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Myth-busting Silk Flowers

Myth-busting Silk Flowers

Myth-busting Silk Flowers

Man-made floral decorations have had a lot of pretty negative things said about them over the years. People have many preconceived ideas about flowers that are not real and some of these can be exposed as totally false. Here are a handful of things that people say about silk flowers that we can now expose the truth about.
Silk Flowers are dust magnets.

This is an absolute myth. Floral décor needs to change from time to time; the old fashioned idea of a silk flower arrangement sitting on a shelf for years on end is no more. Today, the trend is to alternate floral decorations and have a choice of displays, not just to avoid dust but also to keep a space fresh and cheerful. Many people invest in a number of flower arrangements that are used at different times of the year.

Silk Flowers are a mission to clean ?

This again is total nonsense. Silk flower arrangements are not only easy to clean but in their own way are therapeutic to clean. The most basic cleaning merely requires the use of a damp cloth to wipe over the plants and it takes only a few minutes each week. Another trick, one that Sharon Demmery from Demmerys loves is to blow the flowers clean with a hairdryer.

Silk Flowers are expensive?

This is actually true, but you pay for what you get. High quality floral decorations such as the flowers produced by Demmerys vary in price and for the higher end, luxury displays one does pay a little bit more. Quality is something that is often forgotten about today and choosing high quality floral décor made from the best materials is actually an investment. Remember silk flowers will last much longer than fresh flowers and thus the price pay rewards you for much longer, many years longer in fact.

My gran had silk flowers, they are old fashioned?

This is something that is debatable. Everyone has their own taste in flowers and how they are arranged and displayed. Modern day floral designs are far from old fashioned and many of the arrangements are real works of art. Sure, some people want something a little more traditional or cottagey but silk flowers today can be amazing décor items for domestic or commercial use. The vase and the flowers used can make what seems like something that is old-fashioned come to life for the modern age.

But, they are not fresh!

Of course, silk flowers are not fresh but they are remarkably lifelike and realistic. Fresh flowers look good, there is no denying it but replacing them every 10 days or so becomes expensive. Fresh flowers are great for a special occasion, but they soon droop, wilt and die and the joy they bring is short-lived and that is sad. Silk flowers remain looking fresh and alive for years to come and bring long-term happiness and joy wherever they are used.
Silk flower arrangements make superb investment pieces and it is well worth having a closer look at them for when you next need to use flowers for something.

The post Myth-busting Silk Flowers appeared first on Demmerys.

This post first appeared on Demmerys, please read the originial post: here

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Myth-busting Silk Flowers
