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How Long Does Epoxy Coating Last? 

If you have the epoxy floor at home, or in the office, or in your garage, then there is nothing to worry about. Your epoxy will last for around 20-30 years unless depending on certain variables which can certainly impact the quality of the concrete and epoxy coating.  

Epoxies are durable and has longer life pretty much more than the life of other floor types.   

If you do not have epoxy floor and are looking forward to getting installed at your home, then contact the best epoxy flooring contractors in Melbourne. Reach out to Tuff Build flooring contractors. 

We know that epoxy coating stays unaffected for years and also does not lose its shine unless an untoward incident happens.  

The credit for epoxy’s long life goes to its composition which makes it scratch resistant. Also, different top coatings make epoxy even more resistant to abrasions and scratches. 

Why is Epoxy So Durable? 

Two things – epoxy resins and the surface of the substrate when come together, they form a strong, concrete and an excellent adhesive with long-lasting properties. The forces between both resin and substrate gets so strong that epoxy coatings are used at the places that receive heavy traffic.  

These forces are usually polar or direct bonds. Such bonds are formed between reactive sites in the resin and reactive or polar sites on the surface of the substrate.  

What is Epoxy Durability?  

By durability of epoxy, we mean that the floor is resistant to number of materials like chemicals, cracks, stains, and scratches. Its impact resistant quality makes it a perfect choice for keeping heavy equipment.  

The Most Durable Epoxy 

Heat- resistant, durable, and long-lasting resin on the market is Premium FX Poxy. It is 100% solid. Zero VOC formulated epoxy which is applied at 100 mils or thicker, and is both heat-resistant to 500F (260C) and UV resistant. These are recommended for both indoor or outdoor use. 

Epoxy and Its Strength 

About tensile and comprehensive strength.  

Epoxy is concrete with 3,000 lb. compressive strength. It has typical tensile strength of about 300 lbs.   

Shelf Life of Epoxy  

Epoxy can last longer if the resins and hardener are properly stored in air tight containers and at room temperature. The container must be properly closed to prevent any contamination.  

Polyester resins have shelf life of only six months. If it is not put to use in time, then it will turn into a useless jelly-like substance.  

How Durable are Garage Epoxy? 

Garages are the places which get the heaviest traffic because of the movement of cars, bikes, and other heavy vehicles. So, such places are given strong, durable flooring and among other floor types, epoxy wins the game.  

Again, the main reason is its durability. 

Once installed, the Epoxy floors give protection from all types of impact.  

For instance, if the heavy vehicles enter and move out of the garage quite often, then the floor will widely come to use. It may even lead to more wear and tear of the floor. In such a case, floors that can withstand any pressure are preferred.  

It’s okay to repeat it again – Epoxy floors are the most widely used! Why? The answer is that the epoxy can endure heat up to 200 degrees, therefore, it makes a better flooring choice especially when it comes to being fire-resistant. 

Durability of Epoxy Coating Done Outside

If you have epoxy flooring solution on the outside, you will not have to worry about doing your patio anytime sooner.  

The durability average span of epoxy installed outside can be up to 10 years.  

Now we know that epoxy floors are highly durable, last for a decade or more completely depending on the location.    

But, do you know, the time taken to install epoxy is quite the opposite. Yes! You read it right!  

It just takes few days (seven days to cure, to set completely) and rest of the life, you live stress-free, without having to think about getting new floor now and then.  

No matter how much durable the epoxy floors are, you will have to take care of the floor after it gets installed. But first, make sure you get epoxy flooring solution from the best epoxy floor contractors in Melbourne.   

If the floor is installed properly by professionals, only then you can keep it intact for years to come. So, the epoxy floor will last only when installed professionally and maintained regularly. Also, its durability will depend on factors like: 

Routine Maintenace 

One of the biggest factors in how long your epoxy coating is going to last will depend on the current condition of the current slab.  

If the concrete is on the verge of structural damage and has got heavy cracks, gouges, and peeling surfaces, then the chances for your concrete slab to fall will increase even before the epoxy coating. This is the reason you will have to take care of the epoxy floors daily. Routine maintenance and repairs are necessary and must be done on the concrete slab even before thinking about using an epoxy floor coating. 

Location is the Key 

Another important factor that will decide the life span of your epoxy is the location where it is installed. For instance, a professionally installed epoxy flooring system can last up to 30 years. This is for the areas that receive light traffic like residential areas (homes).  

I the epoxy is installed in the places with heavy duty commercial, or industries, the life span reduces to 15-20 years. This is because such places receive heavy traffic and may even get more footfall. So, there are chances for the floor to wear down rapidly.  


Even though epoxy floors can block all the damages happening to it from accidents, spills etc., heavy abuse of the epoxy can still lead to its break down. Anything in excess is bad. So, if you will not give due attention to the epoxy floor, although slowly, the life span of the floor will reduce.   

So, all you need to do is – clean any spill over or repair the damage, if happens as soon as possible. Any chemical spill on the floor, if left unattended for a long time can impact the floor. Also, if heavy objects are dropped on the floor carelessly, it will definitely affect the epoxy floor. Also, it may damage the object! Duh! You Know right! So, it is advised to be kind to your epoxy floor as well as the objects that are kept on the floor.  

 Exposure to Sunlight 

This is the most important factors to consider while you get your epoxy flooring solution. 

Epoxy floors are extremely weak resistance to UV rays. This is one of the reasons epoxy floors must not be placed on exterior concrete.  

Heavy exposure to the sun can bring your epoxy floor down to needing replacement quite early. Also, it makes the floor concrete weak and can cause cracks which is dangerous and can lead to accidents.  

If exposed to heavy light daily, Sunlight turns the epoxy yellow and also damages the binder.  

Prep Before Application 

This is obviously before the installation of epoxy. The final factor here but practically the very first factor to consider during the installation.   

It is about the preparation of the concrete slab. The process of the epoxy surface preparation is a quick, strict and a serious task. It needs to be done perfectly so that the results are great and epoxy lasts for a life-time.  

If it gets moisture and the concrete is not profiled well or if no primers are used before applying epoxy, your floor will not only underperform, but will also rapidly crack, deteriorate and will not even stick to the concrete slab. 

So, it is important for you to understand the epoxy flooring process. If you are thinking about DIY epoxy flooring, then you must get training because you may have to spend double amount later on – first because of wastage of epoxy solution, then looking out to the best epoxy flooring contractors in Melbourne. 

You certainly would not want this, so it is suggested to get the preparation of epoxy done properly.  

We recommend getting professional epoxy flooring solution that too from the best flooring contractors in Melbourne – If you want your epoxy to last longer.  

For the best services that too within an affordable price range, contact the top flooring contractors in Melbourne, i.e., Tuff Build.  

This post first appeared on How To Choose Between Dark Vs Light Flooring?, please read the originial post: here

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How Long Does Epoxy Coating Last? 


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