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Holistic Health At Home: How Your Home's Design Can Help Boost Health & Wellbeing

Holistic Health At Home: How Your Home's Design Can Help Boost Health & Wellbeing

We all need a place to call home. Somewhere we can relax on the weekends, have a place to rest, recharge our batteries and return rejuvenated to the working week. A place to break bread and share drinks with friends, family, and other loved ones. A place to raise children, cuddle your fur babies and decorate and make your own with your unique style.

Did you know that you can adjust your home's design to help you boost your overall health and well-being? Yes, it's true. In this helpful article, we'll share all about holistic health at home and how interior and home design principles can help to keep you well and happy. Read on to discover more.

HVAC Installation For Air Quality And Temperature Control

Consider getting professional HVAC installation in your home to assist you in boosting your health and well-being. HVAC stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. A household HVAC system will ensure your home remains cool in the peaks of summer, warm in the depths of winter, and well-ventilated all year round.

Having your home remain at optimum temperatures can assist you to feel great and also, you won’t have to worry about catching a chill during the cold months or overheating during the warm ones. Also, adequate ventilation will reduce the chances of catching airborne viruses and will work to keep the air inside your home fresh and circulating, which has proven benefits for health and well-being.

In order to maximize the impact of your HVAC system, ensure you clean the filters once per season and have the system serviced according to the manufacturer's recommendations. This will keep your HVAC system operating at peak efficiency and will help to keep you well.

Design With Solar Efficiency In Mind

If you're building from scratch, the best thing to do for an energy-efficient, healthy home is to orient the house so it receives north-facing sunlight. This will mean that your home is heated by the sunlight in winter, keeping you warm and comfortable. It is also easy to install shading so your home won't overheat during summer.

There are a few benefits to this. Firstly, passive heating provided by sunlight will save you money on your heating bill. This means you will stress less about the cost of energy, which will ease your mind - always a bonus. Also, the natural light provided by the sun has health benefits, including vitamin D intake.

Adopt Minimalist Design Principles

Another way you can design your home to boost your health and well-being is by adopting minimalist design principles.

Did you know that living in a cluttered, untidy environment can cause stress on an unconscious level? Just by existing in an untidy room with stuff strewn everywhere, your subconscious mind will experience stress. There's a reason why we feel motivated to clean a messy house.

Minimalist design principles are strictly anti-clutter. They are about using space and creating sparse rooms with lots of open space and strategically placed items.

A minimalist-inspired home can help to promote mental clarity and wellness and may be particularly beneficial if you work from home. If this is the case, you can guarantee focus and clarity with minimal design elements in your home office.

Use Organic Principles Where Possible

Consider using organic principles to underpin some of your design elements when designing each room. For instance, could you use timber in each room? Your choice of flooring, for example, is an excellent opportunity to incorporate organic principles in your home's design. You can also incorporate wood into other areas of your house, such as the bathroom or kitchen, such as in cabinets or wall panels.

Using organic materials, even if just for accents and accentuations, can help to boost your well-being. This is partially due to a subconscious benefit that exposure to natural elements creates, but also to the aesthetic pleasure you will experience living in a space that incorporates organic principles.

Hang Artwork And Decorate Your Space

Did you know that by hanging artwork and decorating your space with objects such as decor, sculpture and other decorative items, you will inspire creativity and promote psychological wellness? Our brains react positively to beautiful things - there's a reason why art galleries are popular destinations in every city.

By decorating your home with artwork and decor that you love and enjoy, you are creating a space in which you feel comfortable and happy, which has immense benefits for your sense of well-being and comfort when you relax at home.

Cultivate Indoor Plants For Health And Well-being

Did you know that cultivating and growing indoor plants has many benefits to health and well-being?

Plants scrub the air and create oxygen, so by having a plethora of plants in your home, you're ensuring that your environment is richly oxygenated. Furthermore, the act of cultivating, growing, and caring for plants has a range of benefits for overall health and well-being. By developing a green thumb, you're also caring for your mind and body as well as the plants.

Create A Calm/Quiet Room

If you have a large household with several kids, there's probably a lot of noise and mayhem daily. Kids are noisy, and that's part of the reason why we love them so much. Yet sometimes, we all need a bit of peace and quiet. That's why it is worth creating a calm or quiet room where you can retreat to for a moment amidst the bustle of your busy home. Even if it is just for twenty minutes, you’ll emerge calm and refreshed, and ready to tackle the day again.

You can light a scented candle or put on an essential oil diffuser, and some lovely ambient music via a Bluetooth speaker is an excellent addition. If you have the budget for it, a massage chair will complete your quiet/calm room.

A Calm Conclusion

In this helpful article, we've shared all about holistic health at home and how your home's design can boost your health and well-being. From HVAC systems to quiet rooms, these design ideas will work to elevate your well-being and promote your health.

This post first appeared on ExpertEasy Blog, please read the originial post: here

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Holistic Health At Home: How Your Home's Design Can Help Boost Health & Wellbeing
