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Things You Should Not Leave Behind When Moving

Things You Should Not Leave Behind When Moving

Moving, though an exciting prospect, can quickly turn into a stressful experience if not planned meticulously.  

To ensure a smooth transition to your new home, it’s crucial to pay attention to detail and avoid common pitfalls that could disrupt the moving process.  

In this blog, we will discuss about what not to forget when moving to a new house.  

We’ll delve into each category of items that you should never leave behind when moving, offering detailed insights and tips to make your relocation a seamless success. 

Important Documents

Passports, IDs, and Licenses: Before embarking on your move, gather all essential identification documents for every member of your household. These include passports, driver’s licenses, and any other forms of identification required for personal and legal purposes. 

Financial Documents: Financial paperwork is often overlooked during a move. Ensure you pack bank statements, insurance policies, and any other relevant financial documents securely. Having these documents on hand will prove invaluable in managing your finances and ensuring a smooth transition to your new residence. 

Medication and First Aid Kit

Prescription Medications: It’s imperative to double-check and ensure that you have an ample supply of any prescription medications for every member of your household. Running out of essential medications during a move can lead to unnecessary stress.   

First Aid Kit : Accidents can happen at any time. To be prepared, keep a well-stocked first aid kit easily accessible. Include bandages, antiseptic ointment, pain relievers, and any specific medications or medical supplies your family may need. 

Valuables and Sentimental Items

Jewelry and Valuables: Valuables such as jewelry and important documents should be packed separately and transported personally. Consider using a secure travel pouch or a small lockbox to ensure the safety of these valuable items. 

Sentimental Items: Family heirlooms, photographs, and other sentimental items hold significant emotional value. Pack these items with care, preferably in a designated box that you personally handle. Consider creating an inventory to track and account for each sentimental item. 

Electronics and Chargers

Laptops, Tablets, and Phones: In our technology-driven age, electronic devices are integral to daily life. Keep laptops, tablets, and phones close at hand during the move, ensuring they are packed securely to prevent damage. 

Electronic Cables: Don’t forget the charging cables! Ensure you have the necessary cables for all your electronic devices, minimizing the chances of being without power upon arrival at your new home.   

Clothing and Essentials

Clothing for the Move: Pack a few days’ worth of clothing for each family member, considering the weather at both your current and new locations. This ensures you have comfortable attire during the move and the first few days in your new home. 

Seasonal Items: If you’re moving between different climates, make sure to pack clothing suitable for the current and upcoming seasons. This prevents the need to dig through boxes searching for weather-appropriate attire upon arrival. 

Kitchen Essentials

Non-Perishable Food Items: Packing snacks and non-perishable food items is a wise move. These provisions can be a lifesaver during the move and the first day in your new home, especially if you’re delayed in setting up your kitchen. 

Cooking Utensils and Appliances: If you plan on preparing meals soon after the move, pack essential kitchen items such as pots, pans, and utensils. Also, consider including a few basic cooking appliances to make your first days in the new home more comfortable. 

Utilities and Services

Utility Transfer Information: Ensure you have the necessary information for transferring or disconnecting utilities at both your old and new homes. This includes electricity, water, gas, internet, and any other essential services. 

Change of Address Forms: Complete change of address forms for postal services, magazine subscriptions, and other entities that require your updated information. This ensures that important mail reaches you at your new residence.   

Cleaning Supplies

Basic Cleaning Supplies: A quick clean before leaving your old home and upon arrival at the new one can make a significant difference. Pack basic cleaning supplies, including surface cleaners, brooms, and garbage bags, to tackle any unexpected messes. 

Pets and Their Essentials

Pet Supplies : Moving can be stressful for pets, so ensure you pack enough food, water, and favorite toys to keep them comfortable during the journey and the first days in your new home.   

Vet Records: Carry your pets’ medical records, especially if you’re moving to a new city. This ensures you have essential information in case of emergencies or if you need to register with a new veterinarian.   

Tools and Hardware

Basic Tools: A toolkit with essential tools can be invaluable for any unexpected tasks during the move. Screwdrivers, pliers, and a hammer are basic tools that can come in handy.

Hardware for Furniture: If you’re disassembling furniture for the move, ensure you have the necessary hardware like screws, nuts, and bolts. Keep these items organized and labeled to make the reassembly process more straightforward.  

Children’s Necessities

Children’s Essentials: Packing a bag with essential items for your children is crucial. Include diapers, formula, and their favorite toys to keep them comfortable during the move. 

School Records: If you have school-aged children, don’t forget to transfer their school records. Notify their current school about the move and gather all necessary documents to enroll them in their new educational institution. 

Important Contacts

Emergency Contacts: Keep a list of emergency contacts for both your old and new locations. Include local emergency services, neighbors, and family or friends who can assist in case of unforeseen circumstances.   

Service Providers: Have contact information for movers, utility companies, and other service providers readily available. This ensures you can quickly address any issues or changes during the moving process. 

Summing Up 

In conclusion, ensuring a seamless move involves meticulous planning and attention to detail, especially regarding items you should never leave behind.  

By prioritizing essential documents, valuables, and everyday necessities, and by staying organized throughout the process, you not only safeguard your possessions but also pave the way for a smoother transition to your new home.  

Remember, the key to a successful move lies in foresight, careful consideration, and a well-thought-out checklist.  

As you embark on this exciting journey, may these insights guide you toward a stress-free and fulfilling moving experience. Safe moving!   


What documents should I prioritize for easy access during the move? 

Prioritize identification documents (passports, IDs), financial paperwork, and moving-related documents. Keep these in a designated folder or pouch for quick and easy access. 

What kitchen essentials should I prioritize packing for the move? 

Prioritize non-perishable food items for the move and the first day in your new home. Pack essential cooking utensils and appliances if you plan on preparing meals soon after the move.   

What should I include in a children’s moving day bag to keep them comfortable? 

In a children’s moving day bag, include their favorite snacks, toys, and comfort items. This provides a sense of familiarity and comfort during the upheaval of the move. 

How can I efficiently manage change of address and utility transfers during a move? 

Efficiently manage change of address by completing forms in advance and notifying important contacts. Keep a copy of utility transfer confirmations for quick reference during the transition. 

How do you decide what to keep in a move? 

Decide what to keep in a move by assessing the necessity and utility of each item. Prioritize essentials and belongings with sentimental value, while decluttering by donating, selling, or discarding items with lower importance. 

What items you should not move in a long distance? 

For long-distance moves, it’s advisable not to transport perishable goods, hazardous materials, or items with sentimental or irreplaceable value. Consider selling, donating, or safely disposing of these items before the move. 

The post Things You Should Not Leave Behind When Moving appeared first on Book A Mover.

This post first appeared on Book A Mover, please read the originial post: here

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Things You Should Not Leave Behind When Moving
