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5 Amazing Technological Developments in the Gaming World

5 Amazing Technological Developments In The Gaming World

We live in a time in which technological developments regularly manage to astound us with new changes. With the development of science and technology, development is inevitable in every sector. One industry that consistently has its finger on the beat of innovation is the gaming industry. Because of the most recent innovations, the universe of gaming has succeeded to reform our view on games and the manner in which we play on different levels. A phenomenal choice of apparently unlimited games, the facility to play games stored on the internet servers (online gaming), and mobile gaming are three areas in the gaming world that have been essentially influenced by the adoption of technological innovations in the industry.

Big companies like Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo are investing billions to enrich the gameplay experience of the players. In the past, we have seen a drastic change in the gaming world. We have witnessed the journey of video games from PCs to smartphones. The changes are certain in this entertainment industry. Here, we are going to discuss some of the best five technological advancements in the gaming industry that have the potential to shape the future.

Mobile Gaming and Gaming Phones

Mobile gaming is already popular and we can play a lot of high-end games on our smartphones. Seeing the popularity of mobile gaming, many big gaming studios strive hard to provide blockbuster games. Fortnite, PUBG, and CoD are examples among many. Games on mobile have also boosted the trend of gaming phones.

Now to take mobile gaming to the next level, mobile manufacturers offer gaming phones that are specially designed for gaming. Razer phones are a great example here. Gaming phones are developed keeping in mind the needs and requirements of the players. While playing online games, players can attach accessories easily on gaming phones, which is not convenient on other smartphones. The market of gaming phone may see a huge success future as they can be an alternative to gaming consoles and PCs

Mobile Consoles

High-end gaming consoles like PlayStation and Xbox are not affordable for all the game geeks. Plus, they cannot be carried anywhere we go. This is the reason why the popularity of mobile consoles is increasing these days. Nintendo’s Switch offers a wide range of games. This mobile console is among the first mobile console. In the future, big gaming companies like Sony and Microsoft may develop compact gaming consoles with innovative functions and features.

Cloud Gaming

One of the most revolutionary advancements that have the potential to change the gaming scene is cloud gaming. Cloud gaming allows the players to play high-end games on their smartphones or gaming console without requiring special specs in your device. This seems the future of the gaming. This innovation is beneficial for the players who prefer mobile gaming as they don’t have to have a high-end smartphone to play any game. Even the most data-intensive games are to be made via cloud gaming. There is no need to download or save the game locally on the device as it is available on the servers.

Big tech giants like Google, Sony, and NVIDIA have started this trend with Google Stadia, PlayStation Now, and GeForce NOW, respectively. Microsoft has also come up with its own cloud gaming platform named xCloud.

Cloud gaming will gradually shrink the demand for computing power in your own device as the game will be played online. A weak internet connection can still lead to problems here, as a stable connection is necessary for smooth gaming via the cloud. However, with ever-faster internet speeds and the start of 5G, this should soon no longer be a problem.

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

3D animation games have become obsolete with the arrival of VR and AR games. A few games have already adopted the use of these advanced technologies to enhance the gaming experience. Albeit the number of VR games is limited and they are expected soon, the designers of VR headset shows are ready to offer players a completely vivid gaming experience like nobody has witnesses previously. Facebook’s Oculus is an ideal example here. As a matter of fact, VR tech has the potential to revolutionize the gaming experience.

Augmented reality games are a little different than VR games. They are not limited to PC, computer, or smartphone. AR tech facilitates a unique experience where players can play games using real space and things. For instance, players can play table tennis on the real ground without requiring real equipment or the players. Apple is developing some high-end AR headsets and games.

Massive Range of Different Games On Xbox/PS3

Nowadays there is such a variety of game genres on consoles, even casino games are available on consoles like Xbox or PS3.  If you make a search on Microsoft store for  "casino games" you'll find at least 50 games to be played on Xbox.  Most of these games are meant to be played for free. These games are pretty fun, but I get bored pretty fast since there is no adrenaline. I personally like to use this tool that is pretty handy finding safe casinos that can be played online from any browser.

Cross-Platform Gameplay

This is one of the great technological changes in online gaming. Cross-platform refers to be able to play online games with your friends regardless you both use different consoles or any other devices. Gaming is fun when you play with your buddies. But it was possible only if you guy had similar devices. For example, Xbox players can play with other Xbox players, PlayStation players with other PlayStation users, and so on. With cross-platform gaming, all the barriers are removed.

Along with players, this innovative feature is a blessing for gaming studios as well. They can reach a big community of gamers and allow them to play with each other. Thanks to the Battle Royale games like PUBG and Fortnite, this has become possible. In the future, we may see innovative steps by the gaming community in this field

This post first appeared on ExpertEasy Blog, please read the originial post: here

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5 Amazing Technological Developments in the Gaming World
