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How to Adjust Your Flat Screen TV Settings for Better Quality


Whether you’re catching up on your favorite TV shows, enjoying a movie marathon, or playing video games, having an optimal viewing experience is essential. One way to achieve this is by adjusting the settings of your flat screen TV. We’re, the largest aircon and appliance services provider in the Philippines, with practical tips and step-by-step instructions on adjusting your TV settings for better picture and audio quality.

Types of Flat Screen TV

Before exploring the settings of your flat screen TV, you must first be aware of its technology and display capabilities. There are different types of TV, so be sure to do a quick research or know its specifications first.

In the Philippines, the most common types of flat screen TV for display technology are LED TV, LCD TV, and OLED TV. To give you an idea, here’s a quick summary of their differences:

Display TechnologyLiquid Crystal DisplayLight Emitting DiodeOrganic Light Emitting Diode
Backlight/ContrastAdjustable backlightAdjustable backlightN/A (self-emitting pixels)
Picture ModeStandard, Cinema, Game, etc.Standard, Cinema, Game, etc.Standard, Cinema, Game, etc.
Color TemperatureAdjustableAdjustableAdjustable
Viewing AngleLimitedLimitedWide
HDR SettingsAvailableAvailableAvailable

Remember that these are general descriptions only. Some information like energy efficiency and other display settings may depend on the flat screen TV brand and model.

How to Adjust Flat Screen TV Settings

Want a better TV viewing experience? Grab your TV remote and be ready to follow our tips below!

Set the picture mode

One of the easiest ways to adjust your TV settings is by choosing a picture mode. Look for this setting from the menu. Try picture modes like Standard, Cinema, or Dynamic, then choose which you like best.

Adjust the contrast and brightness

Like editing a photo or video, you can also set your preferred contrast and brightness. Contrast refers to the difference between the light and dark areas of the image. On the other hand, brightness determines how much light is emitted from the screen. 

If the room is bright, you may increase the TV’s brightness to view the screen more clearly. But be sure to find a balance! Gradually increase the brightness level until you reach your preferred visibility without sacrificing the picture quality.

Fine-tune the color settings

You may also experiment with the color settings to get the perfect mix for your viewing experience. If you prefer more saturated colors, adjust the saturation. To achieve more realistic colors, you may also adjust the color temperature.

Adjust the sharpness

If you want to enhance the details on the screen, adjust the sharpness from the settings. Increase it to make the visuals more defined and crisper. If you prefer softer images, lower the sharpness level. 

However, if you’re unsure how to fine-tune it, find a balance and go in the middle instead. This can give a more natural image and may avoid distortions.

Best Flat Screen TV Settings for Better Viewing 

Ultimately, the best settings for your flat screen TV depend on your preferences. Not all factory settings are optimized for the type of content you’re watching or your room’s brightness. To make the most out of your big purchase, follow the steps above and experiment until you get the perfect mix of display settings!

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This post first appeared on The Ultimate Refrigerator Guide, please read the originial post: here

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How to Adjust Your Flat Screen TV Settings for Better Quality
