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Deck Out Your Backyard: Landscape Design Ideas

Deck Out Your Backyard: Landscape Design Ideas

Want a place to entertain guests and relax in nature but are tired of staring at your boring backyard? There is no better option than building an outside deck for your house. It not only raises the market worth of your house but also presents countless possibilities for landscaping design and establishing a private haven. Everyone has a choice, from the maximalist to the minimalist. Continue reading to learn how to add an outdoor deck step by step and how to use innovative landscaping ideas to make it the ideal location for all of your outdoor demands.

Patios should not be confused with outdoor decks, which are platform buildings that make the ideal location for outdoor activities with guests. They are typically composed of wood decking and are attached to the house. They frequently lack a roof and walls as well. An excellent patio can be made using a patio idea for your backyard space. You can have a nice party environment for your guests if you have a sunny spot.

Before You Begin

Whether you want to take this project on yourself or hire a professional, it’s important to have a vision before designing your dream deck. Ask yourself the important questions, and you can map out a plan from there.

First, what purpose do you want your deck to serve? Are you looking to create a sanctuary for yourself? Or a relaxation spot with your immediate family? Or are you looking to host and entertain a few friends?

The answer to this question not only determines the size of your deck and how much space you have available, but also what materials and furniture pieces should be included.

From there, you can now identify your personal taste and how much of it you want to incorporate into the space. What materials and finishes would you like to use? How do they fit into your budget? If you know the answer to these, then you’re already halfway there.

It’s also recommended that you confirm if you need any permits and check the building codes. If you choose to hire a professional landscape designer, make sure to compare quotes and vet the contractor for their qualifications and experience.

Now that you have the vision, your project can begin.

Landscaping Around a Deck

A little landscaping goes a long way towards making your space a more attractive one. It’s a rewarding task but can be equally tedious. Below, we’ve broken down the process into manageable steps that you can easily take on.

Select Your Materials

Start by picking out the plants you want to use around the deck. Trees, shrubs, and flowers can be used to create a border and fence in your landscape. Create dimension by including a few trees, smaller shrubs, and ornamental plants. Don’t forget to choose plants that are low maintenance.

Determine Borders

You can do this by organizing your chosen plants into a rough arrangement. This gives you an idea of where to plant and where your landscape begins and ends. You can play around with the layout until something sticks.

Install Border Edging

Dig up existing turf to prepare the ground, and then you can commence the installation of border edging. It helps to define your border and minimize the risk of weed. You can make the installation easier by digging a shallow trench along your border.

Add Landscape Fabric

Landscape fabric (also known as weed control fabric) is typically made from polyester fabric. It helps cut back on weeding and is a very important step in outdoor deck landscaping.

Begin Planting Materials

After you finalize your landscape’s layout, you can begin planting. You do this by cutting the landscape fabric, digging a hole, and then adding each plant. A quick tip: leave enough space between your plants so they can grow better. 

Landscaping Design Ideas for Outdoor Decks 

Here are ten landscaping design ideas for your outdoor deck. From the minimalist to the maximalist, there’s an option for everyone! 

1. Landscaping With Rock Beds

This is a minimalist approach to landscaping, and rock beds are great for creating a border to contain your landscape. If you want some greenery in your space, you can plant small shrubs between the rock beds.

This option screams modernity, and it will always give your deck the appearance of being well-maintained and polished. It also stops weed from growing into your border, which makes it low maintenance.

2. Vertical Gardening

This is an excellent option for people who aren’t working with a lot of space. Living green walls are not only unique but are also an interesting way to introduce greenery to your space! It can be as simple as covering your walls with climbing plants or using upright structures to grow the plants.

Vertical gardening is amazing for plant growth, but it does require frequent watering.

3. Encircle Your Deck With Plants

This is one of the most common landscape designs for decks, and understandably so. Planting trees with flowers is a beautiful way to add a pop of color to your deck. Not only do they create a natural border, but they elevate the view.

But you must note that choosing this option means that you’ll need to trim and maintain your landscape regularly.

4. Install Hedges

Lush greenery is never a bad idea for outdoor decks, and installing hedges is one way to achieve that. There are many hedging options available to choose from. 

For one, you can add a burst of color by planting a long hedgerow of hydrangeas.

Hydrangeas are perennial plants, meaning they’ll remain alive and maintain their visual appeal for all seasons of the year.

Alternatively, you can maximize privacy by installing boxwood hedges that surround your furniture. They are a classy alternative to privacy screens, and you can host a few friends without fear of being watched.

5. Maximalist Landscaping

Do you want your space bustling? Then this might be the option for you! To achieve this, install an abundance of greenery along your border. An assortment of trees, shrubs, and ornamental plants will pack a visual punch and soothe your maximalist taste.

If you’re on a tight budget, choose plants that spread out while growing. Or install raised beds with plant containers.

Your furniture and decor choices can also reflect this landscaping option. Go for vintage chairs with interesting shapes and colorful throw pillows!

6. Grass-Block Pavers

Grass-block pavers are an amazing alternative to concrete. They allow grass to grow through them and often create interesting patterns on the ground. This is great for the eco-friendly homeowner. They’re also visually appealing with a touch of modernity while still adding greenery to your deck.

7. Outdoor Art

It’s easy to focus all your attention on including plants in your deck, but don’t minimize how effective the other decor elements are. You can elevate your deck with some beautiful art!

Vibrant artwork draws the eye and enriches the space. Other living pieces like sculptures can do that too. Together, they create an elegant spot for hosting friends and family!

8. Waterscape

If you do not have any budget constraints, then you might want to explore this option! What better than a water feature to elevate your deck and enhance your relaxation?

Installing a water fountain or a small pond will upgrade your landscape and completely transform it into something special. Don’t be afraid to make a splash!

The best part is that you might even be able to get a budget-friendly water feature.

9. Hanging Planters

If you’re looking to fill empty vertical space, then hanging planters are the way to go. They are a quick and easy hack and are quite affordable too! Suspended plants are aesthetically pleasing and will attract visual interest from guests.

This option can be recommended for those working with a small deck area that cannot fit large horizontal greenery.

10. Cozy Furniture

What we do best at Patio Production

Recreate the vibe of a cozy cabin retreat by complementing your landscape with beautiful furniture. While greenery plays a huge part in your landscape design, don’t underestimate how far the right furniture will go.

Choose pieces that will blend in seamlessly and add splashes of color to your space. But don’t ignore functionality for aesthetics. Select padded sofas, cozy chairs, and benches to achieve cozy seating.

Some more cozy sofas from our store:

This post first appeared on Patio Productions, please read the originial post: here

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Deck Out Your Backyard: Landscape Design Ideas
