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Top Causes of Clogged Drains: Mystery Solved!

Clogged drains are an inevitable part of our daily lives, and it’s only when they begin to malfunction that we truly appreciate their importance. From inconvenience to costly repairs, a blocked drain can cause a plethora of problems. This article aims to delve into the main reasons behind clogged drains and provide valuable tips on how to effectively clear them.

Common Causes of Clogged Drains

Dealing with clogged drains can lead to costly repairs if not addressed promptly. Understanding the reasons behind drain blockages can help prevent future issues and keep your plumbing in top shape. Here are some common culprits that can cause drain clogs:

  1. Hair: One of the main culprits behind clogged drains, especially in bathrooms. Over time, hair strands accumulate, tangle, and mix with debris, creating stubborn blockages.
  2. Cooking Oil, Grease, and Fats: Pouring these substances down the kitchen sink may seem harmless, but they can solidify and cling to the pipes, gradually restricting water flow and causing clogs.
  3. Soap Scum: The residue formed by soap and minerals in hard water can build up inside drain pipes. As time passes, it hardens and reduces the drain’s capacity, easily trapping other substances.
  4. Toilet Paper: While toilet paper is designed to break down in water, using excessive amounts or thicker paper can lead to toilet and sewer line clogs.
  5. Tree Roots: Outdoor drains and sewer lines can become clogged when tree roots invade them. Roots can penetrate pipes through cracks or joints, resulting in blockages and damage.
  6. Accidental Objects: Dropping small items into sinks or toilets can obstruct the drain. These objects may get stuck in pipe bends, requiring professional assistance for removal.

By being aware of these causes, you can take preventive measures to avoid clogged drains and maintain a healthy plumbing system.


Hair can be a major culprit when it comes to clogged drains in our homes. Those pesky strands of hair have a knack for accumulating in our pipes, particularly in bathrooms and showers where they tend to get washed away. When hair mixes with soap scum or grease, it forms a sticky blockage that hampers the flow of water.

But fear not! There are a few methods you can try to tackle those hair clogs. One popular option is using a drain snake or a hair-catching tool specially designed for this purpose. These handy tools allow you to reach deep into the drain and gently remove the hair clump. Alternatively, you can also opt for a hair-dissolving drain cleaner to get rid of those stubborn clogs. Just remember to follow the instructions carefully to ensure safety and prevent any damage to your pipes.

Of course, prevention is always better than cure when it comes to hair clogs. To avoid future problems, consider using a drain cover or strainer to catch hair before it finds its way into your pipes. It’s a simple and cost-effective solution that can significantly reduce the likelihood of clogs caused by hair. And don’t forget to regularly clean the drain cover to maintain smooth water flow and prevent any blockages.

Grease and Oil

Dealing with clogged drains? Grease and oil are often the culprits. When you pour hot oil or grease down the drain, it solidifies and sticks to the pipe walls as it cools. Over time, this buildup can cause a serious blockage and disrupt water flow. Don’t worry, there are simple steps you can take to prevent this!

To avoid drain clogs, it’s important to dispose of grease and oil correctly. Let the grease cool and solidify, then scrape it into a disposable container. For any excess grease, use paper towels to absorb it before tossing them in the trash.

Regular maintenance is key! Once a week, pour boiling water down the drain to dissolve any grease buildup. You can also try using a mixture of baking soda and vinegar to keep your drains clean and clear of grease.

Soap Scum

Soap scum is a common culprit for clogged drains in many households. When you shower or wash at the sink, soap and minerals in the water create a residue called soap scum. Over time, this scum builds up inside drain pipes, restricting water flow.

To effectively address soap scum buildup and prevent clogs, follow these simple steps:

  1. Regular Cleaning: Make it a habit to clean your drains regularly. Mix equal parts of vinegar and hot water, then pour the solution down the drain. Allow it to sit for a few minutes before flushing it out with hot water. This remedy helps break down soap scum and keeps your drains flowing smoothly.
  2. Enzyme-based drain cleaners: These cleaners specifically target organic matter, such as soap scum. They contain enzymes that break down the scum, making it easy to wash away. Follow the instructions on the cleaner’s packaging for optimal results.
  3. Consider using a mesh drain cover: Installing a mesh drain cover can help minimize soap scum buildup. It effectively prevents larger soap particles from clogging the drain. Additionally, using liquid soap instead of bar soap can help reduce scum formation.

By following these preventive measures, you can keep your drains clear and avoid persistent clogs caused by soap scum. It’s important to stay proactive in maintaining your drains’ cleanliness and functionality.

Toilet Paper

Toilet paper is an essential item in every home, but it’s important to be mindful of potential clogged drains. Flushing excessive amounts of thick toilet paper at once can lead to plumbing issues. Over time, these accumulations can cause water backup and result in a clogged drain.

To prevent toilet paper clogs, it’s recommended to use the right amount when flushing. Avoid using excessive amounts, as this increases the risk of clogs. Additionally, consider purchasing thinner and more dissolvable toilet paper options to minimize the chances of clogs.

We understand the importance of hassle-free plumbing, and by following these tips, you can maintain a smoothly functioning bathroom without any unexpected surprises.

Tree Roots

Tree roots can sometimes be a real headache when it comes to clogged drains. As trees grow, their roots naturally seek out water and nutrients, and unfortunately, they can find their way into underground pipes, causing blockages and damage. These sneaky roots can enter through small cracks or joints in the pipes and wreak havoc on the flow of water and waste.

But fear not! Prevention is the name of the game when it comes to dealing with tree root clogs. Regularly checking for nearby trees or shrubs near your drainage system is a smart move. If you notice any signs of trouble, like slow drainage or strange gurgling sounds, don’t hesitate to take action. Plumbers are equipped with hydro-jetting and root cutting techniques to clear pipes and prevent further damage. Adding a root barrier around your drainage system is also a great way to keep those roots at bay.

Dealing with tree root clogs can be a bit tricky, so it’s always a good idea to seek the help of a professional plumber. By inspecting your pipes regularly and taking preventive measures, you can avoid costly repairs and keep your drains flowing smoothly.

Foreign Objects

Clogged drains can often be traced back to foreign objects finding their way into the pipes. Items like toys, jewelry, cotton swabs, and dental floss are common culprits. These objects create blockages that hinder water flow and lead to backups. It’s important to be mindful of what goes down the drain and to avoid disposing of things that can’t be flushed. Remember, the old saying “Out of sight, out of mind” shouldn’t apply to foreign objects and your drains.

By taking a proactive approach and educating everyone in your household about what should and shouldn’t be put down the drains, you can prevent costly plumbing repairs. Additionally, using drain covers can serve as a helpful barrier to keep items from entering the pipes and causing clogs. Prioritizing a little prevention goes a long way in maintaining healthy, clog-free drains.

How to Unclog a Drain

If you’re dealing with a clogged drain, it’s important to take quick action to prevent further problems and inconvenience. Luckily, there are several effective methods you can try to unclog your drain:

  1. Plunger Power: This trusty tool is perfect for tackling minor clogs. Simply place the plunger over the drain, creating a tight seal, and then vigorously plunge up and down for about 20-30 seconds. The suction and pressure created can help dislodge the blockage and restore proper drainage.
  2. Get Snaking: For tougher clogs, a drain snake (also known as a plumber’s snake) can work wonders. Insert the snake into the drain and carefully maneuver it around to break up or retrieve the obstruction. Take care not to damage the pipes during this process.
  3. Chemical Cleaners: When used properly, chemical cleaners can effectively dissolve grease, hair, and clogs. It’s important to follow the instructions carefully and wear gloves to protect your hands. However, keep in mind that these cleaners can be harsh and may potentially damage older or fragile pipes.
  4. When in Doubt, Call a Pro: If the clog persists or you’re unsure about handling it yourself, it’s best to seek help from a professional plumber. They have the necessary skills, tools, and expertise to deal with even the toughest clogs.

Remember, starting with simple DIY methods like using a plunger or drain snake is a good first step for a clogged drain. If these methods don’t work, consider trying a chemical cleaner or reaching out to a professional plumber for assistance.

Use a Plunger

When it comes to unclogging a drain, using a plunger is one of the most common and effective methods. A plunger works by creating suction and pressure to dislodge blockages in pipes. Here’s how you can easily unclog a drain using a plunger:

  1. Fill your sink or bathtub with enough water to cover the rubber cup of the plunger.
  2. Position the plunger over the drain, making sure it forms a tight seal.
  3. Firmly push the plunger down, then pull it up sharply to create suction.
  4. Repeat this plunging motion several times, keeping a steady rhythm.
  5. After a few attempts, check if the water starts to drain.
  6. If it’s still clogged, continue plunging until the blockage is cleared.

Remember to use a drain plunger specifically, as sink or toilet plungers have different shapes for different purposes.

Using a plunger is a great way to unclog your drains and save money on hiring a plumber. It’s a simple, affordable, and effective method that creates suction and pressure to remove blockages.

Use a Drain Snake

If you’re dealing with a clogged drain, a drain snake (also known as a plumbing auger) can be a real lifesaver. It’s a long, flexible metal cable with a spiral tip that’s designed to reach deep into pipes and tackle stubborn blockages. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use a drain snake to unclog your drain:

  1. Start by gently inserting the drain snake into the drain opening, making sure it goes in as far as possible.
  2. As you push the snake further into the pipe, give it a clockwise rotation while applying gentle pressure. This helps the auger grab onto the clog and break it apart.
  3. When you reach the clog, keep rotating the snake and slowly pull it out. You’ll usually find that the clog comes out along with the snake, clearing the drain.
  4. After removing the clog, it’s a good idea to run hot water down the drain to flush out any remaining debris. This ensures that the drain is clear and flowing smoothly.

Using a drain snake is an affordable and effective method for unclogging drains. However, if you’re unsure or not comfortable with using one, it’s always best to call a professional plumber who can assist you.

Try a Chemical Cleaner

Chemical cleaners can be a great help when it comes to unclogging drains, but it’s important to handle them with care. These cleaners are designed to break down clogs and clear drains effectively. Here are some key points to keep in mind when using a chemical cleaner:

  1. Take a moment to read and follow the instructions provided with the chemical cleaner. Different products may have specific usage instructions and safety precautions that you should be aware of.
  2. Ensure the area is well-ventilated for your safety. Open windows or use a fan to promote good air circulation and prevent any potential exposure to harmful fumes.
  3. It’s always a good idea to wear gloves and eye protection when using chemical cleaners. This simple step helps protect your skin and eyes from any possible irritation or harm.
  4. Carefully pour the recommended amount of cleaner into the drain, making sure to avoid splashing or spilling it on surrounding surfaces.
  5. Allow the chemical cleaner to sit in the drain for the suggested time. This will give it enough time to work on breaking down the clog effectively.
  6. After the suggested time, rinse the drain with hot water to flush away the clog and clean any residue left behind.
  7. Remember, safety should always come first. Make sure to keep chemical cleaners out of the reach of children and pets. Store them in a secure location to avoid any accidents.

We hope these tips will help you effectively use chemical cleaners for clearing clogged drains. If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to us.

Call a Professional Plumber

If you’ve tried all the DIY methods and your drain is still clogged, it may be time to call in the professionals. A plumber can fix issues with expertise and proper tools. They handle all clogs, from hair to tree root problems. Hiring a professional plumber saves time and effort. They can clear the clog without damaging your pipes. If you try to fix a stubborn clog yourself, it can make the problem worse sometimes. So, don’t hesitate to reach out to a reputable plumber to handle the job.

Prevention Tips

Want to avoid dealing with clogged drains? We’ve got you covered! Check out these effective tips to keep your drains clear and flowing smoothly:

  1. Get a drain cover to effortlessly prevent debris from clogging your drains. These covers keep hair, food, and other gunk out of the drain.
  2. Be mindful of what goes down the drain to avoid blockages. Skip pouring grease, oil, or fat down the drain as they can solidify and cause pipe blockages. And remember, only flush toilet paper down the toilet to prevent clogs. Items like cotton balls, wipes, or dental floss can lead to nasty blockages.
  3. Keep your pipes in tip-top shape by regularly running hot water through them. Hot water dissolves grease, preventing it from sticking to the pipes and causing clogs.

By using drain covers, being cautious about what you dispose of, and running hot water, you can keep your drains clear and hassle-free!

Use a Drain Cover

Are you tired of dealing with clogged drains? Don’t worry, we’ve got a simple solution for you – a drain cover! It’s a small but mighty device that blocks debris and allows water to flow freely, keeping your drains clear and hassle-free. Here are some reasons why using a drain cover is a smart choice:

  1. Say goodbye to hair and food clogs! Our drain cover effectively traps those pesky particles on the surface, making it easier to remove and preventing annoying blockages.
  2. Worried about small objects accidentally going down the drain? Our drain cover acts as a barrier, preventing jewelry, toys, and other items from causing clogs and potential damage to your plumbing system.
  3. Cleaning and maintenance made easy! Our drain cover can be easily removed for cleaning purposes, ensuring a healthy and clog-free drainage system.
  4. Save money by investing in a drain cover! It’s a cost-effective way to avoid expensive repairs or frequent visits from plumbers due to pesky clogs.

Remember, when choosing a drain cover, make sure it’s the right fit for your specific type and size of drains. And don’t forget to clean it regularly to keep it working effectively. Say goodbye to clogged drains and hello to hassle-free drainage!

Avoid Putting Certain Items Down the Drain

To prevent clogged drains, it’s important to be mindful of what you put down the drain. Here are some items you should avoid:

  1. Instead of pouring hot grease or oil down the drain, which can cause clogs when it solidifies and sticks to the walls, it’s better to collect it in a container and dispose of it in the trash. Let’s keep those pipes clear!
  2. While it may be tempting to flush coffee grounds, they can actually clog drains over time. It’s best to throw them in the trash or use them as compost. Your drains will thank you!
  3. Eggshells can cause pipe blockages when their membranes get caught. Dispose of them in the garbage or repurpose them for gardening. Let’s keep things flowing smoothly!
  4. Starchy foods like pasta, rice, and potato peels can expand in water and clog pipes. Avoid flushing them down the drain and dispose of them in the garbage. Our goal is to keep those drains clear!
  5. It’s better to avoid flushing wet wipes, sanitary pads, or tampons, even if they are labeled as “flushable.” These items don’t break down easily and can cause severe blockages. Let’s be mindful of what we flush!
  6. Instead of using harsh chemicals to unclog drains, which can damage pipes over time, consider opting for natural alternatives or seeking professional help if needed. We care about the health of your pipes!

Run Hot Water Through the Drain Regularly

To keep your drains clear and prevent clogs, it’s important to regularly run hot water through them. This simple maintenance step helps melt away buildup and keeps your pipes flowing smoothly. Make it a habit to pour boiling water down your drains at least once a week. This breaks down greasy residue, soap scum, and other substances that can get stuck in the pipes. By running hot water, you’ll ensure that solidified fat and grease don’t cause any issues. Take care of your plumbing without breaking the bank with this easy and effective tip!


Have you ever encountered a stubborn drain that just won’t cooperate? Don’t worry, you’re definitely not alone in this frustrating situation. There are various reasons why drain blockages occur, but in this article, we’ll explore the main culprits and provide you with effective solutions.

  1. Hair Hassles: Hair is a common culprit for drain blockages. If you find yourself facing this issue, you can give a plunger a try. If that doesn’t work, it might be time to seek professional assistance.
  2. Appliance Woes: Sometimes, it’s the appliances that are causing the blockage due to the water and debris they produce. You can attempt to clear the blockage on your own using a plunger or a draining cleaner.
  3. Food Frustration: Food particles can also lead to troublesome blockages. Again, a plunger or a draining cleaner can come in handy to tackle this issue.

Remember, if you ever find yourself struggling with a stubborn drain, don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional for expert help.

This post first appeared on What Should I Do If My Washer Drain Is Clogged?, please read the originial post: here

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Top Causes of Clogged Drains: Mystery Solved!


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