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The Big Move

I often include stories of my own life to connect or resonate on why I find some stories more relevant than others. The blog started as a business focus when I had my remodeling business, Vida Verde, that dissolved when the economy did the same; this evolved into a coaching/consulting business and lastly writing about the industry. That business is now closed and done and I leave Seattle in 48 hours and that journey takes me to new places and new business ideas that will mark another adventure in what has to say the least been an interesting life.

The blog too as evolved and it now discusses issues that I think are relevant - the Medical Industrial Complex, that includes Doctors, Hospitals, Health Insurance and of course Big Pharma and the other related businesses that make this truly a complex industry.

The other issue of import is that of our Legal system, primarily Criminal Justice but I have addressed Civil issues as those two have also touched my life and I feel that my experience is one shared by many in both courts.

The last is about Education and as I contemplate a return to the classroom on a full time basis I believe that is the key to what encompasses all the issues that again I believe make America great (not again as it has always been great) - the prime issues of income inequity and that of "social justice." I find that phrase a white persons re-branding or euphemism of simply what are all the "isms""ations" "phobias" that make America not so great - Racism, Ageism, Sexism, Homophobia, Islamaphobia, fill in the blank -ism, phobia, etc. that define and make up most of the institutions that comprise the American way of business - both in government and private industry.

And as I get ready to move it became part of the process to once again rid myself of things that define and confine me and in turn decide what to keep, why and how to part with that which clutters my life.

The first was offering it to others who did not follow through or make any concerted effort to actually do so, then selling it via auctions and consignment with the same people going, "I would have bought it." Then we had the charity give away and lastly literally leaving things on my neighbors doorstep. I chose the Latino immigrants who had moved here from Florida the past year, we never spoke or exchanged words until I did so and they are good people but this is Seattle and you do not do more than ever exchange pleasantries and certainly not often. The Seattle Freeze is not a myth.

Then came the actual move. Not one to shy from either Antiques, Art and books, my estimator came by and warned me to not buy anything else after I rid myself of the promised units. Well I lied (not intentionally) and instead rid myself of some other things, refurbished another that I was planning toss, repairing a vintage table that too was going to toss (when quoted $500 bucks to fix it, I did for $20 and was thrilled with my endeavor so they stayed) and bought a vintage cubby, but I figured the trade off with weight was approximately the same. That is how an interstate move is handled, by weight. I have done it enough that while I would say I have to a fine art form that is impossible as it often falls to the hands of humans. Here is where I would welcome tech's creation of the moving robot and self driving car for this as it takes the guess out of estimate and has less emotion to add to an already emotional experience.

Despite my love of Marie Kondo's book on the Joy of Things, at times you do struggle with what is too much and way too much and we Americans love stuff. But I had the mantra in my head of the estimator, Dave and thought dude I am so going to hit your target number. So boxes to charity, free on the street and stuff to my neighbors and I was going to do this. And 6 weeks later moving day arrived and I thought I was ready.

My mover, Dennis, was a burly bald headed dude with the personality to match. It began amicably enough but by hour one I was no longer called by name, I was referred to as "lady" and later addressed as ma'am. There was no order to the move, which truly would be a walk through, use that opportunity to find out what is not essential and start tagging those and move the larger bigger items out immediately as that time to take apart or down said items will take time and enable him then go into the largest staging area, my garage and tag all those smaller items while they are doing the big stuff. This was not the Dennis way. He tagged items as he went, moving items into other items and reprimanding me when he found something he did not like. Had we had walk through the property and discussed the plan of attack I could of started where he did and worked in tandem finishing that as his crew moved through. But the best part was his demand when we started was "I need to use the bathroom" and did so when I asked him repeatedly to keep he and his crew to the toilet downstairs as I was using this bathroom as storage for my personal things they were not moving.. coats, suitcases, purse etc. No, and they continued to do so and locked the door to the point I had to finally realize they had literally locked me out of my own bathroom as they shut it locked. I thankfully was able with a screwdriver I did keep for emergency's in my purse to rig the other pocket door to open after they left.

The day progressed to worse when they managed to take boxes before I was finished packing them, despite no shortage of others that were ready, nearly leaving behind an oriental rug which I did get them to take despite their protests that it was damaged and why should I. Then the issues around outdoor garden pots and candles in tin cans with lids on them (travel candles that I use in the yard) as they would cause a fire. (Uh they are in tin cans with lids they would what burn through metal and do what exactly?)

The argument over the garden pots which I had been told that if clean they would simply be wrapped in moving blankets (all 12 of them) which again Dennis did not understand why I wanted nor supported that idea (a consistency that I came to recognize)so I finally agreed to buy some dish boxes to put the pots in but not all the paper that Dennis suggested I put in the boxes. This was now getting to the point of the absurd, so hey I know I will used broken up cardboard to wedge between the pots, something Dennis did not like, maybe because it kept the weight down?

It was this which finally led up to the final argument about a vintage phone booth about 300 lbs in weight that is a garden piece. It became such an ugly exchange that I left it.. and frankly it was an albatross, so selling it would have cost me as much to transport it and moving it was the same so let someone else have it.. my gift to my landlord, whose own agenda added to the chaos as he too was suggesting that he be there to do the final walk thru in some bizarre attempt to either help me and make sure we got it all or make sure we don't get it all such as his appliances.  Well surprise he was the one who benefited from the leaving not the taking. (In all reality his only query when I said we were done and I was gone by 4 was about the garage door opener, so there was his priority.)

I felt bullied, maligned and worried about the people whom I hired to orchestrate my move and handle my belongings to move across the country. The endless nasty nature and inability to effectively communicate was the massive issue and when one is on the receiving end of what is already a stressful situation it adds to the anxiety. As what was more distressing was realizing that I had to deal with this man again on the other end and that truly worried me. And it became clear when the one tub of electronics from my office that I was packing (saving the best for last) was taken and whisked into the truck and leaving the surge protector with the plugs to the modem and my MAC still on the floor. They were to go into the same box that I had already run out to put the modem in and when I came back to put the other items, I was told they were not going to fit so he would shove them between two moving blankets. He already informed that my modem did not fit in the basket and that he let me put in there despite it but was not going to allow me to add these. So instrumental and essential items that I need and depend on are wedged between two blankets. There were not shortage of even small boxes that I could have put them in and had added to the bill of lading and tagged.. but Dennis knows better.

I shudder to think how the TV was packed despite my buying all the appropriate cushions and wedges they were left behind and the box I had to put that surge protector was also left behind making me wonder about that TV box and the state it was in. My Sonos wireless speaker and Sub had the original boxes and let us hope they made it in there. I would have again packed them myself as well I unpacked them myself so I do actually know how to do this it is just the TV lifting that I cannot nor would not even if I could.  I had all the appropriate boxes and padding but the boys did it without my supervision and I am hoping for the best as that is what one does when you leave others to do things you can do but did not for whatever reason.  

There were many snide remarks about getting the Hansen team (that was the local contracted company with a stellar reputation) to finish packing for me, as what that was was not clearly explained; the stuff I had left for me to actually finish packing was by intent to keep me busy on moving day,  as I had done ALL of it on my own, with no help so why at this point would I? If I got in there alone and managed to fill my garage and still have it accessible who do you think did the real heavy lifting, my invisible husband who was vaguely referred to and inquired about?

So when Dennis arrived it was after 9 am  and it was approximately 1:30 when they finished. I was the one who dragged it out because I had to get the helper to walk through with me to get the oriental rug, the vacuum they had ironically tagged but not taken but  left the patio umbrella pole but took the umbrella (I found the pole on the garage floor ignored after they left so I pay for the umbrella which will be utterly useless and have to be tossed once it gets there great) while Dennis the lead was doing his paperwork and endlessly bitching and muttering.     Again the reasoning and oblivion was amazing about what movers thought I should and should not take and the constant criticizing and demeaning me in passive aggressive manners was obviously more important that actually doing the job, a complex and time consuming one on EVERYONE's end.

 Does it matter if it is mine and if I am paying for it then move it?  As a friend suggested, if I had Ikea the true mover's friend of shit then it would make sense but pointing to a 200 year old dresser and going, " see the feet on this they are scratched up you know that it, its damaged," was utterly hilarious. Yes Dennis it as old as the two of us and lived this long with just some scratches, wow just wow. And that was Dennis' assessment of my furniture, old and damaged, like the owner.

As it had started slightly positive with my attempts to bond and connect to this man and his adorable dogs deteriorated from "you can put your things in storage in transit it costs more but is better than putting it in storage only to get things out a week or two later since you are actively looking for a place or just renting a dump to only move out weeks later," to ending with the comment, "well not to be negative but you are not going to find any place in Nashville to rent so you should think about what to do with all of this as you aren't going get a place"   No Dennis you are not negative at all, this whole day you were a warm breath of air and sunshine.  But the best part is when he told me he would be in Nashville on Monday which he later changed to Tuesday after he was in Missouri on Sunday.  HUH? The estimator said I had until the 28th before I needed to get my ass in gear and then have a clear and final address, but what amazed that I ,who is flying, literally as in a plane, was actually finding out that Dennis was beating me there driving. Wow he must drive fast and shit with no sleep putting the dogs at risk, himself and damaging my entire set of belongings, to get there so that my stuff will go into storage, the street, in transit into a dump apartment (one or all them)  so this will be great for that future mediation claim.

So Dennis knowledgeable about antiques, my idiocy in packing and of course housing availability in Nashville then informs we he know that my weight is over 8300K. Really? Wow he is like Kreskin! He forces me to sign a change order without any verification of this, then not being negative at all gives me the bills of lading to sign with of course my missing power surge and cords and some other minor items like the oriental rug not on there either but hey half of a patio umbrella is, so maybe that is the difference, who knows and who cares? Well I do.

The final weight was 7300, perhaps that was taking Dennis off the truck an his fat ass that made up that difference.  Irony that it was right on the estimator's target, which I took quite seriously and jiggered with knowing that if it was wrong, my secret hoarding furniture would be exposed!     But what it also says that I was the one who did most of that figures' heaving lifting.   I knew exactly which  pieces topped that weight scale, and they are only 6 items - W/D, King Size Bed, Antique Bookshelf, Antique Cabinet (that once again the master of Antiques told the helper to remove the shelving.. it does not remove one is actually slightly damaged and can be removed but should not.. but whoops until he realized it wasn't the helper nearly fucked up that piece right in my house with me watching him and telling him no.. yes my no was not the master of the domain, that is now Dennis' job) and a table.  This old worn out antique herself did almost half that weight.  Welcome to old broad moving, we pack hard and know our shit.

The horror stories of moving abounds. The reality is that you have little recourse should items be "lost" or damaged. This is an industry long acquainted with the mediation process and that you sign your life away when your possessions are loaded into a third parties truck owned and operated by one individual who in turn often contracted by another. And perhaps that too explains Dennis, his demeanor and frustration with my use of small boxes, plastic tubs and my unfinished packing strategy. In past moves I have had time to do so as it gives me something to do while they are literally doing the heavy lifting. But I was so distracted, so off put that I was moving in several different directions, leaving tasks unfinished only to find them gone when I returned, lids missing or items shoved into drawers and told that I needed to take care of that. Well I would if we had some order to the disorder you asshole.. but you cannot say that as this man is now in possession of every single thing you own.

I did contact the agent in charge at Hansen Brothers and hopefully some of the issues I brought up to them as critical and essential will be resolved.  I am sure they are right now talking about the crazy white bitch and her shit.  Yes there was an old woman who lived in a shoe.... 

I never in my life thought it mattered that I was a woman. I was wrong it does and and as we approach this election with the hair club for men equivalent to Dennis running for President versus a woman who has her own men's issues I wonder if we truly get that America will never change, be the same or return to anything. We are just what we are as we move forward - constantly in transit, constantly in motion and going somewhere we just start it over in the same way we left it.

And when you are a woman there are times in life when you can find yourself either in collaboration and cooperation with the forces and powers that be and other times in full collision with the same, it all changes in the wind.

This post first appeared on Green Goddess VV, please read the originial post: here

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The Big Move


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