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Why Australian Homes Can Benefit from Air-conditioning

Why Australian Homes Can Benefit From Air-conditioning

Air-conditioning is a common feature in Australian homes, with the use of AC units becoming the most popular form of heating and cooling in the last 28 years. Air conditioning isn’t essential for everyone, and older buildings in cooler areas are usually comfortably cool, even in hot temperatures. Not everyone thinks an AC unit is a worthy investment, but if you are still on the fence, here’s why your Australian home can benefit.

Extreme Temperatures

Australia has a diverse climate. Western Australia is cooler on the coast, but the temperature can reach 40 degrees inland. The Northern Territories have high humidity during the monsoon season and temperatures can vary from the high 30s to below freezing. The rest of Australia also experiences very high temperatures at times, with cold winters in places like Melbourne.

Heatwaves have caused more deaths in Australia than any hazard in the last 200 years. Older people, children, and pregnant women are most at risk. Extreme temperatures in Australia are on the rise. In 2021/22, Perth experienced a record 11 days where temperatures exceeded 40 degrees, which broke the previous record of 7 days. Anyone without AC would have been pretty miserable.

Given Australia’s heat waves are predicted to get even hotter in the future, air conditioning for homes in Sunshine Coast and other hot areas is now essential.

Help Pets Be More Comfortable

Extreme heat doesn’t just impact humans – pets are equally vulnerable to hot temperatures. Prolonged exposure to extreme temperatures can cause dogs, cats, and other small animals to overheat and die. Without air-conditioning, homes can heat up to unbearable levels during the day, when humans are out at school and work, leaving pets vulnerable.

Installing an air-conditioning system will ensure your beloved pets are safe and cool when the temperatures are highest.

Allergy Management

The impact of allergies is often underestimated, but one in five people in Australia and New Zealand have some kind of allergy, with hay fever and asthma being the most common. Allergens like mould, pollen, pet dander, and dust mites can all cause and exacerbate symptoms in people with allergies, which can make life miserable.

Air-conditioning systems can help people manage their allergies. With the correct filter installed, an AC system filters out pollen, dust mites, and pet dander from the air that circulates through the home. An AC system is a significant benefit if you or a loved one has an allergy and life will be a lot more comfortable if one is installed. The only caveat is that the system must be regularly maintained, with filters replaced often.

Better Air Quality

An air-conditioning system filters the air before circulating it around your home. Not only does this filter out irritants that cause allergies, such as dust and pet dander, but it also improves the quality of the air in the home. Air is fresher and free from pollutants. If you live in an urban area or a part of Australia prone to wildfires, air-con can filter out harmful particles as long as high-grade filters are used in the system and it is well maintained.

Reduce Humidity

Atmospheric humidity is a problem in parts of New South Wales and Queensland because they lie in a sub-tropical zone with high rainfall and high temperatures. Not only is high humidity unpleasant at the best of times but it can cause issues in the home. If high humidity levels are not dealt with they can lead to peeling wallpaper, damaged walls and brickwork, and the growth of mould and mildew. In addition, too much moisture in the air will cause damage to leather and wooden furniture, leading to rot and warping.

Nobody wants a home where mould runs rampant on walls and soft furnishings smell of mildew. Not only is it deeply unpleasant but mould and mildew are hazardous to health. High moisture levels in the home encourage the growth of fungal spores and dust mites. This can cause issues for people with allergies. It may also impact the health of babies and young children, as well as seniors. In addition, high humidity makes it much harder for the body to cool off because sweat can’t evaporate from the skin. In a heatwave, high humidity leads to more cases of heat exhaustion, which is potentially fatal for vulnerable people.

AC units help to control high humidity in the home by removing the moisture from the air at the same time as cooling it down. If you live in a humid part of Australia, installing air conditioning could be a lifesaver, as well as help prevent the growth of mould and mildew in your home.

You’ll Get a Good Night’s Sleep

If you have ever tried to sleep when it’s hot and humid, you will be familiar with just how difficult it is. Unfortunately, living in Australia means dealing with hot and humid nights on a regular basis.

In a normal sleep cycle, our body temperature naturally falls as we prepare for sleep, usually by two degrees, before rising again when we wake up. This is all part of a regular circadian cycle. When the bedroom is too hot, our body temperature doesn’t decrease and it makes it hard to fall asleep. In addition, being too hot interferes with our sleep and we make up more often.

We are naturally more sensitive to hotter temperatures in the early stages of sleep, which is the slow-wave sleep cycle. This is when cell regeneration and other restorative processes take place, so if you can’t get to sleep or you have poor sleep, you will likely wake up feeling tired, and over time, your immune function will be compromised.

Anyone living in Australia will benefit from air-conditioning if their sleep is regularly disturbed by heat and humidity. Set your AC unit to 65 degrees for the best night’s sleep, as this is the temperature that allows the body to maintain an optimal core temperature.

Protect Your Tech Devices

Do not underestimate the dangers of high temperatures if you use tech items like laptops and smartphones. Exposure to heat can shorten the lifespan of electronic devices. Laptops and PCs rely on internal fans to cool them down, but when they are used in hot rooms, fans won’t be enough and there is a higher risk of damage.

This is why server rooms need to be temperature controlled with AC units. Too high a temperature will cause equipment malfunction and data loss. If you work from home and rely on a laptop or PC, installing air-conditioning could save you from a future data loss nightmare, as well as make work much more comfortable.

Homes are More Secure with AC

Without an AC system, the only way to get some air in is by opening a window. For obvious reasons, this is not ideal when nobody is home, even with screens fitted. An AC unit brings fresh air in, filters it, and circulates it around. It is a more secure way of ventilating indoor spaces.

There are many other benefits of installing air-conditioning in your home, including the fact that an air-conditioned home is a nicer place to exercise if you like to work out in the bedroom, so make the leap and enjoy a much more comfortable home.

This post first appeared on ExpertEasy Blog, please read the originial post: here

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Why Australian Homes Can Benefit from Air-conditioning
