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Interesting Living Room Skylight Ideas to Brighten and Maximize Your Space


Living rooms are one of the most versatile areas in the home, and living room skylights can further enhance their functional adaptability and aesthetic features. For some homeowners, the living room is a more formal space and may be most used to welcome guests upon arrival, showcase special pieces of furniture, art or other collections, or celebrate only the most momentous occasions. Other homeowners use the living room for work, hosting, and relaxation! No matter what specific functions or purposes a living room serves in a household, skylights can help realize these intentions and accentuate the room’s stylistic choices.

To maximize the potential of a skylight installation, collaborating with a professional skylight contractor, like the team at Ranch Roofing, is essential. These experts can help guide you to the types of skylights that will work best for your roofing type, including roofing material like metal roofs and slope as in flat roofs. In addition to bedroom skylight ideas and kitchen skylight ideas, an experienced roofing and skylight company can provide important insight into skylight ideas for living rooms to help you leverage your lighting and optimize your space. As you are considering where to integrate skylights into your home during a new roof installation or as an individual project, the ideas below may further assist you in your planning process.

Living Room Skylight Benefits

Skylights may already help bring more natural elements into the home, including views of the sky and stars or even surrounding landscapes. In both formal and informal living rooms settings, skylights can also help facilitate an ideal environment for indoor plants! Here are two benefits of combining plants and living room skylights:

  • Skylights are often used to increase ventilation in a particular space. Incorporating air cleaning plants in conjunction with your living room skylight installation is an idea that also helps improve indoor air quality!
  • Double the boost to your mental well-being when you enjoy the mood improving qualities of both natural light and exposure to nature!

Living room skylights can also be used to highlight significant architectural features. After all, if the stunning fireplace or the built-in bookshelves were pivotal in choosing or building this home in the first place, celebrate them using skylights. One skylight idea would be to integrate skylights so that they direct the eye toward the intended focal point. Another skylight idea for the living room is to place the skylight so that its natural light can be used to spotlight a particular feature.

Similarly, skylights in the living room can be used to emphasize your interior design and artistic selections. Bring attention to the nuances of your accent wall, customized flooring design or historic chandelier through skylight placement and lighting direction. Distinguish your carefully-chosen sculptures, artwork or other decorative additions with the soft glow of skylights throughout the room or even a dome skylight. If you are worried about fading or color changes from UV rays or light, remember to ask your skylight and roofing service specialist about coatings and glazes that can filter or reduce UV rays while still enabling light to enter.

Leverage lighting from skylights or the joint power of skylights, accent lights and other lighting selections to make a living room look even more spacious. These ideas can help achieve this goal:

  • Keeping existing windows and skylights open connects the room to nature which makes the sense of space expand beyond the room’s defined perimeter.
  • Skylights in higher ceilings, like recessed lighting, can make it seem like there is even more height in the room.
  • Combining skylights with intentional wall-mounted lighting or vertical electric lamps adds brightness and creates a more open feel.
  • Using mirrors in relation to skylights increases the living room’s brightness and spaciousness.

Incorporating more natural light with skylights can also support the myriad purposes that living rooms or designated areas within them may serve. For that reading nook or puzzle table as well as that work-from-home space or craft area, natural light from skylights can help increase overall productivity and reduce eye strain, as this light is often less harsh and more evenly distributed than the light from artificial lighting sources.

In living rooms and throughout the home, skylights are an investment that increases the function, style and atmosphere of those spaces. Their integration can also improve people’s overall well-being and the value of a residential or commercial location. As our many client stories illustrate, working with the experts at Ranch Roofing on a skylight installation or roof repair project helps ensure that your investment pays off in many different ways!

We offer free service estimates, and we welcome you to contact us with any questions. We look forward to collaborating with you on your upcoming living room skylight installation or other roofing project!

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Interesting Living Room Skylight Ideas to Brighten and Maximize Your Space
