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How to Reheat a Burrito in Air Fryer: Quick and Easy Guide

Craving a burrito but don’t want to leave the house? Reheating your favorite dish in an Air Fryer is quick, easy, and will give it that crispy exterior you love.

In this blog, I will guide you through the process of reheating a burrito in an air fryer. We will explain why using an air fryer is crucial for reheating Burritos, highlight the advantages of using one, and provide special considerations for different types of burritos.

the Importance of an Air Fryer for Reheating Burritos

When it comes to reheating burritos, using an air fryer can make all the difference. It offers several advantages over conventional reheating methods, such as microwave or oven. Let’s take a closer look at why an air fryer is the way to go.

Why Use an Air Fryer?

Air fryers use hot air circulation, reducing the need for extra oil. Unlike deep frying, air frying requires minimal oil, making it a healthier choice.

When reheating burritos, air fryers excel in providing a crispy tortilla texture. The hot air circulation crisps up the tortilla while heating the filling, resulting in a texture similar to freshly made burritos.

Using an air fryer is easy, with simple steps for reheating burritos. With temperature and time settings, you can customize the cooking process based on the size and filling of your burrito.

One of the main advantages of reheating burritos in an air fryer is that it avoids soggy tortillas. Traditional reheating methods, such as microwave or oven, can often leave burritos with soggy tortillas, which can be less enjoyable to eat.

The air fryer, on the other hand, helps to maintain the crispy texture of the tortilla, even when reheating leftover burritos.

Advantages of Reheating Burritos in an Air Fryer

Reheating burritos in an air fryer offers several advantages that make it the preferred method for many burrito lovers. Let’s explore these advantages in more detail.

First, reheating burritos in an air fryer results in a crispy texture, similar to fresh burritos. The hot air circulation of the air fryer ensures that the tortilla becomes crispy, while heating the filling evenly. This crispy texture enhances the overall eating experience, giving you the perfect balance of crunch and flavor.

Second, air fryers excel at evenly heating burritos, eliminating cold spots and soggy tortillas. The hot air circulates around the burrito, ensuring that every bite is evenly reheated, without any cold spots. This is especially beneficial, as burritos can have different filling ingredients, and heating them evenly ensures a consistent temperature throughout.

Another advantage of reheating burritos in an air fryer is the reduction of waste and cleanup time. Unlike conventional reheating methods, air fryers eliminate the need for aluminum foil, as their hot air circulation ensures even cooking without extra wrapping.

Reheating burritos in an air fryer results in less moisture compared to conventional methods. This helps in maintaining the integrity of toppings, as they remain crispy instead of becoming soggy. Whether it’s lettuce, pico de gallo, or any other toppings, reheating burritos in an air fryer ensures that they retain their texture and flavor.

Lastly, air fryers offer easy customization of cooking time and temperature, allowing you to achieve the perfect reheating results for your burritos. With different air fryer models, you can adjust the temperature and time settings based on the size and filling of your burrito, ensuring they are reheated thoroughly without overcooking.

Now that we understand the importance of using an air fryer for reheating burritos, let’

The Art of Reheating a Burrito in an Air Fryer

Reheating a burrito in an air fryer is easy, as long as you follow a few simple steps. From preparing the air fryer to setting the correct temperature and time, let’s explore how to achieve the best results.

Preparing the Air Fryer

To get started, preheat your air fryer to ensure even cooking of reheating burritos. Most air fryers have a temperature control, so set it to the recommended temperature of 350°F (175°C) for reheating burritos.

Next, place your burritos in the air fryer basket, making sure they are evenly spaced. If you’re reheating multiple burritos, avoid overcrowding the basket, as this can interfere with the hot air circulation and result in uneven reheating.

To prevent sticking, you can use foil or paper towel as a barrier between the burritos and the air fryer basket. Simply line the basket with foil or paper towel, then place the burritos on top. This will make cleanup easier and ensure that your burritos don’t stick to the basket.

Setting the Correct Temperature and Time

Once your air fryer is preheated, it’s time to set the correct temperature and time for reheating your burritos. These settings may vary slightly depending on the size and filling of your burrito, as well as the air fryer model, so use these as a general guideline.

Set the air fryer temperature to 350°F (175°C) for reheating burritos. This temperature ensures that the tortilla becomes crispy, while heating the filling to a safe temperature.

Cook the burritos in the air fryer for 8-10 minutes, flipping them halfway through, for best results. This cooking time allows the hot air to evenly heat the burritos, ensuring that both the tortilla and filling are reheated thoroughly.

Keep an eye on the burritos as they cook, as cooking time may vary depending on your air fryer model and ingredients used. Some air fryers may require less time, while others may require a couple of minutes extra. Adjust the cooking time as needed, ensuring that the burritos are reheated throughout.

To ensure food safety, use a food thermometer to check that reheated burritos reach a temperature of at least 165°F (74°C). This temperature ensures that any potentially harmful bacteria are killed, making your reheated burritos safe to eat.

Serving Suggestions for an Air Fryer Reheated Burrito

Now that your burritos are perfectly reheated, it’s time to serve them up with some delicious toppings. Here are a few serving suggestions to enhance the flavor of your air fryer reheated burritos:

  • Serve reheated burritos with salsa, guacamole, or sour cream for added flavor. The tanginess of salsa, creaminess of guacamole, or creaminess of sour cream complement the flavors of the reheated burrito, adding a burst of freshness.
  • Top air fryer reheated burritos with avocado, lettuce, and pico de gallo for a fresh touch. These toppings not only add extra texture but also enhance the overall flavor of the reheated burrito.
  • Pair reheated burritos with a side of crispy french fries or veggies for a complete meal. The crispy texture of the fries or veggies complements the reheated burrito, creating a satisfying and filling combination.
  • Customize reheated burritos with your choice of hot sauce, cheese, or other toppings. This allows you to personalize the burrito to your taste, adding an extra layer of flavor and spice.
  • Enjoy air fryer reheated burritos as a quick and satisfying lunch or dinner option. They are great for those busy days when you need a filling meal on the go.

Now that we’ve covered the basics of reheating burritos, let’s move on to special considerations for different types of burritos.

Special Considerations for Different Types of Burritos

Reheating different types of burritos may require slight adjustments in cooking time and temperature. Let’s explore the best way to reheat frozen burritos, breakfast burritos, as well as wet burritos, in an air fryer.

Reheating Frozen Burritos in an Air Fryer

Air fryers provide a convenient way to reheat frozen burritos, cooking them thoroughly in minutes. Here’s how to do it:

Start by preheating your air fryer, as usual, ensuring that it reaches the temperature specified in the burrito’s cooking instructions. Most frozen burritos require a temperature of 375°F (190°C) for reheating.

Next, place the frozen burritos directly into the air fryer basket, without thawing them. The hot air circulation of the air fryer will defrost and reheat the burritos simultaneously, saving time and effort.

Cook the frozen burritos in the air fryer at 375°F (190°C) for 12-15 minutes, flipping them halfway through, until hot and crispy. Adjust the cooking time based on the size and filling of the frozen burritos, ensuring they are reheated thoroughly.

Once reheated, enjoy hot, crispy, and flavorful burritos, without the extra cost of ordering takeout or delivery. Air fryer reheating brings frozen burritos back to life, making them as good as freshly made.

Reheating Breakfast Burritos in an Air Fryer

Air fryers are ideal for reheating breakfast burritos, as they help maintain the texture of tortilla, eggs, and filling. Here’s how to do it:

Preheat your air fryer, as usual, to the temperature recommended for reheating breakfast burritos. Typically, a temperature of 375°F (190°C) works well.

Place breakfast burritos directly into the air fryer basket, seam-side down, to avoid any filling leakage during reheating.

Cook breakfast burritos in the air fryer at 375°F (190°C) for 8-10 minutes, flipping them halfway through, until hot and crispy. Adjust the cooking time based on the size of breakfast burritos, ensuring they are reheated thoroughly without burning.

Serve hot, crispy, and flavorful breakfast burritos, perfect for a quick, on-the-go morning meal. The air fryer reheating method ensures that your breakfast burritos taste as good as freshly made, even if they were leftover from the previous day.

Handling Wet Burritos in an Air Fryer

Wet burritos, with extra sauce or moisture, can be challenging to reheat without losing texture or becoming soggy. Here are a few tips for reheating wet burritos in an air fryer:

First, it’s best to avoid reheating wet burritos, as they may become soggy. If possible, try to enjoy wet burritos fresh, as reheating can compromise their texture.

If reheating wet burritos is necessary, blot excess moisture from them before air frying. Use paper towels to gently pat the burritos, removing as much moisture as possible, without deforming the shape of the burrito.

Preheat the air fryer, as usual, to ensure a crispy texture of wet burritos. The hot air of the air fryer will help evaporate moisture, enhancing the texture of reheated wet burritos.

Place wet burritos on the air fryer basket, not directly on foil or paper towel, as this may interfere with the hot air circulation.

Flip wet burritos halfway through the reheating process, ensuring even cooking of reheating burritos, as wet ingredients tend to distribute moisture unevenly.

Although reheating wet burritos in an air fryer can be challenging, following these steps can help maintain texture and prevent excessive moisture, resulting in a more enjoyable reheating experience.

Proper Storage of Leftover Burritos for Reheating

Proper storage of leftover burritos plays a crucial role in ensuring food safety and maintaining quality for future reheating. Let’s explore the best ways to store leftover burritos, whether you plan to refrigerate or freeze them.

Freezing Burritos for Future Reheating

Freezing leftover burritos is a great way to have a quick meal ready for future reheating. Here’s how to freeze burritos to ensure they retain their quality:

Individually wrap burritos in foil or freezer-safe bags, ensuring they are well-sealed to prevent freezer burn. Wrapping burritos individually allows for easy reheating of small portions, as needed, without thawing the whole batch.

Place frozen burritos directly in the air fryer basket, without thawing, when reheating. The air fryer’s hot air circulation will defrost and reheat frozen burritos, saving time and maintaining their texture.

Increase cooking time when reheating frozen burritos in an air fryer, as frozen burritos require extra time to heat through completely. Monitor burritos closely, as cooking time may vary, depending on the air fryer model and ingredients used.

Check burrito’s internal temperature, using a food thermometer, to ensure it’s fully reheated. The reheated burrito should reach a temperature of at least 165°F (74°C) for food safety.

Refrigeration Vs Room Temperature Storage

When it comes to leftover burritos, refrigerating them is the best way to maintain food safety and freshness. Here’s why refrigeration is recommended over room temperature storage:

Refrigerating leftover burritos helps maintain food safety, as cold temperatures inhibit bacterial growth. Leaving burritos at room temperature can create an environment where bacteria can multiply, potentially leading to foodborne illnesses.

While room temperature storage of burritos is suitable for short periods, less than 2 hours, it is best to refrigerate them as soon as possible. This prevents the temperature of burritos from entering the danger zone, where bacterial growth becomes a concern.

For best results, let refrigerated burritos come to room temperature before reheating, as reheating cold burritos can result in cold spots. This small step ensures that reheating is consistent, providing evenly reheated burritos throughout.

Remember, food safety should always be a priority, and proper storage of leftover burritos is crucial in maintaining their quality for future reheating.

Helpful Tips to Avoid Common Reheating Errors

To get the best results when reheating burritos in an air fryer, it’s essential to avoid common reheating errors. Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind:

Consider alternative reheating methods, such as toaster oven or skillet, as they can also provide crispy results, similar to air fryer reheating. These methods may require different temperature and time settings, so adjust accordingly.

Add toppings, such as salsa, guacamole, or sour cream, after reheating burritos. This keeps the toppings fresh and prevents them from heating too much, as reheating toppings can sometimes result in texture changes.

If reheating burritos in the microwave, wrap them in a damp paper towel to prevent them from drying out. The moisture from the paper towel will help maintain moisture in the burrito, resulting in a more enjoyable reheating experience.

Avoid reheating burritos with lettuce, as lettuce tends to wilt and become soggy when reheated. If lettuce is an essential ingredient, consider adding it as a topping after reheating, to retain its freshness and texture.

If you prefer smaller burritos, consider cutting larger burritos into smaller pieces before reheating. Smaller burrito portions will require less time to reheat, ensuring that your burrito is hot and crispy, without any cold spots.

How to tell if your Burrito is Fully Reheated?

Knowing when your burrito is fully reheated is essential to ensure food safety and quality. Here are a few ways to tell if your burrito is fully reheated:

First, check the burrito’s temperature using a food thermometer. The burrito should reach a temperature of at least 165°F (74°C) for food safety. Insert the food thermometer into the filling of the burrito, as that is the part that takes the longest to heat through.

Pierce the burrito with a fork, and if steam is released, it’s likely fully reheated. Steam indicates that the filling has reached a hot temperature, ensuring food safety and reheating throughout.

The texture of the tortilla should be crispy, not soggy, when the burrito is fully reheated. A crispy tortilla texture enhances the overall eating experience, providing a satisfying crunch with each bite.

Visual inspection of the burrito can also help determine if it’s fully reheated. The filling should be hot and evenly heated throughout, with no cold spots. Take a small portion of the burrito, and if it’s hot all the way through, it’s fully reheated and ready to enjoy.

Lastly, taste a small portion of the burrito, as taste can be a good indicator of its reheating status. If the burrito tastes hot, with no cold spots, it’s likely fully reheated, providing a delicious and satisfying meal.

Can You Reheat a Burrito More than Once in an Air Fryer?

It is safe to reheat burritos multiple times in an air fryer, as long as food safety guidelines are followed. However, reheating burritos too many times can result in dry, overcooked filling, which may diminish the overall quality of the burrito.

To avoid overcooking, consider reheating small portions of the burrito, rather than reheating the entire burrito again. This way, you can enjoy hot, crispy burrito bites without sacrificing texture or moisture.


In conclusion, reheating your burrito in an air fryer is a quick and convenient way to enjoy a delicious meal. The air fryer helps retain the crispiness of the tortilla while heating the filling to perfection. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your burrito is reheated evenly and avoids any sogginess or dryness. Whether you’re reheating a frozen burrito, a breakfast burrito, or a wet burrito, the air fryer is a versatile appliance that can handle it all. Remember to properly store your leftover burritos for future reheating and use a food thermometer to ensure they are fully reheated. Enjoy your hot and tasty burrito with confidence!

The post How to Reheat a Burrito in Air Fryer: Quick and Easy Guide appeared first on Kitchen Fact.

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How to Reheat a Burrito in Air Fryer: Quick and Easy Guide


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