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When you can’t garden

When You Can’t Garden
We weren’t really tempted into the garden or onto the allotment last week.  When the weather was reasonable the condition of the ground wasn’t really conducive to any gardening activity.

We decided to have a couple of afternoons at Nostell which pleased Ruby as it’s one of her favourite places and the entrance staff now recognise her. I’m not sure that they would remember us if she wasn’t with us.

We weren’t the only ones to decide to visit as Nostell was the busiest that we have seen it. Until we left the popular areas we had to keep our wits about us in order not to come into conflict with riders of bikes and scooters which have the habit of approaching silently from behind us.

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You will notice that some changes have taken place with respect to our blogs which I will explain in a later post

Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett

This post first appeared on Our Plot At Green Lane Allotments, please read the originial post: here

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When you can’t garden
