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Updating A Chinese Lantern


I bought this Chinese lantern at a thrift shop in Sweden. I just really like its' lines but I wasn't too crazy about the fabric or colors. My fist idea was to simply update the whole thing in black and white and be done with it.

I took the panels out and then scanned them to my computer. In photoshop I was easily able to change them to black and white and clean them up a little. I then ironed cotton fabric onto freezer paper I had cut to 8 X 11 size. And in my regular printer I simply printed the image straight onto the fabric. This is a great way to print on fabric as you don't have the change anything to mirror-reflection. Though – be aware – it might likely take quite a few mess-ups before you get it the way you want it (in other words not stuck in the printer). I then glued all the panels onto a piece of fabric and inserted the entire strip into the lantern.

The only problem. It didn't look good. It looked too busy – especially given where this thing hangs.

So instead I decided to add more white and text. I downloaded a free font – yorsat – that made the letters look a little like Chinese characters. I then found this awesome Chinese proverb:

“To attract good fortune, spend a new coin on an old friend, share an old pleasure with a new friend, and lift up the heart of a true friend by writing his name on the wings of a dragon.”

This time I typed the proverb on the computer using the yorsat font. I then reversed the text so it would print its' mirrored reflection. Lastly I printed the text onto wax paper (the kind you use to wrap sandwiches) I had cut to the size of 8X11. This essentially creates a rub-on so then all I had to do was to lay out my new fabric and using a credit card I rubbed the text onto the fabric.

And now I actually like a lot better! A few words of warning if you attempt this – make sure you change you printer settings to photo paper or thick paper or there is an almost guarantee the fabric will get stuck using the freeze paper method – or the ink will smear using the wax paper method. Also, I wouldn't attempt this on a new printer as there is a potential it may not survive too many fabric printing related projects. I know may printer just about had it with me. But the lantern looks cute :)
The Thrifty Decorator -

This post first appeared on The Thrifty Decorator, please read the originial post: here

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Updating A Chinese Lantern
