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For May 05, a beautiful, huge collection, Amazing, Funny, Weird, Insane, Bizarre, Cruel Serious, Issues for you… ;)


On Monday our beautiful new postings for the workweek you…to push the vitality of your brain ;) tell your boss it will help him too ;) Enough to read, listen and view for you too…Yes here is our Linkbox24 again. Today again with a very big collection of new links, with some beautiful clips…a few news issues, of which I hope you’ll appreciate them too… ;)

Boy and girl
Boy and girl by Sean Donnelly a boy and a girl explore the inside of each other’s heads…another animation worth to view ;)

Nothing beats the guy – he says – is that true?

Linkbox24 is the place to visit for anyone, send our link to your friends ;) It is a place to advertise too. But not with annoying pop-ups or articles no one should want to buy: Only the best firms and products, the new creative inventions or services could have a banner or a posting here. Either if you want to expose and sell some art or antiques, write me if you’ll like that ;) Or search through our huge archives for more beautiful and Amazing, Funny, weird, some Insane, Bizarre or Cruel and some Serious Issues. In that goldmine of links must be something very special and precious for you too… ;)

The Cellar Dad's Past Comes To Light.
The Cellar Dad's Past Comes To Light.New information is emerging about the past of the Austrian man who kept his daughter captive for 24 years and fathered her children. Reports suggest Josef Fritzl committed other sex crimes and should have been caught earlier. Sky's Greg Milam reports…

Snapping Turtle vs. Baby Duck
This baby duckling has no chance against this snapping turtle, especially when a second turtle arrives to join the feast. But the duckling's mother was close by and swooned in to stomp out the turtles. It was difficult to see in this video whether the baby duck survived or not…

Kite Slams Dude After Lifting Him 25ft
A gust of wind causes a kite to lift some dude over 25ft in the air then suddenly slamming him into the dirt below…

French Woman Kept In Attic For 30 Years.
A French woman who was tortured by her adoptive father for almost 30 years and has six children by him wants to be friends with Elisabeth Fritzl who was held captive by her father. Lydia Gouardo has spoken out after Elisabeth's plight became public…

The DC Madam was murdered
Alex Jones discusses the death of Deborah Jeane Palfrey on the day of her death. Best wishes to her family, friends, and other loved ones. Rest in Peace Ms. Palfrey March 18, 1956 -- May 1, 2008…

Giant ocean sunfish
The ocean sunfish (mola mola) is the largest bony fish in the world. It is a unique pelagic fish, and specimens of ocean sunfish have been observed up to 3.3 m (11 ft) in length and weighing up to 2,300 kg (5,100 lb). Curiously, the Ocean Sunfish has a very small brain compared to its size: A 200 kg specimen may have a brain the size of a nut weighing only 4 g. It would explain their quiet behaviour and how often they get trapped into fisher nets…

Actor collapses on stage for real during heart attack scene...
A SICK actor collapsed on stage - at the same time as his character was meant to have a heart attack and die. Steve Dineen was taken to hospital after he keeled over during the dramatic finale of Mike Leigh's famous comedy Abigail's Party. In the play, lead character Laurence dies of a heart attack in the final minutes and Dineen was moments away from acting out the death. So when he fell suddenly to the floor, the audience at Musselburgh's Brunton Theatre thought it was just part of his impressive performance. But co-star Alice Selwyn noticed Dineen's struggle was genuine and came out of character to ask for a doctor. The actor was taken to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary and kept in overnight for tests. The theatre's marketing officer, Paul Brunton, said last night: "It was very traumatic at the time because it coincided with the exact moment where Steve's character was about to have a heart attack. "It was almost like real life imitating art. "Thankfully, Steve is going to be OK. We've had lots of phone calls from the audience to check on him, which has been nice." Theatre spokeswoman Rachel Menzies added: "It had been going fantastically well up until that point, so it was quite a shock. "When it became clear to some of the other actors that he wasn't acting anymore and that he was in some distress, they asked for the show to be halted…

Little Girl Bawls at the Sight of her Own Shadow
If my shadow looked like the 4 year old love child of Hercules and Pippi Longstocking, I'd cry too…

Woman walks through glass door
Keep your eye on the door at the far end…

The ins and outs of real women and their curves
When Princess Beatrice stepped out of an azure ocean in the Caribbean last week displaying a teeny-weeny blue bikini and an hourglass figure straight out of a Gok Wan naked makeover, not everyone was sisterly about the stunning contours on display. The Daily Mail covered itself in a scabrous rash of articles about the 19-year-old princess. One called for the return of "the Victorian habit of descending fully clad into the surf from bathing machines". Another demanded that "someone buy the poor girl a sarong". A double-page spread lamented the "curse of the mummy gene" and eagerly looked forward to a royal diet. But not for the first time, the Daily Mail is behind the times: boyish is so over. Partly this is down to reality-TV formats: there's money to be made from taking a curvy woman, applying a belt and then revealing to her and the nation that underneath the baggy rugby top she looks strikingly like Marilyn Monroe. It certainly doesn't help those of us whose bodies stoutly refuse to be "cinched in", but it's an extremely easy way to make a transformation.

Chinese Truck Fails Crash Test
This Chinese made truck failed a crash test at a whopping 40mph (64kmph). Now you know why these cars are so cheap!

Bride Doesn’t Find Best Man Funny
Everyone is loving this Best Mans speech, everyone except the bride who looks mortified…

How To Make Glow In The Dark Mountain Dew
How To Make Glow In The Dark Mountain DewLearn how to make a bottle of Mountain Dew glow in the dark using some only some peroxide and baking soda. Really cool!

Dizzy Kid Runs Into Pole
This is actually pretty mean. These parents spin their kid on a little playground dish at least 50 times and then watch as he gets up dizzy and walks straight into a pole…

Dance Floor Collapses At Christian Rock Concert
Ironically, the only people injured were atheists…

Disorder man was fed up with police
A DRUNK mechanic with 73 previous convictions swore at police because he said he was sick of them harassing him. Jason Bridger was arrested after he swore at officers at The Cross in the centre of Worcester on Sunday, April 20. Bridger, 22, of Boscobel Place, Lowesmoor, Worcester, admitted a public order offence of being threatening, abusive or insulting to police when he appeared at Worcester Magistrates Court.

Aussie rules - Leg snap
The first few camera views don't catch it that well but trust me the last one gets it perfectly…

News Anchor with ADD Reports on Kids with ADD
Check out the reporter's wig. I hope the Cavs win tonight. (Video courtesy of Watercooler Films)…

Huge Metal Container Explosions
Polish kids make use carbide to blow up metal containers sending them sky high…

Poor Dog Cant Keep Up with its Evil Owners Treadmill
The owners should be put on a conveyor belt leading to a wood chipper. Just to be fair…

Michael Moore on Larry King Live April 30
Michael Talks with Larry King about Hillary and Obama…

Britain’s Got Talent Michael Jackson Surprise
Pretty awesome Michael Jackson dance duo from Britain’s Got Talent. PS who is the female host of this show? She is smoking hot!

Cats in Unison
Again: Well, almost in unison. Three cats sit together and watch something move around!

Space Elevator Test Run
"Although the day started with difficulties, it ended with a successful 1000 foot space elevator test climb to a tethered 10-foot diameter balloon - LiftPort's first really significant climb. This was supposed to be a 1 mile climb test, but the FAA-required aviation orange paint - applied at 50 foot intervals to the ribbon - contained acetone, which weakened the ribbon. The first two attempts of the day resulted in ribbon breaks due to this acetone-induced degradation. (Lesson here: test what you will use!)…

Dude Standing Around Gets Sucker Kicked in the Face
Why dodge a kick when you can just stand there and save all that energy?

The Sad Truth About Relationships
I will, at all costs, avoid this generic procedure…

Riot cop nailed by drum at Mexican soccer match
On ya head!

Kevin Spacey Imitator
Kevin Spacey imitates Paccino, Marlon Brando, Christopher Walken, Clint Eastwood. Does a great job…

Babies Thrown Off Tower
In case you missed this one: Babies are dropped several stories for good health and good luck at a shrine in Solapur, in Maharastra, India. These people think that dropping their newborn infants from a height of 50ft (15.24m) down to people holding a sheet is good for their baby!

Why You Should Learn How to Hold a Shotgun Before Firing
Hold the damn thing with some strength. It's a gun, not an infant…

Harrier Dropped GBU-12 "500 Pound" Laser Guided Bomb On Insurgent House - Iraq (Mature, Featured) "Air Strike On Insurgent House In Iraq"…

Another Unintentionally Successful Suicide
At least they managed to take his pants off before he fell. Those were nice pants…

Idiot Suspect Runs Himself Over Trying to Surrender
Either a 7 year old did the editing on this video or that helicopter has a microphone from the future…

Cops At The Front Door - US (Mature, Featured)
Cops At The Front Door – US After shooting their guns, 2 stoners are upset the police showed up.** Inside the house can be seen here: When Your Best Friend Is A Weed …

Rail slide without a skateboard
He skips the boring part and gets straight to the good bit where he smashes his nuts on the rail. Why? Honestly...

The Empire Strikes Barack
In another movie remake, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton join "forces" and take starring roles in this Star Wars Classic. The second installment in a unique chronicling of the 2008 presidential election....Obama Hillary Clinton Reverend Wright 2008 election John McCain Star Wars Also check out Baracky Balboa…

Soldiers Fight Insurgents in Sadr City
Footage of U.S. Army Soldiers engaging special groups along Jamilla Road in Tharwa 2 in Sadr City. Provided by 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division Public Affairs…

Idiot Painfully Fails at an Attempt to do a Bicycle Kick
At least I think it's a bicycle kick. Don't blame me, I call it soccer…

Swear bingo...
The aim of the game is to piss someone off enough to say all of the swear words…(mature NSFW)

Car Passenger Gets Shot by a Cop After Opening Fire
A Nigerian who just lost his hands for stealing has better aim than this guy…

Big Boobs Karate Chop
This woman on a Bulgarian talk show uses her big boobs to do some karate chops. Melons vs watermelons…

A Big Gay Following
A Big Gay Following…no further comment...;)

This post first appeared on Linkbox24, please read the originial post: here

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For May 05, a beautiful, huge collection, Amazing, Funny, Weird, Insane, Bizarre, Cruel Serious, Issues for you… ;)
