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Where to Go? Best country to work for OFWs

Where To Go? Best Country To Work For OFWs

10 Countries with High Demand for Filipino Workers

The Philippines is one of the world’s top labor-exporting countries, with millions venturing abroad to seek better employment opportunities, professional growth or career growth, free training — that eventually contribute significantly to the national economy.

However, these facts posit an essential question: Why are Filipino workers considered one of the best and in high demand abroad?

World Class Workers

Filipino workers are known for their strong work ethic, adaptability, and proficiency in English. Many hold relevant qualifications and experience in healthcare, information technology, engineering, and hospitality.

They also often accept competitive salaries compared to their counterparts from other countries, making them attractive to employers seeking cost-effective labor solutions.

Many destination countries are experiencing labor shortages in specific industries due to aging population, economic growth, and infrastructure development.

Filipino workers fill these gaps efficiently, placing a high value on work efficiency, craftsmanship, respect, diligence, and hospitality. These qualities align well with the service-oriented industries that often require workers from overseas.

With this in mind, here are 10 countries that highly demand Filipino workers.

New Zealand

Known for its stunning landscapes, natural beauty, and friendly people, New Zealand has become an attractive destination for Filipino workers seeking employment abroad. 

Home to a significant Filipino community, many have established themselves in the country, creating a solid network and support system for newcomers. This community connection often encourages more kababayans to seek employment opportunities in New Zealand. 

Landscape of Lake Pukaki Pukaki in New Zealand surrounded with snowy mountains

The demand for Filipino workers in New Zealand spans various industries, and several factors contribute to this phenomenon, such as their robust economy.

The healthcare, information technology (IT), agriculture, and food and hospitality industries in New Zealand are currently in high demand for Filipino professionals.

More than the diverse job market available in Canada, it is also known for its high quality living conditions, quality education, child healthcare — which are important for OFWs with children, but more precious of all is the great work life balance espoused by Canadian companies.


Australia has been consistently attractive to Filipinos, especially those looking to get employed overseas. Australia’s healthcare, agriculture and farming, IT, and education industries, not to mention a great view of vast landscapes and vibrant cities, are highly attractive to job seeking Filipino workers.

With the country’s strong economic growth and bilateral agreements with the Philippines, Filipinos can secure jobs with provisions for their rights and welfare as workers.

Beautiful shot of the Sydney harbor bridge with a light pink and blue sky, overseas contract workers


Renowned for its rich culture and advanced technology, many Filipinos highly favor Japan as a travel destination and its employment opportunities. 

Japan has opened its doors to Filipino workers through various programs, including the Technical Intern Training Program and the Specified Skilled Worker Visa.

Filipinos can find jobs and other opportunities in the caregiving, agriculture, construction, and healthcare sectors. The aging population, labor shortages, and the resolute relationship between the Philippines and Japan are the primary reasons for the high demand for Filipino workers.

Middle East

Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, and Qatar are countries in the Middle East in high demand for Filipino workers for various industries.

Engineers especially in oil and gas fields, healthcare professionals, food and hospitality workers, teachers, and caregivers are only some of the needed personnel in the Middle East.

Known for their cultural heritage and significant investments in infrastructure projects, these Middle Eastern countries’ demands for dedicated Filipinos continue to rise.


Taiwan has experienced remarkable development, especially in its technology sector, leading to tremendous economic growth. With a thriving economy, the country needs a lot of full time Filipino manufacturing, electronics, IT professionals, software engineers, healthcare professionals, domestic helpers, and teachers.

It is also worth mentioning that the values of respect, diligence, and strong work ethic in Filipino culture align well with the expectations of Taiwanese employers. This cultural compatibility often fosters positive working relationships.

Another country worth looking into for similar career opportunities is Hong kong. In demand jobs with potential career advancement are also possible with Hong Kong’s economy.

Beautiful Architecture building Taipei City


A dynamic city-state known for its economic success, cultural diversity, and modern infrastructure, Singapore is also a magnet for Filipinos as an employment destination. 

Singapore’s IT, healthcare, hospitality and tourism, finance, engineering, and education industries need Filipino professionals who can be valuable additions and could contribute to the growth of the said sectors.

Cityscape in Singapore City Skyline

South Korea

Apart from the rise of K-pop and K-culture, South Korea is also known for its technological innovations. The demand for Filipino workers in the country is consistently high, spanning various sectors.

Through its Employment Permit System (EPS) and the Employment Permit System-Entertainment Industry (EPS-ENT), South Korea has opened its doors to Filipino workers, especially those looking for opportunities in manufacturing, agriculture, healthcare, and the entertainment industry.

Beautiful architecture building cityscape in Seoul City, South Korea

Apart from the rise of K-pop and K-culture, South Korea is also known for its technological innovations. The demand for Filipino workers in the country is consistently high, spanning various sectors.

Through its Employment Permit System (EPS) and the Employment Permit System-Entertainment Industry (EPS-ENT), South Korea has opened its doors to Filipino workers, especially those looking for opportunities in manufacturing, agriculture, healthcare, and the entertainment industry.


Home to many Filipinos today, Canada is steadily growing and demands Filipino workers in a broad spectrum of industries. Their healthcare sector, agriculture and farming, IT, construction, healthcare, and education industries are a few examples of opening employment opportunities for Filipino workers.

If you are looking at job openings in international companies in Canada or even at obtaining permanent residency in said country, look into the Federal Skilled Worker Program, also called the Federal Skilled Worker Class.

This is the country’s flagship immigration program for workers, enabling Canada to welcome tens of thousands of hopefuls every year based on their capacity and ability to be part of Canada’s workforce. 


Known for its craft beer and innovative industries, Germany is another attractive destination for Filipino workers looking for opportunities to work abroad. 

The demand for skilled and general workers is exceptionally high in the German healthcare, engineering and manufacturing, construction, and IT sectors.

Like many Western countries, Germany is also facing an aging population, thus increasing the demand for Filipino domestic workers and caregivers who could support and care for the elderly demographic.

Beautiful shot of Altes Museum in Berlin, Germany

United Kingdom

Big Ben and Westminster bridge at sunset, London, UK

The United Kingdom’s vibrant culture and dynamic economy, UK is considered one of the richest country and have appealed to many across the Atlantic. That said, the need for Filipino workers in the healthcare, engineering, IT, agriculture, and farming industries continues to increase.


The demand for Filipino workers abroad remains vital through their skills, qualifications, and strong work ethic. From healthcare professionals and engineers to teachers and domestic helpers, Filipino professionals have found opportunities across diverse industries in countries worldwide.

However, Filipino workers must make sure that they make well-informed decisions and seek support when needed, should they decide to work overseas.

Ultimately, Filipinos’ global pursuit of overseas employment has played a crucial role in improving the lives of many families and contributing to the Philippine economy through remittances—and the enduring demand for Filipino workers emphasizes their value and positive impact on the international labor market.

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The post Where to Go? Best country to work for OFWs appeared first on Camella Homes.

This post first appeared on Home Improvement Blog, please read the originial post: here

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Where to Go? Best country to work for OFWs
