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The Best Office Styles of 2022

The Best Office Styles Of 2022


The look and feel of your office are a crucial part of building a successful business. The way you present yourself to clients and employees can impact their perception of your company, whether they're internal or external stakeholders. Below are some of the best office styles you’ll see in 2022 and 2023 across Melbourne.

The Minimalist Office

The minimalist office is a great choice for anyone looking to create an airy, relaxing environment. It's characterised by its clean, uncluttered look and often features white walls, white desks and chairs, as well as lots of natural light.

This style works best when paired with simple furniture that doesn't take up too much space (think: a standing desk with a chair). Minimalist accessories are also key—think plants or artwork (like this one) that won't distract from your focus on getting work done.

Coworking Spaces

Coworking spaces as office spaces are a great way to meet people and share ideas. They're also a great place to work remotely, especially if you're starting your own business. Coworking spaces can be less expensive than an office, and they give you the opportunity to collaborate with other freelancers and remote workers who have a similar mindset.

If you're thinking of joining a coworking space, here are some questions to ask before signing up.

All White Everything

If you want to create an office space that is all about energy, creativity, and productivity—and if you're in the mood to try something new—then white could be your colour. The reason why is simple: White is a neutral colour that can be paired with any other colour. In fact, it's so versatile that it's actually one of the most popular colours for home decorating these days. But there are plenty of reasons why white would work well in an office as well.

White is easy-to-clean and reflects light very effectively (which makes spaces seem larger). It's also a great choice if you have employees who want flexibility in their workspace arrangements because it can accommodate everything from cubicles to open-office layouts. Take a look at Australia and you can see some amazing office fitouts by Melbourne’s best.

Remote Work

Remote work is an increasingly popular office style for many reasons. For one thing, you don't have to commute or move your family to a different city or town just to get closer to where the best jobs are. You can work from anywhere—from home, from a coffee shop, or even from a coworking space (which is basically like having an office that's shared with other people).

Classic Office

The classic office style is the most common type of office design in 2022, as it has been for decades. A traditional wooden desk, chairs and tables are standard features of this type of workspace. In addition to these pieces of furniture, you’ll also find a bookshelf or two, a filing cabinet and some artwork hanging on the walls. The overall look is one that offers comfort but also feels professional at the same time—a good balance between form and function.

Dynamic Office Layouts

There are two main types of office layouts: the traditional office layout and the open-plan office.

According to the Australian Interior Design Awards traditional office style is one in which workers are allocated a specific space to work from. This can be an individual desk or cubicle in a larger office space or even an entire floor that employees share with other co-workers. The advantage of this type of setup is that it gives employees privacy and allows them to focus on their work without distractions. The disadvantage is that it limits flexibility for both employers and employees if changes need to be made later down the line (such as downsizing or hiring new staff).

An open-plan layout involves multiple desks being set up so they're all in close proximity to each other with little or no walls separating them. This gives everyone easy access to each other's ideas while also allowing plenty of natural light into the room through large windows or skylights overhead—making this type ideal for companies with lots of collaboration-focused projects where teams need constant communication between themselves! On top of this, these types tend not to require anything more than basic furniture such as tables and chairs instead requiring less maintenance than having separate rooms full time.

The advantage of this type of setup is that it's easier for companies to change things around if needed and it's also easier for new employees to get up to speed with everyone else on the team. The disadvantage is that privacy can be hard to come by when everyone wants their own space—especially if they're all working on different projects at once!

Creating a Connection With Nature

You may not have a window with a view of the greenery, but you can still bring nature into your space. Recessed lighting fixtures are an excellent way to do this, as they allow natural light to filter into the room while also providing you with ample ambient light. If it's not possible to have windows in your office, try adding some plants or trees (if allowed). This will create a connection between yourself and nature and help improve mental health.

If your office has access to an outside area where employees can go for breaks or lunch hours, consider building an outdoor patio or garden space so people can take advantage of fresh air during their break time and enjoy nature during lunch breaks instead of sitting inside all day long.


This is just a glimpse of what’s to come in the office world. New and innovative ideas are being explored every day, and we can only expect that trend to continue as technology advances further.

This post first appeared on ExpertEasy Blog, please read the originial post: here

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The Best Office Styles of 2022
