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16 At-Home Summer Activities To Try With Your Family

16 At-Home Summer Activities To Try With Your Family

Summer holidays are something to look forward to with your family. It's a time to take out all the clothes that make you feel great and bond with nature. You may try a variety of activities with your family to create memories while sharing laughter and moments.

Here are 16 at-home summer activities with your family which don't require much finance.

1. Swimming

Swimming is one of the ways that you can have fun while keeping cool during the summer. You can prepare edible food while floating in the pool and sipping chilled beverages. Consider securing the best pool floats and enjoy the relaxing effect of hanging out in the pool with your family. Quality pool floats are also crucial for security, particularly if you have younger kids.

2. Water Tag

Water tag is a summer sport which you can try with your family. You fill up balloons with water and chase each other around, trying to aim the balloon at the one running away. Once the balloon lands on a person, it's their turn to chase the others and aim the water balloon on them. It's a good way to get some exercise, have some fun and stay cool.

3. Slip & Slide

A slip and slide are water slide that works perfectly in a backyard. You take a slipper piece of material and spread it across the lawn, sprinkle liquid soap and open the hose pipe on the material. The result is a soapy, slippery material that children will enjoy sliding on. Make sure to use organic soap as some may get into the children's mouths as they play.

4. Barbeque

You can organize a barbeque with your family where you invite close friends and family. You can create a barbeque menu together as a family, and each individual is involved in the meal creation. Mixing different herbs and spices for various foods is fun and educational for children as they enhance their cooking skills.

On the day, consider creating a playlist of feel-good summer music for the day so that everyone enjoys the food, music, company and the outdoors.

5. Sun Bathe

When the temperatures have gone down, you can enjoy sunbathing with your family. You can put a few chairs in the backyard or your balcony and sit in your swimsuit while soaking in each ray of sunshine. Sunbathing also benefits your wellness as you naturally take in Vitamin D. Relaxing in nature also calms the nervous system and alleviates stress. Your family would benefit largely from a session of sunbathing.

6. Star Gazing

You can set picnic blankets and pillows on the balcony or lawn and star gaze. The night summer sky is beautiful, and the temperatures would have gone down enough for you to enjoy the outdoors. You can try to name the different stars and make wishes under shooting stars if you’re lucky enough.

7. Take A Walk

Walking in your neighbourhood is one way of enjoying the summer as a family. As you walk, appreciate nature that isn't normally apparent during the cold weather. Pick a few flowers along the road and place them in your hair. Admire the blue summer sky and the birds that chirp in the background. The stories you share while walking in the neighbourhood will make for good summer memories.

8. Plant A Garden

The summer is a perfect time to start a garden if you have a backyard. Each family member can pick a plant they will be interested in planting. You can all watch tutorials that explain how to plant particular seeds and the aftercare that's required. Naming the plants after each family member makes it sentimental and each person will feel entitled to take the utmost care of their plant.

9. Paint A Family Portrait

Painting a family portrait is a fun activity as a summer activity. It doesn't have to be a portrait, don't to perfection as it's just for a bonding session during summer. The portrait can be anything, even a few colours splashed on canvas. You can put on a summer music playlist while munching on a few snacks as you paint. It might become a family tradition after people have so much fun participating in the activity together.

10. Outdoor Cinema

What more enjoyable way to spend the summer than to set up an outdoor cinema? You will need a projector that plays on your wall or balcony, or you can set up your television in the garden, provided there is a PowerPoint. Spruce up the outdoor space by adding fairy lights and have the family bring pillows and blankets for comfortable and cosy seating. You can add a bonfire to the outdoor cinema, and before the movie begins, each family member gathers around the fire and enjoys scorching marshmallows or pop some corn on the open fire and enjoy it as a movie snack!

Family members can take turns picking the movie of choice for that week, and to add flavour to the cinema, the person in charge of picking the movie can quiz the others who have set up teams. This makes for a fun, upbeat and bonding moment among the family.

11. Board Games

You can invest in different board games and have game nights throughout the summer. You and your family can enjoy games such as snakes and ladders, chess, checkers, and UNO, to name a few. You can do a quick engine search for the different games you can access in your neighbourhood and purchase these. Have fun creating different teams, and you can consider inviting other close family and friends for the effect of a number.

12. Read

Reading is an activity that fits all occasions. You can set aside times within the day to enjoy different books. Sharing the storyline and plots makes reading interactive. You can also swap the books, so each member enjoys the other's pick. Reading is not only a family bonding opportunity but also helps to exercise the mental muscle during a relaxing summer.

13. Clean The House

Cleaning the house doesn't have to be as monotonous as it sounds as this can be easily turned into an activity. Each person can volunteer the part of the house they will clean; you play music and can even turn the cleaning activity into a competition. This is a particularly productive game if you have younger children still learning the ropes regarding responsibility, cleaning and roles. The goal isn't to make the house become a picture-perfect showroom but to instill togetherness and teamwork by working on a chore.

14. Rest

Simply resting is a welcomed activity. Life can be demanding with different responsibilities, mandates, juggling multiple jobs and catering to other people, and you forget to rest. You and your family can spend a day where there are no plans made, and each person rests. This may look like napping throughout the day on the couch, listening to music while sitting on the patio, or just spending the day watching mindless television shows. You and your family need to appreciate the time to re-set before returning to everyday life's demands.

15. Garage Sale

Summer may be the time that you decide to declutter your home. For example, you may have a storage full of items you no longer need in your wardrobe, attic or basement. Together you can clear out the unwanted items and hold a garage or yard sale because others may see the use of the items you no longer need.

This is also particularly great if you have younger children who will learn the concept of selling and making available for others when they no longer need their items. This teachable moment is also a great family activity that may bring people together.

16. Therapy

Family units can be challenging, and it's unfortunately normal that many people sweep issues under the rug to maintain peace. However, the summer holidays may be an ideal time for a therapist to be invited into the home and try to mediate among family members who wish to communicate effectively with each other.

The advantage of home therapy is that family members will be in the comfort of their home, which may make discussing issues easier than following a rigid protocol in a therapy hospital or rehabilitation centre. However, some serious issues such as drugs, gambling and alcohol may require intervention in the form of a rehabilitation centre.

Inviting a therapist home increases the chances of family members healing from the depth of honesty, transparency, and authenticity, meaning that the summer holiday may be enjoyed as one unit.


Summer is a wonderful time when families can bond with each other. There are many ways to get creative at home, depending on the available space. Water sports, outdoor games and nature activities are great for those with outdoor space. Other indoor activities include cooking, dancing, listening to music and craft activities.

Therapy may be necessary for family members to authentically enjoy their time together, having delved into issues that may otherwise have caused a rift among members. Regardless of the activity, the goal is to facilitate family togetherness which may go beyond the summer holidays.

This post first appeared on ExpertEasy Blog, please read the originial post: here

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16 At-Home Summer Activities To Try With Your Family
