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Patriotism Matters: 6 Metal Signs That Put America First

Patriotism Matters: 6 Metal Signs That Put America First

According to a disheartening 2022 poll from Gallup, only 38% of Americans profess feeling “proud” of their country – a low that hasn’t been grazed in the history of the survey. Indeed, before this rock-bottom result, the number of citizens who answered that way had never dipped below 55%. It’s clear that patriotism is a dying love in the United States, though whether this is a temporary development or a sign of things to come is yet to be seen. One thing is certain: If you’ve been disillusioned with the direction of the country over the last few years, you aren’t alone.

In our humble opinion, however, there is a difference between being dissatisfied with whatever the current political party is doing in Washington and the underlying, beating heart of patriotism. Partisan disagreements have been around since 1776, and we’re sure they will persist long into the future. But no matter what your voter registration says, it’s important to never lose faith in the ideas and ideals of America itself. When that happens, we’re not just losing a country; we’re losing the very faith that has made this grand experiment so successful for the last 200+ years.

As with charity, patriotism starts at home. Here are 6 metal signs that will help you restore and celebrate your love of the greatest country on earth.

6 –  American Flag and Soldiers

Combining the two symbols that stand for patriotism more than any other, this extraordinary sign speaks to the sacrifice and commitment of the United States Armed Forces. Whether you served yourself, belong to a proud military family, or simply know that our country wouldn’t be what it is without those willing to fight and die for our freedom, this sign makes for a wonderful display of enduring love. Like most of the signs in our collection, this one would be just as fitting for a workplace lobby as it would your living room. After all, patriotism should never be confined to a little box. It doesn’t matter if it’s December 13th or the 4th of July, there is never a bad time to express appreciation for America!

5 –  Faith/Cross American Flag

People can have healthy disagreements about whether or not the U.S. is a Christian nation, as it were, but it seems to us that there’s something inextricable about faith and patriotism. That’s not to say that you can’t believe in something that your neighbors don’t. It’s only to say that our history has always been tightly interwoven with a belief in God. If you feel the same way, you will understand the power and beauty of putting these two powerful symbols together in one metal sign. This not only makes for a perfect way of displaying your twin passions – God and country – but also can be a wonderful present for any patriotic Christians in your family or friend circle. Patriotism, much like faith, can deteriorate when you put your light under a basket. Display it, celebrate it, and you might be surprised at how quickly it grows.

4 – Hanging Ragged American Flag

If you had an actual American flag hanging in front of your house in this condition, you would be obliged to dispose of it according to the U.S. flag code. But this metal sign isn’t about adhering to that code, and it certainly isn’t about preserving fabric. It’s about the symbolic power of the flag, as sung about in the Star-Spangled Banner. It’s hard to imagine when that flag has greater power, after all, than when it waves defiantly in the middle of battle – particularly a battle where our very independence as a country is at stake. This sign isn’t just a dramatic addition to any space, it’s so meaningful that it can inspire patriotism in anyone who looks upon it. If that isn’t the essence of patriotic art, we’re not sure what is.

3 –  American Flag

As a definition, there’s nothing complicated about living up to the definition of a patriot. It simply describes anyone who is loyal to their country, takes pride in being a citizen, and believes in everything the U.S. stands for. Sometimes simple definitions are best, and the same can be said for decorative metal signs. That’s why we’re fond of this American Flag sign. It isn’t fancy. It isn’t trying to reinvent the wheel. It’s just a basic representation of the flag that hangs outside every government building in the country. What could speak more to your patriotism than that? This is the flag that thousands of soldiers have died defending –  from the days of George Washington straight up to the war in Afghanistan. Every true patriot should be proud to display it on their wall.

2 –  American Flag Eagle

Dissatisfied with Congress’s decision to center the bald eagle as the national bird, Benjamin Franklin once wrote that it was a bird “of bad moral character.” We’re not sure about the bird’s morals, but we do know that no other animal is as closely intertwined with the United States as the mighty eagle. A symbol of strength dating back to the days of ancient Rome, the eagle was adopted as an integral figure in the national seal only a few years after the official founding of the country. Now you can display a metal sign that combines two of the country’s most enduring, patriotic symbols: The bald eagle and the Stars and Stripes.

1 –  United States Shape American Flag

America isn’t just New York City, Los Angeles, or Chicago. It isn’t just Washington D.C. (thank goodness). No, the United States is just that – a collection of diverse and geographically expansive cities and states, filled with people who are every bit as different as their respective regions. It might not seem, on the surface, that such a broad experiment could ever work. Somehow, though, it has not only succeeded – it has thrived beyond even the wildest dreams of the Founding Fathers. Pay tribute to our national character and its traditions with this metal sign which makes an American flag out of the very shape of the country.

The post Patriotism Matters: 6 Metal Signs That Put America First appeared first on Apex Metal Signs.

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Patriotism Matters: 6 Metal Signs That Put America First
