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5 things I learned by having the floral art in my workspace

5 Things  I Learned By Having The Floral Art In My Workspace

For many years, companies and places of work have added a touch of colour by having flowers as part of the décor. Over the years, the ideas of how and even where flowers are used in the workplace have changed and Demmerys is keeping up with the trends. At Demmerys, we know our floral works of art make the perfect “pick me up” in any office, but what have we learned about having floral art in the workplace?


Many offices are not exactly works of art themselves when it comes to décor. Many office and workplaces are decorated out of convenience and for practicality rather than looking amazing. Flowers, especially the floral designs from Demmerys add an amazing splash of colour and break up the drabness to put a smile on one’s face. A Demmerys arrangement can totally uplift any workplace

Less Stress

Wirth bright and cheerful floral décor in the workplace happiness levels are boosted. When people are happy stress levels drop and that makes the workplace even happier. It is hard to think that a simple, cheerful display of silk flowers could make such a difference, but it is true. With a flower arrangement from Demmerys even the dullest of workplaces can made happier and less stressful.

Not about the size

One of the surprising things learned about using floral décor in the workplace is that it does not matter how big or small the flower arrangement is.  Even the smallest of silk flower arrangements, tucked away on a desk can make a difference to the working day. A small silk lavender plant adds just enough joy to the workplace to make a big difference. Floral works of art such as those from Demmerys come in all sizes but each makes its very own amazing statement.

Hides the truth

The dirty truth about workplaces is that they all have dirty truths or unsightly places that need to be hidden. Sure it is easy to turn a blind eye but floral décor can more than cover these places up. Silk flowers are especially good at covering up these eyesores and turn unsightly places into places that breathe joy and happiness. Because silk flowers, such as those from Demmerys, are so hardy and easy to maintain they fill the places you don’t want people to see with ease and last for a lifetime.

First Impressions

First impressions count and what a person first sees when they enter any place of work is what will remain with them. A stunning floral work of art such as a exotic flower arrangement or perfect silk orchid is the perfect way to greet anyone in a reception area. The flowers on display create a lasting impression for anyone who enters the premises either as a visitor or staff member and this works wonders.

Floral décor in the workplace something every business needs to consider and Demmerys have the perfect solution for all needs.

The post 5 things I learned by having the floral art in my workspace appeared first on Demmerys.

This post first appeared on Demmerys, please read the originial post: here

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5 things I learned by having the floral art in my workspace
