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How do you care for Philodendron Micans?

If you are looking for a philodendron plant to grow in a small space then your search ends here. Because the philodendron micans is the perfect plant for apartments and offices.

It is perfect for small low light corners.

It is categorized as a climbing plant and looks fabulous in hanging baskets. But you can grow it in pots and philodendron micans also grow like trellis houseplants.

The uniqueness of this plant is its leaves. It has small size heart-shaped leaves with a green top and rusty underside.

Both the top and undersides feel soft and velvety to thetouch.

Fast-draining potting soil, low bright light, occasional fertilizing, and proper watering are the secrets of growing healthy strong micans.

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About the plant

It needs plenty of indirect light to make its leaves bright and colorful. In very low light, its leaves grow dark green and lose their brightness.

The maximum height that it can achieve is between 8 to 14 inches. The health and size of the plant totally depend upon your care and maintenance methods.

Generally, people do not give proper care to philodendron plants.

Because they know these houseplants grow on their own, even in low light. But this doesn’t mean they do not need light, water, and fertilizers.

The total spread of this plant is 20 to 25 inches. Because of this huge spread and fast-growing habit you need to do pruning on time.

It is a necessary step to keep the plant safe from diseases and it also encourages the growth of new leaves.

Light Needs

For a healthy philodendron micans plant, expose it to less bright light. The direct flow of sunrays is not recommended.

Because the soft foliage of the micans cannot handle them.

In fact, the leaves also cannot survive in strong indirect bright light. Therefore, place the plant pot a few feet away from the sunny window.

In dark corners, you can use grow light to full fill its light needs. Use LEDs because they consume less electric power but emit a high amount of powerful rays.

These rays are sufficient to grow a plant from its seeds.

Potting Soil

Philodendron Micans need fast-draining rich soil. Therefore, you can use regular soil and mix perlite, peat, and compost in it.

These ingredients will make it the perfect soil for growing philodendron micans. This soil contains all the essential nutrients and also drains water on time.

The use of just regular soil will increase the chances of root rot.

On watering, the regular soil becomes waterlogged and also absorbs a high amount of water. Whereas this philodendron needs less water and fewer nutrients.

The result will be root fungus. To avoid all the extra work of root rot treatment. Do not use regular potting soil.

Alter it with compost, perlite, and other organic ingredients.

Use all the substances in equal parts.

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The perfect technique of watering is using less water, only when you see the top layer of the soil is dry. Overwatering is deadly for the plant.

I always do the soil test before watering my plants, for this I do not purchase costly equipment.

I simply insert my finger into the potting soil and check the moisture. If the top 2 inches feel moistened this means the soil is wet and does not need water.

But on the other hand, if the soil is about to dry or completely dry. Then I immediately grab the watering can and give filtered water to my beautiful philodendron plant.

To avoid water-related common problems use filtered water only. The water that you drink is good for your plants.

The tap water in some places contains chlorine and this substance is not good for plant roots. In fact, it is not required by the plants to grow.

Authorities add Chlorine in water to kill the bacteria. But it gets collected at the bottom of the pot and causes blockage.


Philodendron Micans is a fast-growing plant and it needs a little bit of fertilization. Fertilizers contain all the essential nutrients that are required by plants.

Just like we use supplements when going to the gym.

The fertilizers make the plants fit and healthy. They make the plant immune system strong and increase its life span.

To fertilize your philodendron micans use balanced liquid fertilizer only. Spring and summer are the two seasons when they need more nutrients.

Philo achieves 90% of the growth in these seasons. In winter they take rest and do not need nutrients. Because they stop growing new leaves and vines.

Temperature & Humidity

It cannot handle cold winter days and cold winds. Keep the room temperature above 55 degrees F. Below this will cause harm to the plant.

To keep eye on the room temperature you can use a temperature monitoring device. They are easily available on Amazon.

As far as the humidity is concerned the general room humidity is enough for the plant. It has the ability to store enough water in its leaves.

But if you feel your plant is turning brown or dry due to low humidity. Then you can use the traditional methods to give some relief to your plant.

Group the plants together or use a pebble tray.

Place your plant pot over it and fill the tray with clean water.


You can use regular plant pots or hanging baskets to repot this plant. Repot it only in the spring season. This will reduce the chances of infection to 98%.

Use only a 2 to 3 inches bigger pot for repotting. Extra-large size pots contain a good amount of soil. Then this soil holds a great amount of moisture.

It is not good for the plant roots. This increases the chances of root rot.

Gently take out the plant from its current pot and remove the soil from the roots to inspect them.

Cut the infected parts and use fresh potting soil in the new pot if you are repotting it after 2 years. This will put new life in your plant.

Once you give some water to it and place it back in its place.

Propagating Philodendron Micans

Stem cutting is the best propagating method for the Micans Philodendron. Choose the healthy stem or vine then cut it and remove all bottom leaves.

Leave the top leaves and put it in the water or use potting soil to plant stem cutting. Then place the pot in a warm location away from the reach of direct sun rays.

Give some water to give nice moisture to the cutting to make new roots in less time.

Within 30 to 45 days your cutting will develop new roots and you will see new tiny leaves. This is the time to transfer it to the pots.


Prune philodendron micans only in spring and summer. Because these are the philodendron growing seasons. Always prune houseplants in their active growing state.

Use sterilized pruning shears and cut the leggy and damaged stems.

This will encourage the plant to produce more healthy stems. This way you will get bushy micans Philodendron.


Calcium oxalate is the toxic substance that is found in its sap. It makes it toxic to dogs, cats, and humans.

Blisters in the mouth, excessive drooling, difficulty in breathing, vomiting, watery eyes, and swallowing throat are the common symptoms of philodendron toxicity.

If your dog or cat eats philodendron, immediately take your pet to the emergency poison control center.

If possible, try to clean the eyes and mouth of your pet with cold water. This will help to remove the calcium oxalate from the skin.

Pest problems

Aphids, Scales, Thrips, and Mealybugs are the common pests found on philodendron plants. They suck the sap of the plant.

Hence your plant becomes weak and leggy.

You need to check the signs of pest infestation while watering your plants. Closely inspect plant leaves, and check the top and underside of leaves.

Use rubbing alcohol to wipe plant leaves.

In worst cases, use insecticidal soap to rinse your plant. It is safe to use such soaps on houseplants.

Do not use commercial pesticides on houseplants. They are harmful and can kill your plant.

Common Growing problems

Leaves falling off

Old leaves naturally fall off the plant. This mechanism encourages plants to produce new leaves.

But if the new leaves are falling off then this is a serious problem and you need to fix it immediately. Underwatering is the main cause of leaf drooping and wilting.

Therefore, you should give proper water to your plant. Once you see the top 2 inches of the potting soil become dry.

Immediately grab the watering can and give some water to your thirsty plant.

Stem Rot

Overwatering is the cause of mushy stems. Your micans cannot tolerate extra water in the potting soil.

To prevent overwatering learn the correct watering techniques. Also, make sure you use the plant pot with drainage holes.

These holes allow extra water to drain out of the pot.


Philodendron micans is a plant that needs less care and grows fast even in low light. To help your plant grow healthy fertilizer once in 30 days in spring and summer.

Refresh the soil at the time of repotting and do not expose it to direct sunlight.

It is the best plant for small spaces in homes and offices. For more information on plants visit our houseplant section.


Does Micans Grow Fast?

Yes, philodendron micans grow at a faster rate. Therefore, you need to give your plant a good amount of nutrients.

Fertilize your plants only in spring and summer.

Use balanced general-purpose houseplant fertilizer to give your plant the best nutritional boost.

Are Micans Low light Plants?

Micans need indirect bright light to grow the proper size leaves. In low light conditions, your plant will grow leggy.

The best place for the plant is near a sunny window. Just protect your plant from direct sunlight.

In the low light location, you can use artificial grow lights. These lights are made to grow plants in the absence of sunlight.

Why is My Micans So Small?

If your micans Philodendron grows small leaves. Then you need to increase the intensity of light.

In simple words, it is getting less light than the required amount.

Move it close to the sunny window and your plant will start growing large size of leaves. An adequate amount of light energy is required for perfect photosynthesis.

Healthy photosynthesis means lots of plant food. Plants having lots of food always grow bigger and stronger.

Why is my Philodendron Micans curling?

Micans leaves only curl when they do not get proper moisture or they are exposed to high-intensity light.

They curl their leaves to protect the leaf tissues from harsh light rays.

In case of less watering, these plants curl leaves to save the remaining amount of moisture. To do so they reduce the surface size of their leaves by curling up.

Do Micans like Misting?

Misting only provides temporary relief from low humidity. In this method, you use a spray bottle and mist water on the leaves.

The leaves remain wet for some time but you need a permanent solution.

Use a plant humidifier instead of traditional humidity increasing methods. It is a portable device and is inexpensive.

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How do you care for Philodendron Micans?


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