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Easy Pot Lid and Dishwashing Tab Carpet Cleaning Hack

Easy Pot Lid And Dishwashing Tab Carpet Cleaning Hack

Everyone who has rugs in their home knows exactly the struggle of maintaining it clean and stain-free, especially if you’re hosting a party. A lot of things can happen such as spilled wine, food, water, and any other stuff that could get the carpet dirty. It can get pretty exhausting and expensive to clean, it can also become a hassle switching from product to product and trying to find the best cleaning supply that would work best for you.

That was until I found this easy and simple trick by Smart Fox on YouTube which only requires a pot lid and a rag that is large enough to cover the whole lid completely. This cleaning trick not only leaves your carpet as clean and good as new but it also makes sure that your carpet smells fresh and fragrant. Watch this video tutorial now and give it a try at home to see for yourself!


  • Pot lid
  • Rag
  • Container or bowl
  • How water
  • Laundry detergent pod


Image credit: Smart Fox via YouTube

Get a container or bowl, then place a laundry detergent pod, and pour in the hot water. Stir it around until mixed and dissolved, then soak a rag in it, and wring it well. Wrap the lid with the wet rag, then hold the ends of the rag together with the handle of the lid, and start rubbing it onto the stained area on your carpet. Do a back-and-forth and circular motion until there is no more stain on the carpet, and you should end up with a clean and fresh-smelling carpet.

Image credit: Smart Fox via YouTube

*Thanks to Smart Fox via YouTube for all the images used here. If you love this cleaning hack, then you’ll surely love his other videos too, so give his channel a visit and subscribe!

Easy Pot Lid and Dishwashing Tab Carpet Cleaning Hack

The post Easy Pot Lid and Dishwashing Tab Carpet Cleaning Hack appeared first on DIY Joy.

This post first appeared on DIY Joy Blog, please read the originial post: here

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Easy Pot Lid and Dishwashing Tab Carpet Cleaning Hack
