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Features, Types, and Maintenance of Wood Stoves.

Features, Types, And Maintenance Of Wood Stoves.

Wood stoves are devices that use firewood taken from trees to heat the house. In general, firewood is a cheap and safe fuel. However, depending on the construction model of each stove, its performance varies.

The best wood stoves on the market are those that, depending on the model, power, and aesthetics, have a better quality/price ratio. The best wood stove is not the most expensive or the one with the best brand, but the one that suits us best. It is useless to have a stove with a good brand if it does not meet our needs well.

Wood burning stoves have become the preferred option for many English households, a junk removal provider, confirms. Therefore, choosing which one is the best that suits us is difficult. Wood stoves are easy to use and do not require effort or complex installations. They only need a smoke outlet.

To know which stove is best for us, we need to consider our budget and needs.

If we need to use the stove every day, it is better to use a high-end stove. These have a high performance that will leave us good savings. The best brands of high-end stoves are Rocal and Jotul. They are brands that have the highest efficiency and very sophisticated designs.

Wood Stove With Oven

Single oven wood-burning stoves are designed to provide heat through radiation and convection as well as being able to cook. This is possible thanks to a large steel furnace installed.

The stove is designed with a 5 mm thick laminated steel material to guarantee a long enough useful life. Burn flu is also involved. The oven has a thermometer and enough capacity to place baking. There is an ashtray where the air entering and exiting the circuit can also be adjusted.

The front door includes a glass-ceramic glass resistant to 900 ° C with a special ceramic shield with stainless steel supports and secondary air intake that improves combustion.

Outdoor Wood-burning Stoves

Although stoves are often associated with indoor heating, it is also used outdoors. They are perfect for heating verandas and small rooms that are protected from the cold.

To make any outdoor space more pleasant, they will allow us to enjoy our terrace, garden, or patio all year round. We can find elements of rusted iron, wrought iron, and sheet metal.

They also give us the warm aroma of burning wood and help us win in rustic style.

Types of Wood Stoves: steel, cast iron, or hard material

There are three types of wood stoves depending on the material they are built with.

Molten Iron

First, we have the cast iron ones. They are heavier as it is a resistant material and more difficult to install. However, its performance is better as it has excellent thermal inertia and transmits heat more evenly.


Steel stoves are lighter and easier to install. They are usually cheaper than the former and although they have a good temperature rise, they are less efficient heaters.

Fracture Material

They are more voluminous and have an autonomy of up to 20 hours. Being constructed with refractory material, they can retain heat better and distribute it more efficiently. They have high performance and strong radiation.

Pipes for Wood Stoves

Wood stoves require pipes to divert the fumes created during combustion and reduce the risk of poisoning. The most efficient tubes with the best quality materials. They are of the Wolfpack brand.

How to Make Wood Stoves

For those people who want to build their wood stove, here we will provide all the necessary materials and explain it step by step.

First, you need the following materials:

  • clay
  • Arena
  • Networking
  • Shoulder
  • level
  • Burnt oil
  • Cooking plate

Now We Explain Step by Step What to do:

  • We need to thoroughly clean the area where we will build the stove so that it is as good as possible.
  • Bricks are laid to make the base. To glue them, We will use a mixture of 20% clay and 80% sand.
  • When the base is fully built, we will place a mesh attached to create an arch. The bed rods are used to place what we want to cook.
  • We lined the inside of the grid space with more bricks.
  • We create a flat base that we will use to cook later.
  • We apply a layer of 3 centimeters of clay and sand mixture and level it.
  • After this is done, we install the pipes and connections through which the combustion smoke will exit.
  • Let everything dry for two days and we will have the stove ready to cook meals.

How to Install

Knowing all the steps to install your wood stove is important and that everything is correct. Here we explain step by step.

  • Decide in which area you will install it. The best place to install a wood stove is the area of the house that is mostly inhabited and needs the most heat.
  • Place a non-combustible material under and behind the stove to protect us from any accidents. We must respect about 40 centimeters of space between the stove and the wall.
  • We connect the chimney pipe that will take the fumes to the stove.

Installing a wood stove is relatively simple. However, it is better to choose to call professionals to help you do this even if it is something more expensive. It is always better to invest in safety.

Maintenance of a Wood Stove

Wood stoves require regular maintenance and cleaning to ensure good condition, safety, and maximum performance.

  • The first thing to consider is the joints. They should be cleaned and checked periodically. If they are not completely waterproof, they should be replaced.
  • The oven glass must be cleaned to prevent the accumulation of soot stains. The most useful is to use a damp cloth impregnated with ash.
  • The plates in the combustion chamber wear naturally after continuous use. Therefore, depending on the use we give it and the frequency, we will have to buy another one.
  • The ashtray should be emptied, although it is more efficient to leave a thin layer at the bottom.
  • To clean the outside of the stove, use a vacuum cleaner or a dry cloth. You should not use alcohol or solvents, as they damage the paint.

Classes of Firewood

Finally, depending on the need and frequency with which we use our stove, we will use one type of firewood or another. Before differentiating which is the best firewood, it should be mentioned that it should be very dry.

We distinguish between two types of firewood, hard and soft. Softwood is usually not useful because it is cooler and does not produce a good burn. Its calorific value is lower and it also does not help us to get good embers in the kitchen.

Among the highest quality wood we find:

  • Oak firewood. It is one of the hardest firewoods available. It has great durability and long life. The embers he gives us for cooking are very good. They are ideal for barbecues and restaurants.
  • Olive wood. This firewood makes a flame more suitable for heating.
  • Almond, oak, carob, and orange firewood. All of them have great strength and durability, so they are considered to be of good quality.

This post first appeared on ExpertEasy Blog, please read the originial post: here

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Features, Types, and Maintenance of Wood Stoves.
