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Winter is coming

Winter Is Coming

Meteorologically speaking, winter's already upon us.  Astronomically winter begins at the winter equinox on 21 December. Whichever definition you prefer, as far as our weather is concerned, winter is definitely staking its claim and the weather is becoming colder and we are more inclined to stay indoors.

We had intended to pop to the allotment on Sunday to harvest some fresh vegetables but in the event, it was wet all day so we changed our plans meaning that last week was another plotless week.

We paid our usual visit to Nostell. Ruby needs her exercise and so we can't just stay indoors being lazy, We have to wrap up warmly and set off for a walk. It was very quiet last week. As the temperatures drop people without a dog to drag them out tend to stay at home or find somewhere indoors to visit.

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Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett

This post first appeared on Our Plot At Green Lane Allotments, please read the originial post: here

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Winter is coming
