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White Phalaenopsis Orchids Silver Vase

White Phalaenopsis Orchids Silver Vase

Every time I produce a display of  fake orchids in a vase they arrangement is inspired by a memory. I have a childhood memory of my school headmaster’s office. He had this trophy with two handles on his windowsill and in it he had an orchid. I have no clue what the trophy was for and honesty cannot even say why I was in his office, I was a good girl… honest. I know now that the plant he had was an orchid and this strange memory has led to the creation of this fake phalaenopsis.

I don’t know what it was about that shiny metal trophy that became a rather handy planter, I guess I never will but I am grateful for the memory. This fake phalaenopsis kind of come close to what I remember but even if it didn’t I would still love this display. I love the look and feel of my fake orchids in vases and where I can become more creative with the vase I love it more.

However, there is nothing really fake about this arrangement. To me, thanks to my memories, there is a massive element of realism. The fake phalaenopsis looks  so real because it was intentionally made so and the silver planter just adds to it.    Like all the fake orchids in vases that Demmerys make, realism is the intention.

Everything about this fake phalaenopsis is quality, from the way it is displayed to the fake orchids in the “vase”. That was what made the orchid stand out in the headmaster’s office, the way it was displayed.  His orchid was less intentional than this arrangement, his just happened this was created. However, basing this arrangement on his flower makes this more real.

Every petal and every stem in this unusually elegant display of white fake phalaenopsis orchids is made to perfection. Made to perfection to ensure a quality product for every customer. The same is true for al the fake orchids in vases I make. Demmerys use only the best materials, unlike the flower in my headmaster’s office nothing is left to chance.  Then once the best materials are chosen the best flower making hands weave and craft the flowers into something spectacular.

Overall, this becomes a superb investment piece that never fades and brings happiness to anyone that owns it. There is only one problem… no matter how long I stare at this I cannot recall why I was in the headmaster’s office.

The post White Phalaenopsis Orchids Silver Vase appeared first on Demmerys.

This post first appeared on Demmerys, please read the originial post: here

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White Phalaenopsis Orchids Silver Vase
