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How To Choose A Monthly Parking Space

How To Choose A Monthly Parking Space

Parking spaces are an essential part of the modern metropolis, and it can be tricky at the best of times to find a space, let alone when you live in any of Australia's big cities. So if you're ready to ditch the daily commute and settle down with a great monthly parking spot, it's essential to ensure it will meet all of your needs. From finding an indoor or outdoor space that fits your budget and lifestyle to ample security features, there's a lot to consider when choosing the right parking spot. Monthly parking is one of many options, and we have put together some simple-to-follow ways to secure your monthly parking space taking the stress out of your daily commute.

Below we have created a guide to explain how to choose a  monthly parking space.

What is Your Typical Working Day?

When considering what type of parking space you need, it is good to think about your typical working hours. For example, you will benefit from monthly parking if you work long hours, Mon - Fri or even, in some cases, just the weekend.  On the other hand, if you work late at night and are concerned about parking somewhere safe and secure, this could be another great reason to get a monthly parking space.

Check Access to the Parking Space

If you're looking for a parking space, a good step is to consider when you will need access to the car. There is no point parking somewhere that closes at 2 pm if you do not finish by 6 pm. Ensure you can park your car when needed. A lot of monthly parking has different time restrictions on the spaces; it's worth checking out. You may want a 24/7 service or parking within daily hours; it is possible to find all options, so doing some research can pay off..

Consider Using a Parking App

There are loads of useful apps available where you can enter the location you wish to park near, the time you want to drop off and pick up the car and then get a quote for how much it will cost. We recently ran a quick check on monthly parking in brisbane and found monthly spaces ranging from $100 to $1000. Depending on location, you have many options available to suit all budgets.

Inquire About the Security Measures Implemented by the Parking Provider

When researching different monthly parking providers, inquire about the security measures implemented by the parking provider. Fencing, security cameras, and staff on-site at all times are common features in secure parking facilities. If your monthly parking space is monitored by CCTV (closed circuit television), it's an excellent choice.

While it may be obvious that your car is at risk of being damaged or stolen if you park it in a poorly-lit parking lot, lighting considerations go beyond the safety of your vehicle. It's also important to consider how well the lights illuminate your car so you can see what you're doing.

Consider Whether you Can Walk or Use Public Transport From the space to the Office

To keep costs down, you can park further out of the city and then jump on public transport or walk. Monthly parking spaces outside of the city limits are often cheaper. If your commute is longer than 30 minutes to the office, you may want to rethink this option, but it pays to do your research.

Covered or Uncovered?

Covered parking can be a plus. It'll protect your car from the elements and keep it cooler in the summer, which is great if you're not driving it much during that time. However, covered parking tends to be more expensive than uncovered spaces.

Covered parking also offers more security than uncovered spaces because most have gated entryways or fences to prevent unauthorized entry by unauthorized people who might want to steal your car. And finally - perhaps most importantly - covered parking is usually more convenient for people using their cars regularly because there will usually be some sort of shuttle service between where you park and where you need to go every day!

Check Cancellation Policies

If you have booked a month’s parking and find you no longer need it, you could end up out of pocket. It always pays to read the fine print! Check what the cancellation policies state and try to go with those that allow cancellation.

There are Many Things to Consider When Choosing a Monthly Parking Service.

Choosing a monthly parking service is an important decision. However, before committing to one, you should ensure it's the right choice for your situation. There are many things to bear in mind when deciding on a monthly car park:

  • Is the parking lot inside or outside? An indoor space can be ideal if you prefer not to have to deal with snow or rain and have a car that doesn't handle cold weather well. However, if you don't mind walking through puddles as you go through downtown traffic to work, then an outdoor spot is probably better suited for you.
  • How far is the parking lot from your workplace? If you have to walk a considerable amount of time, it may not be worth it. Always research parking near your location and try to compare prices.
  • How much does it cost per month? This is always important, especially if money is tight right now.
  • What are the security measures in place? Always consider your safety, primarily if you work late in city locations.


With so many advantages, monthly parking is a brilliant choice. It is a reliable, affordable way to guarantee you have a daily space for your commute. You should consider these features if you want to buy a monthly parking space. They can make all the difference between a good spot and a great one!

This post first appeared on ExpertEasy Blog, please read the originial post: here

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How To Choose A Monthly Parking Space
