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5 things about floral décor your boss needs to know

5 Things About Floral Décor Your Boss Needs To Know

Flowers in offices and other places of work have always been an important thing. The flowers have become part of any business, however many managers and company owners are doing away with flowers as they are seen as wasteful expenditure in tough financial times. Demmerys, the UK’s leading producer of silk and manmade flowers has 5 things your boss needs to know about the use of their floral décor in the workplace.

Flowers Reduce Stress

The workplace is often stressful and one of the best ways to combat stress is to create some calm. Flowers, especially the amazing arrangements of floral décor from Demmerys achieve this perfectly. Silk flowers places strategically in the office or workplace fill the space with happiness and cheerful colours and a simple glance at the flowers puts a smile on a face reducing stress.

Flowers Boost Productivity

With less stress in the office, productivity increases. Whether this productivity increase is a direct or indirect result of having amazing flowers and floral décor in the office is not entirely certain but it is a good thing. Flowers, especially realistic flowers from Demmerys could well contribute to a healthier bottom line.

Flowers create a lasting impression

What do people see when they walk into your workplace or boardroom? With a stunning arrangement of flowers from Demmerys the first thing they will see is quality flowers. The flowers will create a lasting fist impression of happiness, comfort and quality. Surely these are the things you want anyone to see and feel. Quality flowers, especially some of the centre piece floral arrangements from Demmerys make a big statement and the flowers can even match your company colours

Flowers from Demmerys save money

Many companies have had fresh flowers in their offices for many years. The cost of fresh flowers is high as they need replacing frequently and they also need attention as water becomes murky and there is nothing worse than dead or dying flowers in a vase. Silk flowers from Demmerys in the workplace remain looking fresh for many years and require little, if any maintenance. A Once off purchase of some superb, lifelike flowers from Demmerys will save any business money in the medium term.

Flowers from Demmerys make great corporate gifts

Finally, floral décor solutions and first class corporate flower arrangements from Demmerys make outstanding corporate gifts. Whether given as a general thank you to an employee or as an end of year thank you to a company who has supported your business, silk flowers from Demmerys are the perfect gift. There is a growing trend to give flowers such as those produced by Demmerys and corporate gifts and with these flowers your boss will never be forgotten and always known as someone with a big heart to keeps up with trends.

Flowers in the workplace are amazing, flowers from Demmerys take amazing to a completely new level so speak to your boss today.

The post 5 things about floral décor your boss needs to know appeared first on Demmerys.

This post first appeared on Demmerys, please read the originial post: here

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5 things about floral décor your boss needs to know
