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Fast Fashion Infographic: The Realities of Fast Fashion

Fast Fashion Infographic: The Realities Of Fast Fashion

We’ve created this Fast Fashion Infographic to highlight the most important issues within Fast Fashion and its supply chain. The infographic highlights the industry’s main concerns, including statistics on cheap labour practices, pollution, water use and carbon emissions. 

Fast Fashion Infographic

If you look at the facts listed within the infographic below, would you still buy clothing from fast fashion companies? Especially if you consider that 20% of new clothes will never be worn. Further up the chain, the production of textiles also causes pollution and uses a lot of water.

The result? Textiles, polluted water and greenhouse gas emissions end up in rivers, landfills and the atmosphere. The best way to change the industry is to reduce consumer demand. Yes, we as consumers need to change our shopping habits, avoiding the latest new styles that will only be fashionable for a season, maybe two.

If you’d like to help create awareness, you can share the infographic below on your social accounts or embed it on your website, referencing this page as the source. To save the image directly, you can use this link.

What are the Fast Fashion Facts?

  1. The fashion industry is responsible for 10% of global carbon emissions
  2. The fashion industry generates 20% of global wastewater
  3. A single pair of jeans requires a kilogram of cotton
  4. A kilogram of cotton requires about 7,500–10,000 litres of water
  5. An astonishing 20% of clothing may never be worn
  6. Up to 64% of all fabrics are made of plastic
  7. A single washing load of clothing can shed up to 17 million tiny plastic fibres into the water supply
  8. Microfibres have been found in the air, rivers, drinking water, beer, table salt and the arctic ocean
  9. The majority of garment workers are female, with export factories often employing young, single women and letting them go when they get married or get pregnant
  10. Working conditions are poor. The pay is low and the hours long. Workdays can be between 10 & 18 hours

For a full list of facts read our related post: Fast Fashion Facts

What is the Fast Fashion Industry?

The Fast Fashion Industry has a bad reputation. It is known for producing new items very quickly, grabbing new collections straight off the runway to sell at low prices as soon as possible. Sometimes creating up to 52 micro-seasons every year. All in an attempt to boost profit margins.

Even though it’s fashionable and fun for unsuspecting consumers, Fast Fashion company’s irresponsible production practices cost the environment and garment workers a great deal. 

Garments are often produced in countries where poor labour practices and the environmental impact can easily be brushed under the carpet. Yet, it can be an out-of-sight, out-of-mind scenario that significantly impacts climate change. 

Sadly many people aren’t aware of the damage caused by low-quality fashion sold at incredibly low prices. Luckily, times are changing, and awareness is growing, but more must be done.

What is the Alternative to Fast Fashion

The only genuine alternatives are to buy from Thrift stores or to support sustainable and slow fashion brands and practices. Also, look out for brands that proactively work to reduce their environmental footprints and use natural fibres. E.g., brands that make organic cotton t-shirts without synthetic materials or polluting dyes.

To make a real difference, take a closer look at brands that support the circular economy, which means they have steps in place to deal with waste produced during the production process and at the end of a product’s life.

See the articles linked below for more info:

  • Related: What is Sustainable Fashion.
  • Related: 10 Sustainable Fashion and Accessory Brands You’ll Love.

If you’d like to use this fast fashion infographic, you’re welcome to re-post it. If you can, please reference it back to this page.

The post Fast Fashion Infographic: The Realities of Fast Fashion appeared first on just luve | A modern sustainable lifestyle blog.

This post first appeared on Just Luve, please read the originial post: here

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Fast Fashion Infographic: The Realities of Fast Fashion
