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Modern Blogging Challenges

Content can be difficult to come by in today’s digital landscape, making it hard for bloggers to gain and sustain an audience for their blogs. This can be particularly disheartening when your effort has gone into building something lasting such as yours.

Keep in mind that a quality blog should provide readers with both informative and useful content, in order to increase readership and keep them coming back for more. This will increase reader loyalty while keeping the readers coming back.

1. Content Saturation

Content saturation is one of the greatest challenges facing bloggers today, a phenomenon in which an overly saturated topic becomes difficult to stand out in search engine results and attract an engaged readership. Even well-crafted and creative pieces may find it more difficult to gain online visibility due to saturation; therefore, it is essential that bloggers prioritize producing high-quality posts that resonate with readers while offering value to readers.

There are various strategies you can employ to combat this challenge and continue creating quality blog content. Research your niche to uncover topics not yet explored; write longer blogs which tend to perform better on social media and increase search engine rankings; or try writing shorter ones, which tend to get better reception by readers.

If you’re struggling to come up with new blog ideas, consider teaming up with other bloggers in your industry or asking readers for input. This may help spark original concepts for blog posts or provide you with topics for further investigation in the future. Furthermore, try testing different styles and formats of content creation to see what best resonates with them.

Writer’s block can be an enormous obstacle to blogging success; it occurs when an author cannot come up with ideas to write about. Even experienced writers may face this problem at some point; to overcome it it is important to step back and assess what’s working and what’s not; reading other people’s content for inspiration or practicing freewriting may help unblock creative juices and get you writing again!

Though content saturation presents challenges to businesses, it remains possible for them to thrive in popular content categories. All it requires is a more targeted approach to content marketing and creative, innovative strategies to reach the right people with your work. Prioritize quality over quantity when producing your work; more doesn’t always equal better! Remember progress beats perfection so don’t allow perfectionism hold you back from publishing your work!

2. Declining Attention Spans

Those familiar with the Internet likely know of claims about human attention spans being shorter and shorter. Gloria Mark, professor of informatics at University of California Irvine has even written a book entitled, “Attention Span: A Groundbreaking Way to Restore Balance, Happiness and Productivity.”

20 years ago, people spent 2 1/2 minutes focused on screens before they looked away; by 2012 this had dropped to 75 seconds. She cites a survey in which half of respondents feel their attention spans have decreased over time – this sentiment being especially strong among younger individuals.

Some experts blame new technology for this decrease in attention spans; however, these claims tend to be anecdotal evidence rather than hard evidence. A reliable test for measuring attention spans would require devising an accurate way of measuring attention; once this method has been in place for several years (not necessarily with all age cohorts as attention spans increase over time), select random samples of population (but not always same ones since attention spans increase with age) and measure their performance over time.

3. Mobile-Friendly Content

Mobile is here to stay and it is critical that your audience experiences content that looks and reads well across devices, as well as loads quickly. A poor user experience will turn people off and damage search engine rankings; especially true for websites not designed specifically to be mobile friendly.

Mobile users, with smaller screens and slower internet connections, don’t want to waste their time reading unwieldy pages that take too long to load.

With this writing technique, you can produce mobile-optimized content. Your headline should pique a reader’s curiosity while simultaneously providing them with relevant information about what’s being written. Meanwhile, snack is your post summary or gist and shows they have what they are searching for; and finally “meal” is where all that information resides – its core of course!

One of the best ways to make your content mobile-friendly is through using a clean and straightforward layout. This means avoiding scrolling issues, large images, and cumbersome menus which make mobile viewing frustrating for visitors. Furthermore, utilize mobile responsive designs and compress large images for quicker loading times.

Pay close attention to anything clickable on your website, such as buttons that can be easily clicked by thumbs or hyperlinks that stand out from their surrounding text. Furthermore, testing content before its release on smartphones or tablets to make sure everything appears as planned can also help –

Producing high-quality blog content can be daunting, yet its rewards can be immense if you take the time and care to write something that resonates with your target audience and prompts them to take action. Keep these tips in mind next time you sit down to write something for your blog – they’re surefire ways of producing blog posts that perform equally well on desktop and mobile devices!

4. Estimated Reading Times

Have you ever experienced the frustration of clicking on an article only to be surprised to discover it’s far longer than expected? Potential readers might also be dissuaded from reading your blog posts due to concerns that its content will take too much time to consume.

However, you can overcome this hurdle by including estimated reading times on your articles. Estimated reading time can be calculated by dividing the word count of your content by the average adult reading speed (200 words per minute).

Studies have proven the effectiveness of this strategy, showing that incorporating estimated reading times in articles can reduce bounce rates and boost user engagement – in one such study conducted by Simpleview Europe post-reading engagement increased by 40% when estimated reading times were included in articles.

Estimating reading times in content can be easily done manually or via plugin, with JavaScript providing an efficient means for counting words in an article using document.getElementById() to grab its text before using split() to split into array of words before counting each array’s length property to count them all.

Online tools such as read-o-meter may help estimate reading time; however, these estimates may not always be precise depending on your writing style and audience of your article.

One way of overcoming this challenge is to inform readers how long the article will be; this can help them determine whether they have time to read it immediately or save it until later.

As an example, you could display the estimated reading time of each knowledge base article as part of its title or headline to encourage users to read it and obtain answers to their queries. Furthermore, this will enable you to improve its content by observing which articles are most frequently read as well as which topics are popular with your users.

Is Blogging Still Worth it? Let’s Get Real.

The post Modern Blogging Challenges appeared first on Bert's Blog.

This post first appeared on Life Happens, please read the originial post: here

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Modern Blogging Challenges


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