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Sharon Demmery’s Tips for taking care of silk flowers

Sharon Demmery’s Tips For Taking Care Of Silk Flowers

Sharon Demmery’s Tips for taking care of silk flowers

The floral décor solutions from Demmerys are easily the most realist flowers available online in the UK. Produced from the highest quality materials and designed to last a long time they can look as fresh as daisies (excuse the pun) for many years to come if well looked after.

Keeping your floral décor looking fresh and alive is actually very easy and much of it common sense. Here are Sharon Demmery’s tips for taking care of your amazing flowers.

Where you display the flowers

The first part about maintenance of your amazing floral décor is all about where you display your flowers. True, Demmerys do use the highest quality materials but like everything, they do not last forever, although they come close. Some materials have UV protection on them to slow down sun damage but the ideal way to take care of your silk flowers is not to place is direct sunlight all the time.  The sun can fade colours and it makes sense to make a prepare for a safe place to display your flowers.  You can always ask Demmerys about the best place to display your silk flowers because Demmerys are real people who make flowers that look real.

Give your silk flowers a break

Of course, at Demmerys, we want you to display our flowers all year round, however giving your floral display a break from making you happy helps maintain the flowers. Changing to another floral display in a different season or for an occasion makes a lot of sense and storing away your floral décor properly is essential. There is no rocket science to this and Sharon recommends a pillowcase as this is delicate, breathable and strong. Put the flowers away in a safe place in the pillow case and they will remain fresh for when it is there turn to shine again.

Cleaning the flowers

This is the most important part of taking care of your silk flower arrangement. A simple wipe down with a damp cloth is often all that is needed to keep the arrangement looking fresh and alive. Try to steer clear of paper towels as they tend to not clean the plants well and can leave residue. Sharon’s top tip for cleaning her flower arrangements is to simply give a gentle blow from a hairdryer on cool to blow away the dust that settles. Making a weekly clean of the floral décor in your home or office is not only a wise idea but is remarkably therapeutic,  Sharon says that her Grandchildren actually enjoy it.

Silk flowers from Demmerys really are a great investment, they are extremely easy to look after and maintain. Provided you clean the plants regularly and take general good care you will have a lifetime of joy and happiness from any floral arrangement you invest in.

If you have any other tips for cleaning and looking after your silk flowers, why not let us know and leave a comment below.

The post Sharon Demmery’s Tips for taking care of silk flowers appeared first on Demmerys.

This post first appeared on Demmerys, please read the originial post: here

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Sharon Demmery’s Tips for taking care of silk flowers
