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Red Hydrangea Arrangements

Red Hydrangea Arrangements

Hydrangeas bring back many happy memories for me and my silk hydrangea arrangements evoke many. Whether I see real or artificial hydrangea I cannot help think of my teenage years.

I recall heading out on summer’s evenings and walking down a lane. At the end of the lane was a house with a superb garden and n this garden were some red Hydrangea bushes. These flowers, to me were magical and in my mixed up teens managed to make me smile. Today my artificial hydrangea arrangements still make me smile. This impressive silk hydrangea with its red and black is very teenagey to me.

The blood red silk hydrangea in this arrangement is a deep and powerful flower that looks so lifelike. The pussy willow that complements the artificial hydrangea is something again from my teenage memories. Along the avenue to where the red hydrangea grew were a number of pussy willow trees that made the whole place feel peaceful. Just like the artificial hydrangea in this arrangement, the red flowers shone out amongst everything.

The silk hydrangea in this arrangement is strikingly realistic. The Colours are so vibrant and so dense the artificial hydrangea begs to be seen. The quality of this entire piece is strangely powerful and at almost a metre tall is deserves prominence wherever it is placed.

To produce a flower arrangement with silk hydrangea that look as real as these everything has to revolve around quality. Nothing but the best quality everything can make these silk hydrangea plants as lifelike as they are. This means no corners can be cut in the preparation of the materials to make the flowers.

At Demmerys, silk hydrangea look beyond lifelike because of the quality of the materials used.  The finest silk and the strongest wires make for formidable flowers. The give an added touch of realism to the artificial hydrangea the pussy willow branches are of equal quality.  The materials are the best of the best and this shows in the finished product.

To make this arrangement what it is the entire piece is hand crafted by the best flower makers in the UK. Placed in carefully selected vases and arranged artistically these silk hydrangea but a prized work of art that will grace any home or office. Because of the quality, this prized possession will deliver years of happiness and many smiles, and it all started with a teenage memory.

The post Red Hydrangea Arrangements appeared first on Demmerys.

This post first appeared on Demmerys, please read the originial post: here

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Red Hydrangea Arrangements
