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Artificial Flowers New York

Artificial Flowers New York

New York, New York so good they named it twice. At Demmerys, we have recently taken New York by surprise and maybe it now needs to be named three times. When asked to add some colour and style to an upmarket New York apartment with our range of outstanding floral décor we pulled out all the stops.

Adding a little charm and colour to any home is something that the handmade flower arrangements from Demmerys do with absolute ease and when asked to decorate a New York apartment it was a challenge too good to be true. New York is known as a city where style and functionality blend into one and our superb silk flowers are exactly that.  It could well be said that the floral décor solutions from Demmerys are made with New Yorkers in mind.

Being asked to provide the perfect floral décor for any home is always an honour and when asked to decorate a New York apartment Demmerys took it seriously. Liaising with the owner of the apartment we were first shown images of the rooms and given a virtual guided tour. Once we had an idea of the space we began to ask about flowers, colours and of course design. Providing the right flowers for any space is not just about supplying flowers, there is a lot more to it.

We needed to have an idea of what the owner of the New York apartment liked and wanted to understand what the objective of the flowers was. Floral décor solutions from Demmerys are so much more than just flowers and we can supply flowers that look entirely natural or something  a little  more extreme. In many ways, our flower arrangements are very much functional art.

Having discussed the requirements, the Demmerys team began putting some ideas together. We played with colours and took the function and form of each arrangement into careful consideration. If was very clear that some of the rooms needed flowers that made a statement and here our silk orchids hit the spot. Other rooms needed something a lot more subtle yet at the same time classy and some of our grasses and plants found a space. Smaller arrangements   such as our hydrangea flowers and some artificial lavender were proven to work wonders. All in all, Demmerys found a good balance to provide the ideal floral décor solution for this apartment.

Of course, one of the top reasons for choosing artificial flowers was to save on maintenance time and our flower arrangements do just that. However, another consideration was that the arrangements provided had to stand the test of time. Not only did the flowers have to remain fresh and lifelike, the design of the arrangement needed to remain stylish or at least contemporary.  The final solution delivered found the perfect balance and today this rather normal New York Apartment has a superb upmarket appeal and personality thanks to some amazing, very lifelike flowers.

The post Artificial Flowers New York appeared first on Demmerys.

This post first appeared on Demmerys, please read the originial post: here

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Artificial Flowers New York
