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No-Bake Peanut Butter Freezer Cookies

No-Bake Peanut Butter Freezer Cookies

I’m all about quick and simple when it comes to cooking/baking, which you know if you’ve followed me for very long! These cookies fit that category — no-bake, 5 ingredients, and quick and easy to mix up.

I just make a batch, keep them in a bag in the freezer, and then I can just eat one whenever I want!

No-Bake Peanut Butter Freezer Cookies

1 16-oz. jar peanut butter
1 8-oz. package cream cheese
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups regular oats
3/4 cup chocolate chips

Soften the cream cheese (either at room temp or a few seconds in the microwave), then mix it together with the peanut butter. Add the vanilla.

Dump in the oats and chocolate chips, and mix it all up really good. Roll into balls and place on a paper-lined cookie sheet. Smash them flat with a spoon or the bottom of a glass (or even your hand). Place the cookie sheet in the freezer for several hours.

When they’re frozen, take them off the cookie sheet and put them in a bag or container and store them in the freezer. They’re ready to eat whenever you want one!

I’m a “gotta have protein” kind of gal, so these work really well as a snack for me, and it usually only takes one cookie to fix me right up, so I don’t binge on them. Sometimes I eat two and call it breakfast!

You can make them using all-natural no-sugar-added peanut butter, and throw in a little bit of monk fruit sweetener, if you’re really watching sugar. I buy the 3-ingredient chocolate chips as well, so these can be considered a fairly healthy snack! Who doesn’t love a healthy cookie??

This post first appeared on Prairie Moon Quilts, please read the originial post: here

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No-Bake Peanut Butter Freezer Cookies
