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Not Always Junk Jewelry

Not Always Junk Jewelry

I love to purchase jars of junk jewelry from Goodwill.  My price point is $14.99-19.99 for the jar.  However don’t count on one being there in the glass case at the front of the store because they sell almost as fast as they put them out in the case!

When I get a jar, it certainly is entertaining dumping the contents on my worktable and sorting through the “goodies”.  Sometimes there is a keeper in the jar  and this is a collection of last years keepers!

I own several dresses and they are all black!  Since I look pretty good in black I feel good in black….even though it could be a depressing color for some folks.  I haven’t had an occasion to wear these necklaces yet, but looking forward to the day I will.  The thick beaded necklace is very classy and it adds some pizazz to my favorite black dress.  I love the little beaded square necklace it makes me think Cherokee Indian which is in my blood line.

The simple beads on chain are very understated and I really like how long they hang.  The silver necklace looks expensive in person and I couldn’t take it apart for the beads, so why not keep it?

Wouldn’t it be fun to find the folks who purchased these necklaces and discover the outfits that inspired them?  Anyway they are keepers to me!

This post first appeared on Https://, please read the originial post: here

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Not Always Junk Jewelry
