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Frank's Classic Car Blog Blog

Follow along as I fix up my classic car, share tips, discuss issues, diagnose problems, and vent about car related stuff.
2024 - A Knew Year
It is once again a new year and it has become sort of a tradition here at Frank's Classic Car Blog that I try and predict what lies ahead in the upcoming twelve months. If my past prediction… Read More
 Birds of a feather flock together, that would best sum up my friends, acquaintances,and people I knew growing up and especially during my mid to late teens. We ate, drank, and slept ca… Read More
FranktoidTM No. 23 - Triggered
 A lot of people associate the word "triggered" with experiencing a strong emotional reaction of fear, shock, anger, or worry, especially if they are made to remember something bad that… Read More
Death Of The Firing Order
 Quick, off the top of your head, can you tell me the cylinder firing order of the pre-LS Chevrolet V-8? I have the inkling that only the older generation of gear heads can recite this… Read More
A New Year, Maybe
It is the first day of a new year and I will once again go out on a limb to predict what the rest of 2023 holds in store for us, John and Jane Q Public. I think I can sum it up in just a few… Read More
 Although I did not have a lot of extra money I immediately short listed a few upgrades that I wanted to do on my recently acquired Chevelle Malibu. Nothing could be done until I paid m… Read More
FranktoidTM No. 22 - We Tired
Well it has been just over a year since I put fingers to keyboard (the modern equivalent of pen to paper) and boy what a year it has been! Regular readers of this blog might recall my p… Read More
I ran across this cool film on the Street Racing Channel. According to the description, inspired by Smokey and The Bandit, The Dukes of Hazzard, Return To Macon County, and America… Read More
The very first car that I purchased, with the help from my dad, was a 1962 Triumph Spitfire convertible. It was also my first project car as it was not running when I bought it and needed ex… Read More
 This awesome video was released in 2015! Shows how much I was paying attention... You really need to check out all the cool classic cars that are featured in it Read More
 I ran across this video the other day and just had to share....If this caught your interest like it did me, you really need to check out all of Ellie's videos here on YouTube Read More
Happy New Gear
 As I write this people across the United States are starting to ring in the new year, starting from the east coast and continuing to the west. I can say with a fair amount of certainty… Read More
Time Warp Update
Wow, where does the time go? As I wrote this my latest project car, Tyme Warp, was pretty much finished. Actually, are project cars really ever finished? Lets just say that I had done about… Read More
Road Trip To Mustang Island
 I recently ran across this really excellent road trip story during my never ending quest for the written word of all that is classic automotive. The author's / adventurer's name is Hea… Read More
The American Ride
I ran across this short film by Motorsports Molly, it kind of has an American Graffiti vibe to it. I thought it was very cool, check it out Read More
FranktoidTM No. 18 - Karma With A
We all know Karma's a bitch but what about her step-sister, Carma? Carma, spelled with a "c", is the vehicular version of Karma. I believe I have experienced a little bit of Carma and it all… Read More
Shortly after my shenanigans with my sister's Mustang I was told that I was not allowed to drive it anymore. This was probably for the best as I had also recently performed my own testing wi… Read More
My first real performance car that I rode in was my Cousin Mike's 1972 Chevy Camaro Z/28. If I remember correctly I was about 10 years old and didn't know squat about cars. My cousin wa… Read More
The other day I was working on my '56 Chevy "Time Warp" and was preparing to mount my old school Carver stereo amplifier in the trunk area. I decided it would be best to mount it on a piece… Read More
A note from Frank: Just over a year ago, in November 2018, I posted that I would be sharing with you the first chapters of a book I am writing called North Main. As 2019 comes to a close and… Read More
Getting Grilled
I received an captivating email last month from an author asking if I was interested in reviewing his latest book. As I perused the email I soon discovered that it was an automotive related… Read More
Russia Collusion Is Alive And Well
BREAKING NEWS: Frank's Classic Car Blog indicted on multiple counts of Russian collusion, Amberlight Garage seized for evidence!Yes folks it's true, I was caught "red" handed, no Soviet pun… Read More
Every Car Has A Story
When I bought my current project vehicle, the '56 Chevy I refer to as "Time Warp", the story I got was that it had been sitting for decades. From the minimal information that I received, it… Read More
Follow The Leader
File this under more interesting mail stuff as I just recently received word via email that my blog made the TOP 5 on Part Catalog's list of the 85 Best Auto Blogs to Follow in 2018. Ho… Read More
My Book Of Life
A major incident happened recently that jarred me to my core. After the initial shock faded a bit and I could start thinking clearly again, an idea, or maybe more appropriately a necessity… Read More
We all know Karma's a bitch but what about her step-sister, Carma? Carma, spelled with a "c", is the vehicular version of Karma. I believe I have experienced a little bit of Carma and it all… Read More
Alignment Of A Different Sorts
I read a lot of automotive related publications, probably more then  most, and that's not even including repair manuals! I have observed a common thread, or consensus, among many of the… Read More
Mail Call
Regular visitors to the Amberlight Garage and readers of my blog know that I get interesting emails from time to time as I have written about them more then a few times. From cool products s… Read More
When it comes to working on cars, I am the king of getting side tracked. I refer to these interruptions as "micro projects". This is when you are already working on a project and get sidetra… Read More
Stop the presses! The number one authoritarian influence in hot rodding has declared four door automobiles "more fun". That's right folks, none other then Hot Rod Magazine themselves have de… Read More
Summer is coming and my man plate is getting full. What's a man plate you ask? Is it a distant cousin of the man bun? Brother to the man cave? Uncle of the man purse? Actually the man plate… Read More
New Years Revolution
It's a New Year's "revolution" here at the Amberlight Garage, with lots of stuff revolving around. I thought I would post an update on some of my projects as I have been a bit remiss in my b… Read More
Christmas came a little early here at the Amberlight Garage in the form of some great news! I was informed that this blog has been chosen as a Top 25 Automotive Blogger from the website Thor… Read More
I have said it before on this blog, I get a lot of interesting emails. One of my latest was from a very nice gal asking me if I wanted to try out a new smart phone charger, or as they called… Read More
I received yet another new product for testing the other day. This one sounded real promising and I was looking forward to testing it. I ended up being a tiny bit disappointed but let me exp… Read More
I came across this video recently and just had to share it with all my readers. Watching this brought back a flood of memories of my '64 Falcon Sprint that I use to own. Man, I&nbs… Read More
It's been awhile since I have posted anything car show related here at the Amberlight Garage. I must admit that I have been quite remiss in my blogging duties. I hope to rectify this oversig… Read More
Unless you have been living under a rock for about the last five years you have no doubt heard about Rat Rods. This trend has taken foothold big time and currently shows no signs of waning i… Read More
Usually when I mention a Fiat here at Frank's Classic Car Blog they are at the butt end of a joke. After I saw this video I have a whole new appreciation for Fiats and I think most of you wi… Read More
 It has come to my attention that some of the newer generation of guys are seriously lacking in the dude department. Now I am not talking about "El Duderino" from The Big Lebowski, but… Read More
I am working on a blog about "Rat Muscle", which is an offshoot of the current Rat Rod trend that seems to be gaining in popularity. For those that do not know, Rat Muscle is the Rat Ro… Read More
FranktoidTM No. 13 - A Real Barn Find
There has been a lot of talk recently about barn finds. It seems like all of a sudden rare cars are popping up like weeds in a field. They are being "discovered" just about everywhere - lurk… Read More
I finally managed to get my latest project, a '72 Cutlass, into the Amberlight. It took the threat of some serious rain storms for me to clear out some space for it, plus I didn't want the c… Read More
I knew at a very young age that something was not quite right. I could see that there was a difference between me and other guys my age. In my youth almost all of my friends liked a certain… Read More
I was driving around in my latest purchase, a 1967 Olds Delmont 88, assessing the cars needs and trying to get a good idea of just how much I can trust this hulking behemoth on the open… Read More
Today was not a good day for me. Today my cat passed away. I have had the pleasure of my cat’s company for 15 years now, which is quite a long time for a feline. I know, it’s o… Read More
Rock music, rum, and fast cars. If you put these three things together it sounds like a recipe for trouble, right? Well, maybe to some folks out there, but to me it equals none other then th… Read More
A while back I received a really nice message from a person complimenting me on one of my blogs and also my writing style. Positive words are always appreciated and one good turn deserves an… Read More
I was obsessed with race cars from a very young age. When I was 6 years old my dad took me to my first race, the Inaugural California 500. This was held at the brand new Ontario Motor Speedw… Read More
Safety equipment on vehicles today is not only the norm, it's expected. And as manufactures have discovered, it is a big selling point. It was not too long ago that safety was actually the l… Read More
Do you remember that time in your life when you were between 18 and 21? I remember it well and refer to it as the dead zone. I was too young to go to the clubs or bars and too old to hang ou… Read More
It's no secret that Cuba has been off limits for decades. Nobody knows what really goes on over there except what is occasionally leaked by the media. Growing up I had heard stories about al… Read More

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