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White Artificial Orchids Champagne Cooler

White Artificial Orchids Champagne Cooler

I love weddings, as they are always a source of inspiration for my arrangements of white artificial flowers. This almost bushy display of artificial white orchids was inspired by a number of weddings, and the champagne bucket makes it a real celebratory piece.

This particular display of artificial white orchids is one that always reminds me of my own wedding day. It has something about that hums the wedding march and makes me feel happy. Because of my love for good champagne, one of my girlfriends gave me a champagne bucket as a gift. Of course, I immediately saw it was the perfect container for my flowers, especially my artificial white flowers.

The artificial white orchids in this display are cheering “hooray” and one can almost hear the wedding bells. I can assure that you won’t find any confetti in the arrangement of artificial white flowers. However, this does not stop you using these amazing flowers at your own wedding so it can find some. This arrangement is perfect for a centrepiece at a wedding and is one that people will truly admire.

The high quality silver, and quite heavy, champagne bucket lifts up the already high quality artificial white flowers. The realist looking artificial white orchids sit so perfectly well in the bucket that one automatically feels like celebrating. The realism and lifelike looks really do shine in this arrangement as they do with every masterpiece from Demmerys.

There is no substitute for good Champagne; quality grapes make a quality wine. The same approach is used in making these artificial white flowers. Only the best ingredients are used to make Champagne so we only use the best materials to make our artificial white orchids. Nothing is left to chance and not even a pin or clip is second best.

Because this is such an impressive and amazing piece of art, only the very best flower makers are allowed to work on it. Thankfully, Demmerys has an amazing team of flower makers who know how to turn artificial white flowers into living breathing works of art. Thanks to them, this arrangement of perfect artificial white orchids lives, breathes and becomes and investment you will never regret.

All the quality that goes into this creation ensures it will last well beyond just one celebration or one wedding. The artificial white flowers in the arrangement will last a lifetime and will make you feel like you are celebrating something every day.

The post White Artificial Orchids Champagne Cooler appeared first on Demmerys.

This post first appeared on Demmerys, please read the originial post: here

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White Artificial Orchids Champagne Cooler
