6800 block of West Palo Verde Avenue, north of Olive Avenue…

18 second knock out
Goooood night...

Pretty Good Fight Breaks Out at the Basketball Court
It's Carrot Top and Gary Coleman...except not as cool…

Awkward Baby Shower
Yeah, you're just a fattie. Sorry…

Kid Gets Attacked by a Chair Throwing Maniac in Class
Okay. Now that all the chairs are on one side of the room, let's learn some Algebra…

Lady Doesn't Want "Homeless" Man On The Tram ....
... because he, apparently, stinks…

Ultimate Faceplant On Concrete
I just love this buddies reaction when he runs up and sees his friends face is full of blood and he says "You just scraped your eyebrow it's not that bad"…

IED Emplacers Destroyed
The 3 that didn’t die in the airstrike probably did a few seconds later…

Flipping guy takes out a girl
A showoff ends up looking the idiot when he knocks out a girl accidentally…

July 7 Bomber's Goodbye To Daughter
July 7 Bomber's Goodbye To Daughter…A home video in which the ringleader of the July 7 bombings, Mohammed Siddique Khan, says goodbye to his young daughter before going to Pakistan has been shown at Kingston Crown Court. Scotland Yard pixilated the video…

Little Piece of Shit Talks About Killing the President
Hopefully the secret service already showed up at his house and took his Xbox…

Father And Daughter Reveal They Had Baby Together.
Father And Daughter Reveal They Had Baby Together. A FATHER and daughter who have revealed they are couple and have a child together had another baby who died a few days after birth from a congenital heart disease, court documents show. South Australian couple John and Jenny Deaves with their daughter, Celeste. Picture: Channel 9 John Earnest Deaves and his daughter Jennifer Anne Deaves are at the centre of an incest scandal in South Australia over their seven-year relationship. The pair revealed their relationship on Channel 9's 60 Minutes program last night, saying they were just asking for some respect and understanding. In March this year, they were placed on three-year good behaviour bonds after pleading guilty to two counts of incest. District Court sentencing judge Steven Millsteed said the first count of incest was based on an act of sexual intercourse which resulted in the birth of the couple's first child. The second count of incest related to an act of sexual intercourse which resulted in the birth of their second child in May last year. "The first child was born in 2001 but died a few days after birth due to a congenital heart disease," Judge Millsteed said. The couple had started a relationship together after being reunited in 2000, almost 30 years after Mr Deaves separated from Jenny's mother. Because of problems with her own marriage, Ms Deaves had gone to live with her father at Yongala, in South Australia. Their physical relationship developed later that year and both ended their marriages and began living together. But that has been challenged by Mr Deaves' ex-wife who has rubbished claims he had not seen his daughter for 30 years. Mr Deaves' ex-wife Dorothy, 69, who he married long after splitting with Jenny's mother, told ninemsn that when she married John Deaves in 1984, the then 15-year-old Jenny stayed with them for a week. "It was hard to face for a long time," Mrs Deaves said. "It's one of those things everyone's so upset about." Jenny stayed with them four times before their marriage broke down in 2000 after the father and daughter took a trip to Dubbo together, she said. "Each of you say that the other has provided care and affection that was missing in your marriage," Judge Millsteed said earlier. "You also say that although you are father and daughter, that you were virtually strangers when your relationship commenced and that the relationship was based on mutual love and respect." The couple had their first child while living in Rockhampton, Queensland, before moving to Port Pirie, in South Australia. After the birth of their second child they moved to Bordertown, near the Victorian border where the Department of Families and Communities became aware of their relationship and turned the matter over to police. Judge Millsteed said that when contacted by police the Deaves made full admissions. He said both Jenny and John Deaves told him that they accepted their sexual relationship must end but hoped they would be able to continue to support one another and the children. But he said while the case was not typical he had to impose a sentence that impressed upon them that any resumption of their incestuous relationship was unacceptable. "The offence of incest exists not merely to protect children from sexual abuse," Judge Millsteed said. "In my view, other relevant factors include the need to prevent the high risk of congenital defects in children born of incestuous relationships and to prevent children suffering psychological harm and social stigmatisation." Revealing their relationship on Nine last night, the Deaves said they were just asking for some respect and understanding. Mr Deaves admitted that he "initially" thought having sex with his daughter was wrong. "Emotions take over, as people no doubt realise. There are times during your life where emotions do rule the heart, it rules the head," he said. "I knew it was illegal. Of course, I knew it was illegal but you know, so what."… INSANE STORY OF AN INSANE "COUPLE" Father and daughter for God sake!!!

This post first appeared on Linkbox24, please read the originial post: here

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For April 25, a beautiful, huge collection, Amazing, Funny, Weird, Insane, Bizarre, Cruel Serious, Issues for you… ;)
