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The Ultimate Guide to Hoya Bella Care in 2023

Hoya Bella is a truly charming houseplant that captivates Plant parents with its trailing vines and fragrant star-shaped flowers.

In this ultimate guide, we’ll show you the secrets to growing and caring for this popular houseplant, native to Asia, the Pacific Islands, and Australia. So let’s get started and discover how to make your Hoya Bella thrive and bloom.

We’ll start by understanding the essence of this tropical plant, its origin, and what makes it so special. Next, we will dive into the ideal growing conditions, including temperature, humidity, and light exposure. Along the way, we will explore the essentials of soil and potting mix, proper watering techniques, fertilization, pruning, and maintenance.

Later, we’ll discuss popular propagation methods, pest control, blooming tips, our favorite Hoya varieties, and how to troubleshoot common problems. So let’s dive in!

Short Summary

  • Understand the origins and characteristics of these special plants to ensure ideal growing conditions.
  • Provide bright indirect light, maintain temperatures between 53-75°F & humidity at 40-60%, fertilize with diluted high phosphorus fertilizer or organic seaweed extract once a month in late spring/summer.
  • Regular pruning, inspections & pest control will keep your plant healthy and blooming!

Understanding Hoya Bella Plants

Hoya Bella, also known as the miniature wax plant, hails from the tropical regions of Asia, the Pacific Islands, and Australia. This evergreen climbing plant is a popular and easy-to-grow flowering houseplant, featuring succulent trailing leaves and fragrant star-shaped flowers with white petals and a purple center. Its unique appearance and sweet fragrance make it a desirable addition to any plant collection.

Technically, the Bella is a subvariety of the Hoya Lanceolata so you’ll sometimes see it referred to as hoya lanceolata ssp. bella. But most plant shops will simply refer to it as Hoya Bella.

It’s a great option to grow as a hanging plant, as its trailing vines gracefully cascade from hanging pots and baskets. A rare version of Hoya Bella without the characteristic purple center was discovered back in 2007, making an all-white variety available to fans of Hoya plants (Source:

Now that we know more about this delightful plant, let’s explore the ideal growing conditions .

Ideal Growing Conditions for Hoya Bella

This plant thrives in temperatures between 53-75°F, humidity levels of 40-60%, and indirect light with some exposure to morning sun. To ensure yours flourishes, let’s dig into the details of temperature preferences, humidity requirements, and light exposure.

Your Bella will thrive at temperatures between 53-75°F, and the humidity should be controlled to a range between 40-60%, as much as possible.

Tropical Plant Temperature Preferences

This Hoya varietal prefers cooler temperatures, ideally between 71-75°F, but can tolerate temperatures as low as 50°F. However, it is crucial to ensure that the temperature doesn’t drop below 41°F, as this may harm your plant. Maintaining the right temperature range is essential for the healthy growth and blooming of your Hoya Bella.

To maintain the ideal temperature, keep it away from drafts, heaters, and air conditioners that could cause sudden temperature fluctuations for indoor plants. If needed, use a space heater or fan to regulate the temperature in your home and place your plant in a location with stable temperature conditions.

Humidity Requirements

High humidity levels (40-60%) are essential for Hoya Bella’s healthy growth, as it is a tropical plant that thrives in a humid environment. To maintain the required humidity, you can mist your plants regularly, use a humidifier, or place water bowls near the plant. Grouping your plants together can also help create a microclimate and balance humidity.

Another effective method to create a humid environment for is using a gravel tray. Place a drainage tray filled with gravel underneath the pot and fill it with water, ensuring that the water level is low enough so the pot doesn’t sit in it. You can also add peat moss to the potting mix to help retain moisture and maintain humidity.

Light Exposure

Light Hoya Bella with bright, indirect light. It can also tolerate some direct morning sun, but you must protect the plant from harsh direct sunlight in the afternoon and provide shade to prevent leaf scorching. If you’re unsure about the light conditions in your home, you can use grow lights to provide the necessary light exposure.

To encourage blooming, make sure your plant receives enough light. If the peduncles (flower stalks) turn yellow and fall off, it may indicate that the plant needs more light. In this case, simply move your Hoya Bella to a brighter spot and increase the humidity around it to promote healthy growth and blooming.

Soil and Potting Mix Essentials

Photo: California Tropicals

Using a well-draining potting mix is crucial, as it ensures proper aeration and water flow to prevent root rot. A suitable mix should contain sand, charcoal, and bark, which provide the necessary drainage and aeration for healthy root development.

When it’s time for repotting Hoya Bella, choose a pot that is two inches larger than the previous one to provide more space for root growth. Make sure the new pot has drainage holes to prevent waterlogging. Consider an air-root pruning pot to minimize root rot and promote healthy root growth. Refresh the potting mix every two to three years to maintain optimal soil conditions for your Hoya Bella.

Growing Hoya In Semi-Hydroponics

Growing Hoya in expanded clay balls using semi-hydroponics is another valid option for controlling the moisture and nutrient levels available to your plant. Head to this article for more info on growing Hoya plants in LECA.

Proper Watering Techniques

Water the plant when the top two inches of soil are dry, making sure to avoid overwatering and allowing the soil to dry out slightly between waterings. To prevent overwatering, check the moisture level of the potting mix by inserting your finger into the soil before watering. If the soil feels moist, wait a few more days before watering again.

Proper watering techniques will help maintain healthy roots and prevent root rot, ensuring a thriving plant and tantalizing blooms.

Fertilizing Your Hoya Bella

During the growing season, use the fertilizer Hoya Bella with a diluted high-phosphorus fertilizer or organic seaweed extract to promote growth and blooming. Apply water soluble fertilizer to the leaves in the evening to prevent leaf scorching and ensure optimal nutrient absorption.

Fertilize once a month during the late spring and summer to provide the essential nutrients it needs for healthy growth and flowering. Be sure to avoid fertilizing in the winter months, as the plant’s growth slows down and it doesn’t require additional nutrients during this period.

Pruning and Maintenance

You’ll need to prune your Bella to maintain its shape and appearance, encourage bushier growth, and remove leggy vines. However, it is essential to avoid over-pruning, as it can hinder blooming. Use clean pruning shears to trim the plant and promote healthy growth.

If you accidentally remove a peduncle stem while pruning, don’t worry – you can root it in a new pot or share it with fellow Hoya enthusiasts. Regular pruning helps keep your plant looking neat and shapely while promoting bushier growth.

Propagation Methods

Propagating Hoya Bella allows you to expand your plant collection or share your beloved plants with friends and family. You can propagate new plants using stem cuttings in water, LECA, moss, or soil. Proper moisture and humidity levels are crucial for successful root development during the propagation process.

To propagate using stem cuttings, take a cutting from your plant with a few leaves and remove the bottom 2-3 leaves. Place the cutting in your chosen propagation medium and maintain the required moisture and humidity levels. In a few weeks, you’ll see new roots developing, and soon you’ll have a new baby Bella plant to enjoy or share.

Pest Control and Prevention

Hoya Bella plants are susceptible to common pests like mealybugs, spider mites, and fungus gnats. Regularly checking your plants can help detect any infestation early on. To prevent and control these pests, use neem oil, rubbing alcohol, or insecticidal soap and maintain proper watering and fertilizing practices.

Regularly inspect your plant for signs of pests and treat any infestations promptly to prevent damage to your plant. Maintaining a healthy growing environment, including adequate light, humidity, and proper watering techniques, will help keep pests at bay and ensure your Hoya Bella continues to thrive.

Hoya Bella Blooming Tips

To encourage your plant to bloom, provide bright, indirect light, high humidity, proper fertilization, and allow the hoya bella soil to dry out between waterings. These factors contribute to creating the ideal environment to produce its charming, fragrant flowers.

Blooming typically occurs during the growing season, and maintaining the right conditions will help ensure that your Hoya Bella rewards you with its delightful, fragrant flowers. With patience and proper care, you’ll soon enjoy the beauty of Hoya Bella blooms adorning your home.

Other Hoya Bella Varieties

Hoya Bellas, with their dainty, trailing vines and star-shaped flowers, may be the most beautiful Hoya species but that’s a matter of opinion. There are many other Hoya species to explore too.

Discovering different species can add diversity to your Hoya plant collection and expand your relationship with these tropical beauties. Here are a few of our favorites:

  1. Hoya australis: This Hoya variety is known for its glossy, thick leaves and fragrant blooms. It tends to be more robust compared to Hoya Bella and can grow outdoors in milder climates.
  2. Hoya carnosa: Often referred to as the Wax Plant, Hoya carnosa is one of the most common Hoya varieties. Its waxy leaves and flowers make it a unique addition to any collection. The growth pattern is more upright compared to Hoya Bella’s trailing habit.
  3. Hoya coronaria: This variety is prized for its stunning red flowers, a contrast to the delicate white blooms of Hoya Bella. Hoya coronaria tends to be more challenging to care for, requiring specific light and humidity conditions.

Exploring different Hoya varieties can add diversity to your plant collection and introduce you to the fascinating world of “wax plants.”

Pet Safety and Toxicity

Although Hoya Bella is generally safe for pets, it’s important to be aware of the potential hoya bella toxic sap that may cause irritation. It is best to keep the plant out of reach of children and pets to avoid any potential issues. When handling Hoya Bella cuttings, wear gloves to protect your skin from the sap and ensure a safe, pleasant plant care experience.

By taking these simple precautions, you can enjoy the beauty of your Hoya Bella without worrying about the safety of your pets and children. With proper care and attention, your Hoya Bella will continue to flourish and bring joy to your home.

Common Hoya Bella Problems and Solutions

Being aware of common problems is essential for maintaining the health and vitality of your plant. Mold on soil, yellow leaves, and pest infestations can all be addressed by adjusting light and watering practices, replacing soil, and using appropriate pest control methods.

By monitoring your growing conditions and addressing any issues promptly, you can ensure that your plant remains healthy and vibrant. With proper care, your plant will continue to thrive and brighten your home with its charming foliage and fragrant blooms.


We’ve journeyed through the fascinating world of Hoya Bella care, exploring its unique features, ideal growing conditions, and essential care techniques. From soil and potting mix essentials to proper watering, fertilization, pruning, and pest control, we’ve covered everything you need to know to help your Hoya Bella flourish and bloom.

Armed with this knowledge, you’re now ready to embark on your own Hoya Bella adventure, nurturing and caring for this charming houseplant. May your Hoya Bella thrive and fill your home with beauty, fragrance, and the joy of botanical accomplishment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Hoya Bella Albomarginata rare?

The Hoya Bella Albomarginata (or Hoya Bella ‘Anneke Buis’) is a rare and stunning subvariety of the Bella. It produces the same clusters of small white flowers but features green leaves with variegated white edges. This little twist makes it a desirable and sought-after (and also expensive) variety of Hoya.

How do you care for a Hoya bella plant?

Place it near a bright window with adequate daylight, water it when the soil is dry, give it regular mistings and use a high phosphorous fertilizer to encourage blooms.

Fertilizer should be applied every two weeks during the growing season, and the plant should be repotted every two to three years. Prune it to encourage new growth and to keep the plant from becoming too large.

What does Hoya Bella flower symbolize?

The flowers symbolize spiritual enlightenment, inward exploration and alignment with the divine. They create a feeling of stillness through which one can find their higher knowledge, allowing them to open up to fate and its fulfillment. This stillness can be used to gain insight into the self and the world around us. It can help us understand our purpose and make decisions that are in alignment with our purpose.

How often should I water my Hoya Bella?

Water when the top two inches of soil are dry. Let the soil dry out slightly between waterings to keep it healthy.

The post The Ultimate Guide to Hoya Bella Care in 2023 appeared first on Plant Parent Lab.

This post first appeared on The Plant Parent Lab, please read the originial post: here

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The Ultimate Guide to Hoya Bella Care in 2023


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