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White Orchids Ripples Silver Vase


I always remember by much older family members talking about flower arrangements from the past.  This beautiful arrangement of white artificial orchids is inspired by those stories. In sincerely hope my fake white orchids do justice the happy tales I was told as a child.

This arrangement of white artificial orchids in a silver ripples vase dates back to the 1930s just before the war. My late, great aunt told me of a dancing hall where fake white orchids were used for décor. She always said how impressive they were even though she knew they were fake. This always made me smile and in a way I can truly relate. This arrangement I know is fake, the best fake white orchids in my opinion and I still love it.

There is something really charming about the white artificial orchids in this unusual silver vase. It very much resembles, in my mind at least, how my old family members described things. With this arrangement of white artificial orchids, my mind and my imagination became the foundation. I took memories of stories told to me as a child and turned them into art.

True, these may be fake white orchids to begin with but now they are a  living breathing masterpiece. The white artificial orchids seem alive in the silver vase that creates a sparkle in my mind. I smiled at the finished article when I saw this for the first time and that smile is partly why I love what I do.

These white artificial orchids started out the same as all the Demmerys fake white orchids. They started with a workbench filled with the finest flower making materials imaginable. At Demmerys, we create works of art such as this from only the finest materials. We source the very best silks, wires and vases to ensure we deliver lifelike flowers and plants.  The Demmerys Promise is to deliver the very best or better, this cannot be achieved with poor quality materials.

Once the materials are laid out the hard work of making fake white orchids that look alive and real begins. These artificial white orchids will become an investment, we want you to be happy. If we are not happy this amazing piece will never leave the workshop. Only once we are 100% happy will it wing its way to you and we know then that you will be happy and more than content.

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White Orchids Ripples Silver Vase
