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Silk Flowers: which ones look most real?


When it comes to silk flowers and floral décor some flowers will always look more real than others, there are some things that Mother Nature will always do best. However, when it comes to silk flowers and faux blooms there are essentially four things to look for to ensure your flowers look the most real. These four truths about silk flowers will help you choose the most realistic flowers and fool most people most of the time.

Natural Colours

Natural colours and more neutral colours always work well. Choosing natural colours will automatically sway the mind towards believing the flowers are real. Green and white will always look that bit more real when it comes to silk flowers and floral décor and the colours are so prevalent in nature.

Choosing tonal colours, rather than flat of solid colours also makes a difference. Every November millions of fake poppies are sold, they are obviously not real. However, making a poppy out of tonal red silk will leave you thinking otherwise.
Choose native or familiar flowers

The best silk flowers are the ones where the real flowers almost look like silk. Roses and magnolias are prime examples, as are silk orchids. The materials used to make man-made roses, magnolias and orchids are of such high quality that they mimic nature perfectly. Silk simply has a way to look like real petals in these flowers. Peonies, Hydrangea and Dahlias are also superb flowers where silk blooms can be so convincing you need to sniff and find out.


Foliage is an important part of making silk flowers look real. In some ways the foliage distracts the eye just enough to keep the realism alive and in others it just creates an overall look and feel. The materials used today to make foliage by companies such as Demmerys are of such high quality one would believe the greenery to be real. With silk flower arrangements to make them look real, part of the trick is to balance the flowers with foliage. Sometimes the vase or planter also plays a clever part in making flowers look real.
Getting the most realistic blooms

This sounds a little too obvious but let me explain. There are silk flowers and then there are realist silk flowers. Realistic silk flowers take time, patience and effort to produce and Demmerys know that too well. A silk flower doesn’t just happen, it takes the hands of a master flower maker to produce blooms that match the blueprint Mother Nature provided. Because of this the most real looking silk flowers are rarely the ones you find in an art or craft shop, very often they are not the ones found in a supermarket or department store. The best and more lifelike silk flowers are the ones made by those who live each day trying to make flowers look more and more lifelike for discerning flower lovers like you.

The post Silk Flowers: which ones look most real? appeared first on Demmerys.

This post first appeared on Demmerys, please read the originial post: here

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Silk Flowers: which ones look most real?
