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Tree Removal vs. Tree Pruning: How To Decide Which Is Best For Your Tree

Tree Removal Vs. Tree Pruning: How To Decide Which Is Best For Your Tree

Trees are among nature’s best wonders. They play an irreplaceable role in the ecosystem and make the planet a healthier place. For one, trees improve air by filtering and trapping pollutants. Second, they also temper the climate by reducing humidity and air temperature.

Likewise, they’re also good to be near people’s homes. Trees can have a relaxing impact on individuals. They can limit stress and help improve the sense of being of those living in a household. Moreover, they can also be a backdrop where favorite memories have occurred. They can also be an attractive part of your property’s greenery as you look outside through your window. Because of this, trees can also improve your home’s curb appeal.

Yet, there are times when trees have to be removed or pruned. This becomes a requirement so that they won’t cause further damage to people’s lives and property. You can hire a professional if you want the tree near your home to be dealt with. That said, if you want to know the ideal time to conduct tree removal or pruning, here’s when:

When To Conduct Tree Removal

Here are some signs for tree removal:

1. It Has Dead Branches

A tree losing a branch then and now, particularly after a weather disruption like a storm, is nothing to worry about. It’s typical for mature trees. Yet, it can also signal that the tree has pests, diseases, or some stressors. If your tree loses dead branches because of these factors, it can be a symptom of a more significant issue. A blast of wind can crash your tree without difficulty if this problem exists. Also, it can pose a threat if a large amount of snow splits the dead branches.
Because of this, you can hire some tree removal Southern Highlands services or those in your area to fix this issue.

2. It Shows Symptoms Of Decay, Damage, Or Disease

If there’s a sign of decay, disease, or damage to a tree, it’s often a signal that the integrity of the tree is compromised. As such, it can be proven hazardous to properties living near it, and one must remove it immediately. Moreover, it’s ideal to remove it as it can reduce the place's curb appeal. Dying trees can badly impact the landscape of your area. And so, if you’re selling your house, the property price can be affected because the tree in question reduces the home's aesthetic appeal.

Some signs that the tree is damaged, dying, or decayed are:

  • The trunk shows vertical cracks
  • Dead branch stubs
  • Damaged wood caused by a lightning strike
  • Fungus and mushroom
  • Serious trunk damage
  • Unusual bark peeling
  • Noticeable open cavities or wounds

If you notice any of the issues above, be ready to call for professional help before any untoward accidents happen.

3. It Has A Hollow Trunk

Many trees can go on for many years with a hollow cavity in the trunk as their xylem and phloem (life support tissues) are on the external edges of their trunks.
Yet, you should know that it signals that your tree is wearing out or decaying within. One can see trunk holes after a limb has been severed or the bark has undergone injuries that cause the sapwood to be noticeable. This can lead to bacteria and fungi that worsen the cavity.
Symptoms of a tree with a hollow trunk aren’t always noticeable. Yet, you can examine if the tree’s trunk is hollowed by tapping the tree parts using a rubber mallet. This process is called sounding a tree. A hollow tree will be easily known if you notice a bass drum sound. Likewise, this is a straightforward approach to testing the tree by yourself, yet it’s often ideal to look for an arborist to check the tree also. They’re experts at determining the slightest distinction in sound.

You can also seek advice from your tree care expert to remove your tree because of a hollow trunk, as it’s also a sign to do so.

When To Conduct Tree Pruning

Here’s when to prune your tree:

1. It Has Broken Branches

One of the signs that a tree has to be pruned is when it has broken branches. Usually, this kind of damage occurs after heavy rain, snow, or wind. A broken branch isn’t good as it makes the tree vulnerable to insects and diseases, which might worsen the damage inflicted on such a tree.

A straightforward method to know if there are broken branches is to easily walk through the property after a heavy snowfall or any other severe weather to ensure your trees are in good condition. If your tree has broken branches, you should examine if such a tree is healthy in its entirety and can cope with the damage. You can still see which tree can still undergo recovery as its primary vertical branch is intact along with its major branches.

Yet, if you notice that it has significant damage, ensure to prune it immediately. The reason is that it can be proven dangerous to people passing through the tree. If not pruned as soon as possible, broken branches can fall and hit a person or possession. To prune the branches, you should use a pruning saw or other materials and aim for the branch collar, the tree area where a branch connects to a giant branch. Yet, you should be careful with pruning the tree if you notice twisted or bent branches. Likewise, if you think you can’t do it on your own, hiring an arborist service is the path moving forward.

2. It Has Cankers

Sunken barks or cankers are trunk marks that may signify a tree problem. They are external signs of an internal tree issue. Cankers can result from physical damage from insects, mowers, weed whips, fungus, and chemicals. Moreover, they can also be an outcome of diseases like fireblight or stress caused by extreme flooding, drought, or heat.

Some examples of cankers are:

  • Coral Spot Canker: Here, there can be a sunken dark brown area on the tree’s branch that usually is cracked or has a ridge on the edge. Moreover, there are also elevated bumps that are similar to a cushion on the branches in question. These bumps might be coloured cream to orange to red, which goes black as caused by age.
  • Flatheaded Appletree Borer: Here, the bark’s cracks often exude white froth. Barks are often sunken in the area with injury, and such barks might crack as time goes on. There are also dead branches in the crown of aged trees. The injured parts become more prominent and deformed with yearly attacks on the tree.
    Younger trees can have difficulty dealing with such an infection, yet older trees might be able to cope. Fortunately, you can limit these risks and improve your tree’s health and beauty by properly pruning it.

3. It Has Branches That Goes Over Power Lines

It’s a signal for tree pruning if the tree’s branches are getting too near or even over the power lines. This is considered hazardous as branches that go into the power lines may cause a problem, such as fire hazards.

One reason that it can be a fire hazard is that it can cause electrical arcing. A power line’s electricity could arc to trees near it under the right circumstance, for instance, a voltage surge upon the power line from a lightning strike that occurs near it. This electric current can also cause death to anybody close to the tree. Likewise, this situation can also lead to power interruptions or outages.

Know that a tree can conduct a power current due to electrical arcing as it possesses water content. Compared to the tree itself, water is a significant conductor of electricity. If you’re in the way of the electricity to the ground that connects to that water, electricity can go through the water into you.

As such, trees that go into a power line should be examined and pruned as soon as possible. You should communicate with your power company and share this problem with them. Other power companies will conduct the pruning themselves, while some will advise you to hire a licensed arborist. Ensure you allow regular tree assessments to have the proper safety precautions.

Take Away

Trees are one of nature’s resources that can contribute to the planet's health. Likewise, more than being a source for maintaining the environment, trees can also be suitable for people. This is true, particularly for those residing near it in their homes. It also boosts property value and aesthetics with its beauty.

Yet, trees can sometimes pose a threat to property and the lives of those who are near them. As such, it’s ideal to know when to prune or remove them. You can hire an arborist service to do this for you if it proves too arduous. If you’re deciding if tree removal or pruning is better, you can use this article as your guide. Hopefully, this has helped you with your concerns.

This post first appeared on ExpertEasy Blog, please read the originial post: here

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Tree Removal vs. Tree Pruning: How To Decide Which Is Best For Your Tree
