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Philodendron Cordatum Care and Propagation Guide

Philodendron Cordatum is a popular houseplant. It grows shining green heart-shaped leaves. This philodendron is best for hanging baskets.

2 to 3 inch long green leaves look beautiful in bright light. The good news this plant can tolerate direct sunlight for some time.

Morning sunlight acts like a miracle for this particular variety.

Philodendron Hederaceum is another plant that looks similar to Cordatum. But there is a difference in the leaves.

Hederaceum leaves are light green whereas cordatum grows dark green leaves. This is the only noticeable difference between these two plants.

Indirect bright light, normal humidity, and moderate watering are secrets to success. To prevent pest and fungal diseases. Use neem oil spray and keep your plant leaves clean.

Philodendron Cordatum Care Needs

Light Needs

To choose a perfect location for your plant. Take the help of a light meter. It is a device with which you can measure the light conditions in different parts of your home.

First thing first, it needs indirect bright light. Turn ON your device a choose a place that shows light energy above 250 FC and below 400 FC.

Do not place it on a sunny window, put it a few feet away from it. So, that the highly intense sunlight cannot destroy its leaves.

In case you decide to grow it in a dark place where light energy is low. In this case, using a led grow light is the best option.

300 watts dimmable grow light is enough for this plant. You can dim the light to keep the light between 250 to 400 FC.

Low Light Signs:

  • Yellow Leaves
  • Slow or no growth
  • Leggy appearance
  • Small leaves
  • Fewer leaves per vine
  • Weak plant
  • Curled leaves

Watering Philodendron Cordatum

Don’t use tap water for plants that are growing in pots. Instead, filtered water gives excellent results.

Cordatum needs moist soil for its entire life. But it is also prone to root rot. So, you need to water it carefully.

Use the soil check method and poke your finger in the soil. If the top layers of the soil are dry, then only water your plant.

This way you can prevent root rot and other overwatering problems.

If this technique is difficult for you then use a soil moisture meter. It is a device that gives an exact reading of moisture in the soil and also tells about the right time for watering.

Potting Soil for Philodendron Cordatum

Aroid mix is an excellent choice for this philodendron. Because it needs quick-draining potting soil that can hold moisture for a long time.

The Aroid mix is exactly the same as you need for this plant.

If you like to make your potting soil at home. Then mix perlite, potting mix, orchid bark, and vermiculite in equal parts.

50% general potting mix + 20 % perlite +15 orchid bark + 15 vermiculite.

Here you can replace vermiculite with compost. It is a natural soil conditioner and is inexpensive.

In this formula, perlite is the ingredient that is able to hold enough moisture for a long time. Vermiculite supplies natural nutrients; orchid barks are required to balance the pH.

Because philodendron-like soil is slightly on the Acidic side of the scale.

Fertilizing Cordatum

It needs a good amount of nutrients to grow its heart-shaped leaves. Vermiculite and compost in potting soil give enough nutrients.

But in case you feel your plant is weak or is not growing as it should be.

Fertilize it with organic liquid fertilizer. They are a little expensive but are best for plants. I have less budget and I am using synthetic liquid fertilizer once in 30 days in spring and summer.

It is equally effective and I am using it for 5 years.

Don’t fertilize your philodendrons in the winter season. This is the dormancy period of plants and fertilizing in this time period can destroy your philodendron.

Ideal Temperature

The ideal temperature for this Philo is between 60 to 80 degrees F. Your plant will grow perfectly fine without any problems.

Below 55 degrees F is considered cold for the plant. The water stored in its leaves starts freezing.

This gives rusty spots in leaves.

Moreover, in the low-temperature plant goes into survival mode and spends its energy on surviving not growing.

This locked phase of plant growth is hard to break.

Above 85 degrees F is a hot temperature. This will increase the respiration rate and use of water. Dehydration is the result of a hot temperature.


Normal home humidity is enough for this plant to survive in an indoor environment. In case you find your home, humidity is lower than 40%.

Immediately use a plant humidifier to increase humidity.


Group the plant together and mist some water on the leaves.


Use a pebble tray and place your plant pot over it. Add tap water to the pebble tray and make sure the water level does not touch the plant pot.

Low Humidity Signs:

  • Brown leaf tips
  • Leaves turning brown.
  • Cracks in the soil.
  • Unhealthy yellow leaves with brown tips


Frequent repotting is not required because it has a small root ball. Philodendron Cordatum can easily spend 2 years in a single pot without facing suffocation.

Repot it once in 2 years or when you see the roots growing out of the drainage holes.

For repotting it, use a large size pot and use fresh soil. Unpot your plant and cut the dry and dead roots.

Wash roots with tap water. Add fresh soil to a new pot and plant your philodendron.

Add some water to add moisture and you are done with repotting. For the first few days, you may see some weakness in your plant.

This is due to repotting stress and it will go in few days. No need to worry.


Because it grows multiple small size leaves per stem. It is essential to trim this plant on time.

Spring is the best time for removing dead and dry leaves. If required you can cut an entire vine.

For cutting dead parts use a sharp knife and before use, sterilize it with rubbing alcohol. This way you can prevent infections.

After trimming it spray neem oil on the entire plant. This will help it to heal soon and also prevent pests and fungal diseases.


The sad news is Philodendron cordatum is toxic to humans and pets. The juice of this plant contains calcium oxalate, Like Philodendron Gabby and Bicolor.

This substance is toxic if ingested.

Excessive drooling, stomach pain, and sore throat are early warning signs.

To prevent toxicity wear garden gloves while working on this plant. Also, keep it at some height so that your pets and kids cannot touch it.

Philodendron Cordatum Propagation

Propagate philodendron cordatum with stem cutting technique. If you want to multiply your plant with less effort.

This method gives quick results.

Step-by-Step Process:

  • Choose a healthy stem with top leaves
  • You need a 5 inches long stem
  • Make a clean cut under the leaf node.
  • Remove the bottom leaves carefully.
  • Take a glass of water and put the cutting in it.
  • Make sure the water level cannot touch the leaves.
  • Store it in a warm and humid place
  • Regularly change the water of the glass.
  • Once the new roots grow 1 inch long transfer the stem to potting soil.

Troubleshooting Philodendron Cordatum

Holes in Leaves

Holes in leaves indicate pest attacks. Because houseplant pests like aphids and mealybugs lay their eggs in leaf tissues.

When their larvae eat the leaf cells this makes tiny holes in leaves.

To catch this problem on time, you must always check the undersides of the leaves while watering.

Because pests usually make their colonies there.

Use pest-killing liquid soap to get rid of these nasty pests. After the treatment, keep your plant separate until it grows new leaves.

Place it in a warm and humid place for fast healing.

Dark Spots on Leaves

Dark spots on cordatum leaves mean your plant leaves are infected with leaf fungus. Wet leaves and humid conditions increase the chances of infection.

To prevent it keep your plant leaves dry.

For treatment, use copper fungicide and spray all over the plant. Before spraying the liquid remove the dead and infected leaves.

Yellow Leaves

Yellow leaves indicate root rot. This fungus is a result of overwatering. To prevent it follow the soil check method for watering your philodendron cordatum.

For the treatment unpot your plant, cut the roots, and repot it in a new pot by using new fresh soil.

But before that, check the soil to confirm the root rot. If the soil is saturated with water and your plant has yellow-turning leaves.

This means definitely roots are decaying.

Brown Leaf tips

Brown turning leaf tips means there is less moisture in the air. In this condition check the room humidity with a hygrometer.

Increase it with a room humidifier and trim the brown parts of the leaves. Because the brown and crispy leaves will never turn green again.

Curled and Wrinkled Leaves

Excessive light and lack of water result in lifeless and wrinkled leaves. When high intense light makes the leaves out of moisture.

Their tips start curling to protect them from sharp light.

Correct the light conditions and give some water to your plant. It will heal in a few days.


Philodendron Cordatum needs bright light to grow. Moderate watering is required to keep its leaves healthy and shining.

Natural fertilizers are best for quick results.

For more information on houseplants check the plant section.

The post Philodendron Cordatum Care and Propagation Guide appeared first on Shineledlighting.

This post first appeared on Shineledlighting, please read the originial post: here

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Philodendron Cordatum Care and Propagation Guide


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