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5 Reasons to choose silk flowers for your wedding

5 Reasons To Choose Silk Flowers For Your Wedding

Flowers are as much a part of a wedding as the bride, the groom and the wedding dress.  The oohs and aahs ring out at weddings and on your special day, the flowers must do the same. Not so long ago the only flowers to have at a wedding were the real thing but today it is not so. Silk flowers are becoming increasingly popular and here are 5 reasons why you should choose silk flowers for your wedding.

Keep the memory alive

Fresh flowers at a wedding last the day, just, and once the wedding is done and the honeymoon is over that is it. Some couples may choose to dry a flower but other than  that the memory of the flowers vanishes a day or two after the ceremony. Silk flowers last a lifetime, they do not wilt or die and the floral decorations can be kept and used for years to come. You could keep a few of the flowers and have them rearranged for later use and every time you glance at the arrangement the memory of your wedding lives on.

Never out of season

Getting the right fresh flowers for your wedding at some times of the year can be hugely challenging. Modern farming and distribution of flowers does mean that most blooms are available pretty much all year round. However, at some times these out of season flowers come at a premium. Silk flowers are in season all year round, the price remains what it is and they will always look fresh and lifelike, especially if they are from Demmerys.

Crazy Creativity

Fresh flowers have limited creative options associated with them compared to the non-living varieties of flowers.  With silk flowers the options of colour and design are limitless, if you want neon purple flowers you can choose them. Above all, silk flowers are more flexible and despite looking delicate and dainty, they are tough as nails. This means they can be bent and worked into shapes and styles that could never be imagined with fresh flowers. With silk flowers, you can wild with you floral décor and wow your guests.

Always perfect

There is nothing worse on a wedding day than the flowers arriving and they damaged, wilting or close to dead. Sometimes the red or the cream that was selected was not available on the morning of your wedding and the colour or even the flower was substituted for something else. With Silk flowers, you will never have this problem. If you chose pink carnations and cream lilies then that is what you will get. The flowers will be perfect with no bruises or broken stems, just superbly pretty, lifelike and stunning flowers.

No sneezing guests

There is always that one wedding guest who has an allergy to flowers or pollen and this guest is the one that sneezes throughout the entire wedding ceremony. With silk floral décor at your wedding, this problem is eliminated. Silk flowers are 100% allergen free and the sneezing of the guest will now not have to be edited out of the wedding video.

The post 5 Reasons to choose silk flowers for your wedding appeared first on Demmerys.

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5 Reasons to choose silk flowers for your wedding
