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First allotment visit of 2023

First Allotment Visit Of 2023

Firstly apologies if this post ends up flaky. I'm working on a new laptop. I'm used to working on a desktop computer with a mouse and where I am used to where all the keys are. Now I am using a strange laptop where keys are arranged differently - why there isn't a standard format - is beyond me - and a touchpad. I'll probably buy a mouse later but haven't got around to that yet.

Anyway onwards. The weather was miserable again last week. when it wasn't raining, we were treated to strong, bitingly, cold winds. We managed a few shorter walks with Ruby but didn't risk Nostell, as if the rain had started we would have had quite a trek back to the shelter of the car.

We made one visit - our first of the year - to the allotment. Had it not been necessary to harvest some vegetables,  we probably wouldn't have ventured out. As it was we didn't stay long.

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Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett

This post first appeared on Our Plot At Green Lane Allotments, please read the originial post: here

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First allotment visit of 2023
