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Workshop Maintenance Program
One of the core competencies of the Trainers Methodology Level 1 focuses on the importance of maintaining our training facilities that will ensure the conduct of training with less interrupt… Read More
As per Trainers Methodology Level 1 (TM-1) Training Regulations, the Core Competency Maintain Training Facilities (MTF) is described as a,"... unit [that] covers the skills and attitude in m… Read More
Competency Based Training Resources
In the past tutorials, I had tackled the different materials that a Certified Technical-Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Trainer needs to have and to prepare in order to conduct a Co… Read More
As per the TM1 Training Regulations, the Core Competency Plan Training Session is described as a "...unit [that] covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in planning a training session… Read More
Energy storage is an important component of every solar powered system, and one of the most commonly used storage for this purpose is an energy cell.  Eventually, for most people… Read More
Technical Drawings
Fig1. A Good example of a Technical Drawing that complements each other.Source: in United States. Dept. of the Air Force, Public domain, via Wikimedia CommonsIn Technical work, we utili… Read More
Electronic Tool - Multi Tester
In my past blog, I wrote about soldering tools, for this blog, I'll be writing about multi meters. Fig 1. Analog multimeterSource: : KZang, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wi… Read More
Electronic Tools - Pliers
 Basic Electronic Hand Tools The next tool that I will be writing today is the good old pliers.  fig.1 Side cutting (Diagonal) pliersin public domainVery  much simil… Read More
Basic Electronic Hand Toolsfig 1. Standard, Flat or Negative Screwdriver Jiří Sedláček, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia CommonsBefore starting with electronics… Read More
Electronics was the very first course that I took, and also the very first subject I thought.For the blog that I will posting starting today, I will be talking about basic electronics, more… Read More
It has been a long time since I've actually posted on this blog of mine, mainly due to my busy schedules and changes in priority in the past few years.  Thus, I was no longer able to ma… Read More
It has been my observation since I became a TM-1 Facilitator of the kind of difficulty that a TM-1 Trainee tends to encounter when developing their respective Session Plan. For this blog… Read More
"Not because our senses could not comprehend, will it necessarily means we will never be able to understand and know what lies behind. In fact, there are times that we are called upon… Read More
As per the TM1 Training Regulations, the Core Competency Plan Training Session is described as a "...unit [that] covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in planning a training session… Read More
Miguel's Recital At Harbor Poit
Last summer aside from enrolling my son to a swimming lesson, our Parish Priest had decided to contact a friend of his that can conduct summer productivity classes. My Son upon learning it… Read More
Weeding My Garden
It's rainy season and in my past experience it is easier to weed out a garden when the soil is still wet.  So I have decided last week to start the clean up and started to remove weeds… Read More
Tokwa't Baboy
Tokwa't Baboy (Pork and Tofu) Ingredients Half Kilo pork Two Pieces Tofu One Onion bulb, sliced  Five pieces Kalamansi (Calamondin) One cup Soy Sauce   Tokwa't Baboy Ingredie… Read More
Adobong Pusit
Adobong Pusit Ingredients: One Half Kilo Squid Three Cloves Garlic, (Minced). One Onion, (sliced) Ginger, sliced One cup Vinegar One cup Soy sauce Salt and Pepper Cooking oil of your cho… Read More
Chinese Radish - An Update
As I was checking on the status of my potted fruit and vegetable plants I was surprised when I saw my Chinese Radish, I sow these seeds on the 22nd of this month and two days after, it has s… Read More
Chicken Afritada
This is a common recipe in our country which I believe originated from Spain and was then localized in a sense that there came lots of variations in regards to this recipe. Anyway, what I wi… Read More
Planting Chinese Radish In A Pot
As I was checking the vegetable seeds that I was able to buy and collect months ago, it came into my attention a package that I bought in a local gardening shop in our place, this one packag… Read More
Making My Own Compost Bin
Since I started gardening last year, one of the things that I really would like to have is my own compost bin, buying one however can cost more that could exceed my monthly  budget for… Read More
According to wikipedia Image From Wikipedia Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a flowering plant whose rhizome, ginger root or simply ginger, is widely used as a spice or a folk medicine… Read More
According to wikipedia: Chayote (Sechium edule) is an edible plant belonging to the gourd family Cucurbitaceae, along with melons, cucumbers and squash. Globally it is known by many names… Read More
Our Guava Tree
Guava Tree One of the common question that I normally encounter whenever I search for the word "guava" in the World Wide Web is "how do you determine if a guava fruit is ripe enough for pic… Read More
My Pork Picadillo Recipe
Pork Picadillo The Philippine, picadillo according to an article in wikipedia "is a soupy dish traditionally made with ground beef and either potatoes or chayote. There are also drier versi… Read More
Solar Panel Project
Fig 1. The Solar Panel It's been years since I have been fascinated by the use of solar panels as a source of electrical power, however, it was only about two years ago when the cost of sol… Read More
As I had mentioned in my previous post, I've decided doing household chores after we transferred to a new house. Well I'm not really a good cook, this however is one of those things that my… Read More
Fish Sarciado
Fish Sarciado Recipe  This dish is one of my foster Mother's favorite that can be prepared using any type of leftover or newly fried fish ...     Ingredients I… Read More
It never was like this when I got married, 7 years ago.  But when my eldest is about to turn five, after entering preschool, he had asked me to look for seeds that he could plant. … Read More
Garlic In A Pot
After transferring to our new home, I'm now closer to the garden that I used to tend a year back, since that garden is located right in our backyard. Thus, my inclination on backyard farming… Read More
Backyard Gardening
In my recent post, I mentioned about the two plants that have survived the rainy season last year, here they are now. Fig 1. "Kalamansi" Tree First is the Calamondin (Kalamansi) tree (Fi… Read More
My Son's Pet Chickens
Bosie and Chicklet Last year, my son was fascinated by food colored chicks being sold at the local wet market during market days.  Peddlers for these colored chicks are common in our c… Read More

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A Houseband's Blog - Houseband at Large
