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Choosing a Career Path? These Are the Big Earners

Choosing A Career Path? These Are The Big Earners

When it comes to choosing a career, it's important to consider not only your interests and passion but also the potential for future earnings. While salary is not everything, it does play a large role in determining your quality of life and ability to save for retirement or purchase a home.

Of course, many factors can affect individual earnings in any field - such as location or years of experience. Whether you are entering the field of medicine, accounting, or even design, there are ways to calculate your salary projections for pretty much any job and industry. A quick Google search for ‘salary calculator’ or ‘average salary’ will get you on your way.

Ultimately, finding work you love is just as important as high earnings potential. But by considering both factors, you may be able to have it all. So, which careers tend to be big earners?

General Counsel

Becoming a general counsel requires extensive knowledge of law and years of experience. But all that hard work pays off as general counsels of ASX 100 companies can expect to earn an impressive salary package averaging at around $200,000 per year.

As the chief lawyer of a legal department, general counsels offer expert advice on legal matters and act as a reliable resource for all things related to the law within their company or government department. This high-level position also comes with a certain level of prestige and respect in the legal industry. So, if you're interested in a lucrative career in law, consider pursuing a role as a general counsel.

Consulting, Strategy, & UX Designers

Many people wonder why jobs in consulting and strategic design command such high salaries. The answer lies in the rarity of the skills these jobs require. Consulting and strategy professionals must not only possess a deep understanding of their industry, but they must also have an inherent ability to analyze data, think critically, and propose innovative solutions to business challenges.

Similarly, senior UX designers are also expected to possess proficiency in understanding and responding to data in order to develop intuitive digital solutions and offerings like websites and mobile apps. In fact, UX design processes themselves tend to be shaped around responding to user research, as doing so is the best method for developing truly user-centric designs.

This combination of analytical skills and creative thinking is what sets successful consultants, strategists, and senior UX designers apart from the rest and commands a premium in the job market. In addition, the nature of these highly technical roles often requires intense deadlines and high levels of responsibility, making it important for companies to attract top talent by offering competitive salaries that average around $100,000 in Australia.

Overall, consulting and strategic design jobs may come with a hefty price tag, but it is worth it for companies to bring on professionals who can drive meaningful results for their businesses.

Medical Practitioners

If you're considering a career in the healthcare industry, it's important to look at potential salaries. And while there are a variety of specialties and roles to choose from, it's no surprise that those in surgical and anesthetic roles tend to earn the highest salaries.

In fact, according to recent data from the Monarch Institute, the average salary for a surgeon is $394,303, with anesthetists earning around $386,065 on average. Even internal medicine specialists and psychiatrists can expect solid incomes with average salaries of $304,752 and $235,558 respectively.

However, it's important to bear in mind that these high salaries come with significant obstacles to overcome - lengthy education requirements and intense on-the-job stress among them. So while the financial rewards may be tempting, make sure you have the time and drive necessary before committing to a career in this demanding but highly rewarding field.

Banking & Financial Services

A career in banking and financial services can be highly lucrative, with directors in the industry earning an average salary of over $199,000 per year. However, reaching this level requires a combination of education, experience, and hard work.

Many professionals in this field hold advanced degrees in finance or business, and they often spend years gaining hands-on experience before rising to high-level positions. In addition to the potential for high pay, a career in banking and financial services offers the opportunity to work with cutting-edge technology and make a positive impact on the economy.

So if you're interested in a financially rewarding career that presents ongoing challenges and opportunities for growth, consider pursuing a job in banking and financial services.

Financial Dealer

You might have heard of Wall Street and wonder what it takes to be successful in the financial industry. As a financial dealer or an individual who buys and sells investments on behalf of clients, you can earn a high salary while also helping others make wise investment decisions. As a director in this field, the average salary is $275,984.

The job requires attention to detail as well as understanding of market trends and fluctuations. It's important to stay up-to-date with current events and developments in the industry in order to advise clients and make profitable investments for them. If you're interested in a career that offers both personal satisfaction and monetary rewards, consider becoming a financial dealer.

While it may seem tempting to chase after the highest-paying jobs, it's important to also consider whether or not it aligns with your passions and interests. While a high salary can lead to material comforts, a job that you truly enjoy will bring greater satisfaction and a long-term fulfilment.

This isn't to say that every job should be a dream job; sometimes taking on mundane tasks or responsibilities is necessary in order to achieve bigger goals. But even within those "mundane" jobs, finding ways to incorporate passion and purpose can make all the difference.

So yes, pursue a high-paying job if it aligns with your passions and interests. But don't let a paycheck distract you from what truly matters. In the end, doing what you love is worth far more than any amount of money.

This post first appeared on ExpertEasy Blog, please read the originial post: here

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Choosing a Career Path? These Are the Big Earners
