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Has Summer Finally Arrived?
At long last summer arrived last week and we enjoyed some sunshine and warmer temperatures. One day it was actually too hot to stay at the allotment. After harvesting a few things and wateri… Read More
Where Is Summer?
Times running out. If summer is going to make an appearance this year, it had better get a move on. So far, July has been very wet. We've had heavy rain and thunderstorms which I usually ass… Read More
Where's The Buzz?
The battle with the elements recommenced after the previous week when we were given a taste of what summer should be like. This time our assailant was gale-force winds.On Friday it was with… Read More
Growth Spurt
The weather continues to vacillate. It seems to have become confused as to what season it is, so it keeps trying out different ones, seemingly trying to decide on the best fit.During the per… Read More
Dastardly Wood Pigeons
We had a taste of summer this week. Jumpers were cast in favour of tee shirts. However, in order not to tempt fate whenever we went out we had a supply of clothing ready for whatever weather… Read More
Well Behind
Summer is obstinately still refusing to put in more than a fleeting appearance. No activities are planned without consulting various weather radars,  models and forecasts. The problem i… Read More
Jumpers In June
When we made the flippant comment, "That was probably our summer", after the one summery week in May, we were hoping that it wouldn't turn out to be prophetic. According to weather 'experts'… Read More
It's A Battlefield
When we first started allotmenting, it seemed to be a more peaceful way to spend time. We planted and, as long as we weeded and watered, things tended to grow. Tomatoes were grown outside bu… Read More
Spring Into Summer
Last week the sunshine stuck around and we enjoyed summery weather. We seem to have skipped spring and jumped forward into summer. Will it last?At the allotment, we are even having to water… Read More
Carrots, Peas And T-shirts
Last week the weather took a rather dramatic turn for the better. The sun shone and the temperatures felt summery. There's nothing more fickle than the weather here in the UK. This week it's… Read More
A Taste Of Spring
The weather is gradually improving with some spells of sunshine lifting the mood. The rain hasn't totally left the stage and continues to have a co-starring role.The first potatoes are throu… Read More
Seas Of Bluebells
Our weather continues to be unsettled so we are having to fit in visits to the allotment and walking with Ruby around whatever the weather throws at us. When it isn't actually raining it is… Read More
Spring Green And Blue
Our weather continues to be unsettled. I guess that we should see that as a bonus as now it just rains some of the time.We have had some hail and rain accompanied by bitingly cold wind. We h… Read More
Some Progress
The weather has continued to tease. Some days have been positively spring-like but dark water-laden clouds suddenly appear in the sky threatening and often delivering more rain.We made the m… Read More
A Start To Planting
We did have some glimpses of spring last week. Unfortunately, the rain hasn't completely given up the assault. Just when we feel as if there may be a chance for the soil to dry out a little… Read More
Daffodils And Blossom
Saturday was a lovely day. The sun shone, it was warm enough to be at the allotment without multiple layers of clothes and it didn't even rain.Earlier in the week, Martyn tilled the long bed… Read More
A Battle Between The Wind And The Sun
Our weather continues to set us a challenge. We have had glimpses of brightness but these are usually accompanied by strong, bitterly cold winds. It's reminiscent of the Aesop's fable which… Read More
Give Me Sunshine
Last week, we did have some sunshine but, most days, it tended to be in the morning and by the afternoon it had clouded over and sometimes given way to drizzle or rain. It was also quite col… Read More
Nature Into Spring Mode
We had glimpses of better weather last week but also had days that were predominantly gloomy and drizzly.The number of bright, dry days needs to increase if our soil is going to be fit for w… Read More
Webbed Feet Anyone?
The rain doesn't let up. When it isn't actually raining and the sun makes an appearance there is little warmth, in fact, we have had some frosty mornings despite the lovely blue, sunny sky… Read More
Will It Ever Be Dry Again?
Will the ground ever dry up so that we can work on the allotment without being caked in mud? When it isn't actually raining the weather is mainly gloomy, damp and drizzly. It's difficul… Read More
A Light Covering
We had a light snowfall last week. It was wet snow and didn't hang around. Most snow arrived after dark, and then turned to rain.  By morning any signs that it had been had more or less… Read More
Welcome Drops Of Snow
We were intending to go to the allotment at the weekend but the weather conspired against us yet again. At the beginning of the week, we managed to build a new fence for my sister and we hav… Read More
More Wind
There were more strong winds last week, but we did manage one afternoon at the allotment. So far we have been let off lightly where the winds have been concerned. A couple of beds had the en… Read More
Last week was bitterly cold so we stayed away from the allotment. When the ground was really frosty, some of our walks were shortened. We could wrap up warmly but we were concerned that Ruby… Read More
All Fall Down
The weather was cold and bleak last week. Just for a change everywhere was wet. Even when it wasn't raining we seemed to be living in a cloud. It also seemed to have forgotten how to be ligh… Read More
We've had lots more rain this week. It seems once the rain starts it doesn't know when to stop. Accompanying the rain we have been treated to strong winds. It's been generally unpleasant alt… Read More
We made one visit to the allotment last week. We needed some fresh parsnips and leeks and found a couple of tiny cabbages. A video is posted here.We were really pleased with the parsnip… Read More
Contrasting Weather
Last week, we had everything that the weather gods could find to throw at us, except warmth. Most days were wet and miserable days when it hardly managed to get light. On other days, we had… Read More
There were no visits to the allotment last week and it wasn't all due to the weather.Monday we all - Martyn, my sister, and I - had a visit from our hairdresser. At this point, I was already… Read More
Then There Were Two
..Just one visit again to the allotment last week. We chose the brightest day but it was also one of the coldest days of autumn so far. The temperature plummeted and although it was a sunny… Read More
Colours Are Fading
We made a quick dash to the allotment last week. It had been mostly a dull and miserable week and the allotment echoed that description. At this time of year, it is hard to imagine working o… Read More
Autumn Leaves Are Falling
After an absence of over a fortnight, we actually managed to visit the allotment last week.As always, after unloading the car, we checked on any plants that were still growing. That didn't t… Read More
Water, Water Everywhere
Another week has gone by with no gardening taking place.We are so glad to have got all our digging and bed preparation done before all the rain set in. After all the exceptional rainfall the… Read More
Second Fiddle
We didn't venture to the allotment at all last week. To start with the weather has been miseralble, gloomy, wet and misty. When the weather has been reasonable enough for us to venture out… Read More
Phew - Just Made It
.What a week it has been! Fortunately, we haven't had weather as bad as in some areas. For us, it has delivered lots of rain and strong winds.  Happily, when the weather is too bad we c… Read More
Everything's Coming Up Carrots
We managed a couple of afternoons at the allotment, although once again on one occasion we were rained off. In stark contrast on the second visit, it was warm and sunny.We are still clearing… Read More
The Big Clear Out Begins
We only paid two visits to the allotment last week and one of those was only fleeting. Early in the week, we had been kept busy. Our fruit growing area has been somewhat neglected so we… Read More
(Weed, Dig, Cover) Repeat
Activity is rather repetitive at the allotment at the moment and I won’t bore you with photos of the beds that we cleared, weeded and dug last week. The plot is becoming a patchwork of… Read More
Clearing Up
Nights are beginning to draw in, which is a sign that our allotment season is winding down. There are still some crops to harvest. Some such as parsnips, cabbages and leeks will stay in the… Read More
A Blated Summer Spell
Summer put in a somewhat belated appearance last week. Trying to make up for lost time the thermometers soared.The result of this sudden onslaught was that we spent very little time at the a… Read More
See moreCopyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments… Read More
It's All About Onions
Onions seem to be featuring heavily at the moment. We have them at every stage in their life cycle.At home, sheltering in a cold frame are what are left of the onions planted last autumn.Dry… Read More
Still No Real Summer
It’s round to that stage in the allotmenting year when the focus is more on preparing for next year. It seems to have come along earlier than in previous years maybe due to a lack of a… Read More
Time Is Running Out
In my last post, I wrote that I had lifted the onions as the forecast was for a warm dry period. Of course, the forecast was wrong and we had rain. The onions were not going to dry out sitti… Read More
A Glimpse Of Summer
I think that the weather gods must have read my previous post and taken pity on us. Last week we actually had some glimpses of summer.The weather forecast sounded promising, so I decided to… Read More
That's Enough Now
We really have had more than enough rain now! Back when we were spending our days lugging watering cans, we should have been more careful with what we were wishing for.The rain alternates fr… Read More
We've Reached A Turnong Point
It seems that no sooner have we planted up all our allotment beds than we start to clear them.  The period of time during which the plot looks its best is short-lived. We may not h… Read More
Is This Really Summer?
At the moment, there never seems to be a happy medium where our weather is concerned. June saw us lugging watering cans in the level of heat not ideal for that type of work. Now in July, whi… Read More
Great Weather ... For Ducks
There is never a happy medium where our weather is concerned. Only a couple of week's ago we were struggling to keep our plants watered. The soil was dry and we were lugging watering cans ar… Read More
A Break From Watering
At the beginning of last week, although we had some light rain, we were still watering, The heavy rain that was forecast seemed to be determined to miss us. We had to follow a different… Read More
Everything Is Being Battered
It seems to happen every year at this time. Everything in the garden and on the plot is planted out and settled in and looking lovely.  Then as soon as the cardoons have developed flowe… Read More
Harvest Time Begins
As we were treated to some much needed rain, we had a reprieve from watering duties. This freed up time for us to start catching up on some jobs on the allotment that had been put on hold or… Read More
Vampires Beware
There's not a lot of interest to share about last week. We were still having to water on every visit to the allotment but we did manage to fit in a bit of weeding and general housekeeping.Ou… Read More
A Case Of Deja Vu
We seem to be repeating last year. The allotment is now almost fully planted and the weather gods seem to have forgotten how to produce rain. Thunderstorms have been promised but seemingly n… Read More
Busy Watering Again
It was a lovely week last week. No rain and temperatures that meant sweaters were discarded and shade was sought.The downside  - of course there always is a downide - was that we had to… Read More
It Feels Like Spring - Or Even Summer
The weather was very kind last week. We seemed to have skipped spring and jumped straight into summer. We have had four very productive afternoons at the allotment as well as some long… Read More
Swan Lake
We spent much of the time tidying and strimming the grass  - nothing that really lends itself to interesting photos. The conditions are ideal for grass growth and it almost seems as tho… Read More
A Double Dose Of Bluebells
Last week we managed to do quite a bit of work on the allotment, as well as fitting in plenty of walks with Ruby.First, let's catch up with work on the plot. We still have a few beds to clea… Read More
Above Ground Planting
Last week was very mixed weather-wise so we just visited the allotment when we could.We still have plenty of tidying up to do, including weeding. It never stops does it? Some empty beds need… Read More
One Potato, Two Potato
One of the main tasks at the allotment last week was to plant potatoes.Firstly, Martyn tilled some of the beds whilst I weeded and cleared more beds.Three long beds were tilled, two of which… Read More
At Last Some Planting
Last week the rain abated and at times the sun shone, so we took the plunge and started planting. Fortunately, beds had been dug over earlier in the year so we could start planting straight… Read More
Soggy, Soggy, Soggy
The months are ticking by and we still haven't started any planting at the allotment. We've managed the occasional trip to the plot but our activities have been confined to tidying, pruning… Read More
Always Worth A Try
We have two camellias in our garden – a red one and a pink flowered one.If left to their own devices the camellias would outgrow our garden and so every so often they need severely cut… Read More
Managed A Little Gardening
Although the weather is conspiring against us, as Martyn described in his post, we did manage some gardening last week.It may not seem very spring-like to us but the fruit trees are rar… Read More
Someone's Busy
We were having breakfast on Saturday morning when our attention was drawn to a dead tree fern stump.The day before I had cut back all our ferns including those growing around the base of the… Read More
A Touch Of Snow
We thought that the snow that was falling on other parts of the country was going to miss us but on Friday we awoke to a very wintry scene.Fortunately, we weren't treated to the gales that w… Read More
It As All Going So Well
I finished tidying the All Gold autumn raspberries.Some of the plants have started to shoot but the redness on some of the young leaves is an indication that they are not enjoying the cold t… Read More
Looks Like Spring - Feels Like Winter
We did go to the allotment last week but I didn’t take any photos. I had intended taking a photo when we revisited the plot later in the week but we never had a return visit.I cut down… Read More
Cracking On
All that was left of the huge pile of ‘prunings’, that we had piled up, was a modest pile of ash.This will be put to good use and spread on the bed.Read moreCopyright: Original p… Read More
Going Quackers
The forecast is for wet or drizzly weather this week, so last weekend we decided that we had better have a fire to burn the huge pile of ‘prunings’ that we had gathered.The rulin… Read More
RSPB Big Garden Bird Count
We’ve taken part in the RSPB annual bird count for over ten years but this year we nearly missed it. Last Saturday night, Martyn asked if we should have been counting the bir… Read More
A Bit Of Housekeeping On The Plot
We actually did some work at the allotment last week the focus of which was to do some tidying upSome of the beds that had been dug over last autumn had been battered by the rains and also a… Read More
Stocking Up
Last week was another non-gardening week. It was cold - very cold - and we also had some fog at the weekend. We couldn't keep the bird-bath ice-free but fortunately, the birds could drink fr… Read More
First Allotment Visit Of 2023
Firstly apologies if this post ends up flaky. I'm working on a new laptop. I'm used to working on a desktop computer with a mouse and where I am used to where all the keys are. Now I am usin… Read More
A Two Birthday Week
I don't have much to report this week. 2023 started very miserably - drizzly and dull. We did manage a couple of walks with Ruby but the weather was such that if it hadn't been for her needi… Read More
It's Been Cold, Cold, Cold
There's not much to say about this week, other than it has been cold - very cold.Needless to say, we have not been to the allotment. Even if we had fancied a trip - which we didn't - the gro… Read More
Brr ;;;It's Cold Out There
With a freezing weather forecast for the latter part of the week, we decided that we had better lift the dahlias and put them into winter storage. With this in mind, we headed to the allotme… Read More
Winter Is Coming
Meteorologically speaking, winter's already upon us.  Astronomically winter begins at the winter equinox on 21 December. Whichever definition you prefer, as far as our weather is concer… Read More
Another Flying Visit
It was another flying visit to the allotment last week,It was a wet week again and Martyn's foot isn't yet improved enough for him to wear any footwear that would be suitable for working on… Read More
Misty And Wet
I don't have much to report this week.The best word to describe last week's weather was miserable. The week began damp and misty. If anything as the week progressed the weather worsened.We p… Read More
A Second Week Away From The Plot
Another non-gardening week last week.Preparing for our new carpets to be fitted involved taking a desk apart. Whilst doing this a large piece of wood fell on, Martyn's foot. The result was a… Read More
No Gardening Last Week
Last week was very busy but just not as far a gardening was concerned.We both had our Covid booster vaccinations which was a far quicker process than last time. We set off early not knowing… Read More
We Had A Little Quince Tree
Back in 2010 we planted a young quince tree. I wrote a blog post about it here.Twelve years in and our little quince tree now looks like this.This year it has provided us with a bumper harve… Read More
Has The Window Closed?
I've mentioned before that our clay soil can move seamlessly from too hard and dry to dig to too wet and claggy.After having had a lack of rain, for what amounted to eight months, the weathe… Read More
More Winter Preparation
Visits to the allotment are becoming fewer and when we do head to the plot we spend a shorter time there. Digging is hard work on our soil, especially when the ground is hard as it still is… Read More
Trying To Beat The Weather
It's ironic that we spent the entire growing season bemoaning the fact that we needed rain but now we are in a race to get the allotment ready for winter before the ground becomes too wet to… Read More
September In Pictures.
See moreCopyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments… Read More
Last Planting Of The Year
We didn't do much gardening at the beginning of the week for a number of reasons. One welcome reason is that we have had  a few wet days. A less welcome reason is that I have had a pain… Read More
Digging On Hold
Whilst we have had some rain, we still haven't had enough to penetrate the soil meaning that the beds are still too dry to dig over.We are visiting the allotment less frequently now that the… Read More
Living History
Last week has certainly been a memorable one. We had a new prime minister at the beginning of the week and by the end of the week, we had a new monarch. I just can't get used to having a kin… Read More
August In Pictures.
See more hereCopyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments author S Garrett Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotm… Read More
Safely Gathered In
We are now at the stage where the allotment beds are emptying and our main focus is clearing and tidying beds. We are still waiting for some rain so that we can dig the beds over and then le… Read More
Something New
I'd love to say that the 'something new' was that we had been treated to a real downpour and we were no longer having to carry watering cans about. I'd love to tell you that - but I can't. A… Read More
Rain - What Rain?
Storms are regularly being mentioned in weather forecasts and I read reports of thunderstorms and heavy rain. So far none have headed our way. Still, the most that the weather gods will offe… Read More
A Topsy Turvy Week
We had quite a change of routine last week.Work on the allotment has been confined to watering - lots of watering - and harvesting. A hosepipe ban is planned for the end of the month which c… Read More
Better Than Expected
Well isn't it a difficult year for gardeners and farmers? Any rain that is falling just wets any bare earth as it isn't heavy enough to penetrate any plant top-growth. To deliver moisture to… Read More
We only managed a couple of visits to the allotment last week. We had a couple of appointments and the drizzly rain was enough to make gardening a less attractive proposition.Most mornings w… Read More

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Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments
