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The Tools & Equipment You’ll Need to Cut Firewood


You probably never thought much about the tools you use to cut firewood until now. Maybe you’re struggling with the task, or perhaps you’re searching for new methods and techniques that will make things easier. Either way, it’s time to take a look at your firewood cutting tools and see what stands out as needing an upgrade. You might have the perfect hatchet, double-bit axe, and a reliable hand saw, but are they the best tools available? If not, what should you be looking for in a new one? Reducing firewood from large pieces into small logs is a necessary part of using it. However, it also poses several challenges. 

Large trees often have multiple trunks that must be felled first before cutting them up into manageable pieces; this is usually done with an axe and splitting maul rather than just hacking away at it with an axe. Most people also prefer to cut up firewood, so each piece has consistent dimensions of around 18 inches long, which requires special tools like a chainsaw mill or log slicing blade on your chainsaw, along with other accessories like wedges, jack post nails and more. In addition, there are safety considerations – chopping branches can be dangerous unless you have protective eyewear and a chainmail face mask; working in subzero temperatures may require special clothing or gloves. 

Axe vs Hatchet


Axe refers to any chopping tool, but it’s most commonly used to describe one with a long handle and a single wide blade. Axes are typically used for felling trees, but smaller axes are available. If looking for an all-purpose chopping tool that can be used for more than just logging, an axe may be the better choice. There are several different axes, and they aren’t all designed for the same purposes. 


A hatchet is a chopping tool with a short handle and a curved blade. It’s often used with a saw for limbing trees, but it’s particularly suited for chopping at the bottom of a tree stump. If your firewood cutting needs are specialised and you don’t need an axe for anything else, a hatchet offers a more focused tool with a lighter design.

Chain saw

There’s nothing like hearing a chainsaw in action on a quiet day. But, of course, it’s just as effective for cutting firewood, too. Chain saws are so versatile that there are probably a few jobs they can’t handle. They can be used for felling trees, lopping off branches, cutting logs and more. It’s easy to get carried away with a chainsaw, so ensure you use the proper safety equipment, especially larger models.

Corded electric chainsaw

A corded electric chainsaw is connected to an electrical source via a cord. It’s a popular choice for home use, but it has some disadvantages compared to a cordless electric chainsaw. You need to run a long extension cord if you don’t have a power source near where you’ll be cutting wood. This can be a nuisance and can pose a safety hazard.

Cordless electric chainsaw

A cordless electric chainsaw has a battery that powers it. It’s a more portable option than a corded electric chainsaw. It’s easier to work with in some ways, but it has some disadvantages, too. For example, it requires that you be near an electrical outlet when you recharge the battery. You also have to consider the length of time it takes to recharge the battery.

Manual chainsaw

A manual chainsaw has a pull-start mechanism rather than a battery. It has a shorter lifespan than a corded or cordless electric chainsaw, but it’s easier to manoeuvre and starts quickly. It’s a good choice for occasional use and for people who don’t have access to electricity. 


Firewood is a necessity in many households, especially during the colder months. Chopping it and reducing it to smaller logs is a chore that will keep you warm and busy, but it won’t be enjoyable if you don’t have the right tools. Choosing the right firewood cutting tools can significantly improve your efficiency. Choosing the tools that best suit your needs and finding the right accessories will make your wood chopping tasks more enjoyable. And hopefully, we’ve helped you narrow down your choices.

The post The Tools & Equipment You’ll Need to Cut Firewood first appeared on Sydney Firewood.

This post first appeared on Sydney Firewood, please read the originial post: here

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The Tools & Equipment You’ll Need to Cut Firewood
